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English Reading An Introduction

English Reading An Introduction. 张 Andy http://www.tronest.cn. OUTLINE. Preface Aims & Requirements Course Plan Teaching Arrangement Performance Assessment. 1. Preface. Extensive Reading vs. Intensive Reading.

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English Reading An Introduction

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  1. English ReadingAn Introduction 张Andy http://www.tronest.cn

  2. OUTLINE • Preface • Aims & Requirements • Course Plan • Teaching Arrangement • Performance Assessment

  3. 1. Preface • Extensive Reading vs. Intensive Reading There are traditionally two complementary approaches to reading, namely extensive and intensive reading. • English Reading vs. Extensive Reading English Reading doesn’t mean extensive reading. Rather, it includes intensive reading as well as extensive reading.

  4. 1. Preface • Extensive Reading vs. Intensive Reading Vs. Purpose Material Base Comp. Star Er Information Widely-ranged Skill General Student Ir Language Well-chosen Text Detailed Teacher

  5. 2. Aims & Requirements • A reading program is to enablestudents to enjoy (or at least feel comfortable with) reading in the foreign language, and to read without helpunfamiliar authentic texts, at appropriate speed, silently and with adequate understanding. 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲(见周记本封底)

  6. 3. Course Plan • 1st term: 趣味阅读 • 认识阅读本质、培养阅读兴趣、训练阅读技巧 • 2ndterm: 热门阅读 • 训练阅读技巧、熟悉文章模式、拓宽知识范围 • 3rd term: 文学阅读 • 了解文学常识、阅读文学经典、增加文学素养 • 4th term: 考试阅读 • 了解阅读题型、备战等级考试、超越等级水平

  7. 4. Teaching Arrangement 第一学期 课堂教学 第二学期 策略技巧讨论 课外阅读交流 课文阅读理解 30分钟左右,理论讲解和问题讨论相结合,培养策略意识和加强阅读理解能力。 30分钟左右,每次安排2-3组同学上台发言交流,并设计和组织相应的课堂活动。 30分钟左右,每次2篇,复述主要内容,回答相关问题,学习语言知识。 师生互动

  8. 4. Teaching Arrangement 调整修改中 第三学期 课堂教学 文学体裁介绍 文学知识分享 课文阅读理解 30分钟左右,介绍文章体裁和文学体裁,如小说、散文、诗歌、戏剧等。 30分钟左右,每次安排2-3组同学上台发言交流,并设计和组织相应的课堂活动。 30分钟左右,每次2篇,复述主要内容,回答相关问题,学习语言知识。 师生互动

  9. 4. Teaching Arrangement 调整修改中 第四学期 课堂教学 专四公六辅导 英语考试介绍 课文阅读理解 30分钟左右,专业四级和大学英语六级阅读理解考试辅导。 30分钟左右,每次安排2-3组同学上台发言交流,并设计和组织相应的课堂活动。 30分钟左右,每次2篇,复述主要内容,回答相关问题,学习语言知识。 师生互动

  10. 4. Arrangement: 1st term 1. Course Introduction 9. W Power & Anecdotes 2. R Nature & Idioms 10. W Memory & Fables 3. R Purposes & Slang 11. W Formation & Festivals 4. R Habits & Proverbs 12. Affixes & The Bible 13. Conjunctions & Tales 5. R Materials & Riddles 6. R Models & Humors 14. W Chains & Myths 7. R Abilities & Quotes 15. S Patterns & Videos 8. R Speed & Songs 16. Reflection & Evaluation

  11. 4. Arrangement: 2nd term 调整修改中 1. Term Introduction 9. Sequential & Internet 2. Text Skills & Gala 10. Spatial & Sport 3. Meaning Guess & Career 11. Compare & Disaster 4. Sense Group & College 12. Advantage & Cartoon 13. Problem & Food 5.Topic Sentence & Love 6. Inference & TV/Movie 14. Cause & Housing 7. Figures & Entertain. 15. Topical & Environment 8. Chronological & Fashion 16. Reflection & Evaluation

  12. 4. Arrangement: 3rd term 调整修改中 文章体裁与文学体裁,文学阅读 A. Course Introduction I. W Power & Anecdotes B. R Nature & Idioms J. W Memory & Fables C. R Purposes & Slang K. W Formation & Festivals D. R Habits & Proverbs L. Conjunctions & Tales M. W Chains & Myths E. R Materials & Riddles F. R Models & Humors N. S Patterns & Videos G. R Abilities & Quotes O. Topic S & Speech H. R Speed & Songs P. Reflection & Evaluation

  13. 4. Arrangement: 4th term 调整修改中 专四公六考试,英语类考试 A. Course Introduction I. W Power & Anecdotes B. R Nature & Idioms J. W Memory & Fables C. R Purposes & Slang K. W Formation & Festivals D. R Habits & Proverbs L. Conjunctions & Tales M. W Chains & Myths E. R Materials & Riddles F. R Models & Humors N. S Patterns & Videos G. R Abilities & Quotes O. Topic S & Speech H. R Speed & Songs P. Reflection & Evaluation

  14. 5. Performance Assessment

  15. 5-I Criteria • Innovative • How is our creativity embodied? • Interactive • Will our classmates be involved? • Interesting • Will our classmates be interested? • Informative • What information can be obtained? • Instructive • Can our classmates be enlightened?

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