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Keeping up with change...

Keeping up with change. Radio trends to look out for... Insights to help us plan better. Ilsa Gr äbe - Carat. Radio lifts my mood. If I hear about something great, a brand, a topic, song whatever I am going to share it, and talk about it!.

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Keeping up with change...

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Keeping up with change... Radio trends to look out for... Insights to help us plan better... Ilsa Gräbe - Carat

  2. Radio lifts my mood... If I hear about something great, a brand, a topic, song whatever I am going to share it, and talk about it! My radio station the eco system (I don’t just listen to you!) "Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I'll understand." I have access to more than ever!

  3. Bought Owned Earned Radio, a non linear eco system... Multi-dimensional, various receptivity touch points, more than the ‘air waves’ An ongoing growing trend that is often under estimated... Exploring the implications on better planning, and also making radio a better sell... We Speak I Engage I See Event My radio station the eco system (I don’t just listen to you!) I Listen I Speak

  4. How does this make you feel?

  5. How did that make you feel? What was it like when it came blaring onto your telly at home? What is your reaction when your radio stations plays it in the morning when you are stuck in traffic?

  6. Radio, the Emotional Multiplier... Radio the Emotional Multiplier – Source: RAB & Sparkler UK So for advertisers, radio represents a unique and powerful opportunity to reach consumers in a positive frame of mind, when they will be more receptive to advertising messages Radio lifts my mood... Consuming media significantly enhances people’s mood, and therefore receptiveness to advertising Radio generates the highest happiness and energy levels, and on more occasions across the week The positive effects of radio editorial lead to increased engagement with radio advertising RADIO IS A POWERFUL EMOTIONAL MULTIPLIER FOR BRANDS

  7. Radio, Content Co-Creation... Consideration “The Digital Native Study”– Source: RAB UK "Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I'll understand." How are you allowing your audience to co-create without loosing production value? Have you identified the best platforms to ensure your brand is not at risk but rather has established an advantage? • Content is KING! • For Stations, For Sales, For Advertisers • Why does audience led content resonate deeply with consumers? • “I get to express myself and the media I consume is a reflection of who I am”

  8. Radio, and the F- Factor... Trendwatching.com : That’s F for the Friends, Fans & Followers who influence consumers’ purchasing decisions in ever-more sophisticated ways. If I hear about something great, a brand, a topic, song whatever I am going to share it, and talk about it! THE F-FACTOR | Consumers are increasingly tapping into their networks of friends, fans, and followers to discover, discuss and purchase goods and services, in ever-more sophisticated ways. As a result, it's never been more important for brands to make sure they too have the F-FACTOR.

  9. Radio, and understanding Media-Multi-Tasking... Source: E-Marketer” “Researchers estimate that 25-30% of total media time is spent multitasking, and the more media a person consumes, the more likely they will consume several channels at once. Why should marketers care? Because multitasking has a profound impact on consumers' ability to absorb and remember ad messages” Radio...Background at times, Captive at other times! The Advantage! I have access to more than ever! Distracted or Connected???

  10. Questions?

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