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Micro-engineered multispectral MRI Contrast Agent

Amr Aly Maggie Cox, Rachel Horenstien Technical Advisor: Xin Zhang, Xiaoning Wang BME Advisor: Mark Grinstaff. Micro-engineered multispectral MRI Contrast Agent. Motivation. Micro-fabrication of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Contrast Agent Particle.

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Micro-engineered multispectral MRI Contrast Agent

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  1. Amr Aly Maggie Cox, Rachel Horenstien Technical Advisor: Xin Zhang, Xiaoning Wang BME Advisor: Mark Grinstaff Micro-engineered multispectral MRI Contrast Agent

  2. Motivation • Micro-fabrication of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Contrast Agent Particle. • Offer new amplified signals that can be captured by a MRI scanner • More dynamic contrast agent • Detect Temperature, pH and the presence of certain enzymes.

  3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) • Magnetic field (B0) is applied along the Z-axis. • Radio frequency (B1) at the Larmour resonant frequency (ω=γB). • Magnetization becomes perpendicular to the Z-axis. • Radio frequency is stopped • Protons’ magnetization relaxes. • T1 & T2 time constants. • Gradient magnets used for spatial encoding. B0=const z y x B1(ω0t)

  4. MRI Advantages & Current Technology • No X-ray exposure, less radiation. • No specific imaging plane such as CT. • Multi view imaging. • Current Contrast Agents: • T1 Altering • Gadolinium • Brightens the image. • T2 Altering • Superparamagnetic (ex iron oxide) • Darkens the image

  5. Specific Aims • Material characterization • Magnetic properties of iron/iron oxide • X-ray Diffraction Analysis • Optimize a fabrication process • Photolithography of mask design • Thin film deposition (e-beam) • Etching of iron/iron oxide & Polyimide • (RIE) • O2 Plasma • Apply the developed fabrication process to the micro-sized particle • Double disk geometry • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) testing and validation

  6. Design & Methods • Double disk Geometry • Photolithography process • Fabrication of Mask • Electron Beam Lithography (e-beam)

  7. Design & Methods cont. • Reactive Ion Etching • Iron/iron oxide etching • O2 Plasma • Polyimide etching • Use O2 radicals to make etching isotropic • MRI Testing & Validation • 11.7 T MRI

  8. Preliminary Results • Mask Design for Photolithography designed in AutoCAD • Fabricated out of Chromium & glass • Squares have different particle densities

  9. Budget & Project Management Budget: Wafer: $20/wafer (4 inches) and $10/wafer (2 inches) will need 25 wafers. Polyimide: $600/bottle (250g), Shelf life is 6 months, will need 1 bottle. Iron pellet: $120/bottle (100g), will need 1 bottle. Iron oxide pellet: $150/bottle (100g), will need 1 bottle. SQUID machine (magnetometer) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): $60/hour Total: $2,200 Project Management Schedule Aim/Task December January February March April May Material Characterization XRD ----------------- SQUID ----------------Fabrication Process Etching (iron/iron oxide) ------------------ Etching (polyimide) -------------------Whole particle fabrication ---------------------------------------------------MRI Validation -----------

  10. Thank you for your time Questions?

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