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Welcome to Biology. Miss. Schwippert 1/23/2014. About me. I am from Buffalo, NY…. Not NYC. 11 hours later. My Family. My Family. Onyx. Interests. Working out Marathon training Triathlon training Being outdoors Animals (preferably Dogs) Reading (favorite Author is Jodi Picoult )
Welcome to Biology Miss. Schwippert 1/23/2014
About me • I am from Buffalo, NY…. Not NYC
My Family My Family Onyx
Interests • Working out • Marathon training • Triathlon training • Being outdoors • Animals (preferably Dogs) • Reading (favorite Author is Jodi Picoult) • Survivor, How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory
Any Questions? • And now the fun stuff…
What about you?! • Tell me how to pronounce your name • Tell me one interesting fact about yourself!
Rules and Expectations • Be Courteous: respect all students/ teachers and conduct your behavior with respect • Listen and follow all directions • Raise your hand and speak one at a time • Keep your hands and material to yourself • Respect all students and material in the room • Be Prepared and Productive: come to class with all materials needed and be ready to work the ENTIRE 90 minutes • Coming unprepared will result in a deduction in your class participation grade (start with a 100% and minus 1/ day unprepared) • Be ready for the Bell-Ringer activity BEFORE the bell rings • Try your best at all times and don’t be afraid to ask questions • Be Responsible: be responsible for all materials/ lab equipment, deadlines, and most importantly- be responsible for your actions
What Will We Cover this Semester? WEEK 1 = Characteristics of Life and Scientific MethodWEEK 2 = Biochemistry (Organic Compounds)WEEK 3-4 = Cells (Organelles, Cellular Transport, Photosynthesis/ Cellular Respiration)WEEK 5-6 = DNA/Cell DivisionWEEK 7-8 = Protein SynthesisWEEK 9 = MIDTERMWEEK 9-11= GeneticsWEEK 12 = Biotechnology and DiseasesWEEK 13 = EvolutionWEEK 14 = Classification, Viruses, Immune ResponseWEEK 15 = Representative Organisms and BehaviorWEEK 16-17 = Ecology and Human Impact on the EnvironmentWEEK 18 = REVIEW for EOC… EOC
Attendance • If you are absent, you are responsible for obtaining the materials from me before or after class. • There will be an absent folder in the classroom with the student’s name on the material they missed. • If a quiz or test was missed, they can come before or after school to make it up. • If the students missed more than 10 days they are required to stay after school for the full 90 minutes to make up class time missed (with an appointment). • If the student does not make up time, the student will receive a failing grade as per CMS attendance policy
Late work • If you are absent, you are responsible for obtaining the materials from me before or after class. • There will be an absent folder with the material you have missed • Make-up work is to be completed within 5 calendar days of your return • Late work • Homework is due at the beginning of class, 10% deduction/ day the assignment is late • 50% will be rewarded for completed work past 5 days
Bathroom Policy • You are allowed 3 bathroom passes per quarter • You may go more than 3 times but you will be given a referral for excessive bathroom use (unless otherwise noted by a doctor and on file with the nurse) • You must have your agenda pass in order to leave the classroom
Cell Phone • There will be no cell phone use in the classroom unless otherwise noted by the teacher. If the student is caught with a cell phone they must hand in the cell phone to me for the remaining of the class or administration will be called. MPHS rules apply
Grades • Tests: Tests will consist of multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, and short essay • Quizzes: Quizzes will be used as an assessment tool throughout the semester. There will be at least one quiz per unit. Pop quizzes may occur without warning. • Labs: A variety of labs will be performed where students are expected to participate and work in groups to complete the assignment and questions. Grades are based on accuracy, participation, and completion. If you miss a lab- you must stay afterschool to complete the lab.
Grades Cont. • Homework- There will be homework that will be expected to be completed before the beginning of class the following day. It may consist of bookwork, internet assignments, and worksheets. (Please talk to me if internet access is an issue) There will also be one required current articlesummary due on WednesdaysEVERY WEEK. • Participation: Participation in this class is very important in this class so I can gage whether or not the student comprehends the material. We will also be doing some group work; it is expected that all group members give equal and 100% of their effort.
How are your grades calculated? CMS Course CalculationGrade Scales Quarter 1 37.5%: (80% class, 20% midterm) A: 92.5- 100 D: 69.5-72.4 Quarter 2 37.5%: (80% class, 20% midterm) B: 84.5-92.4 F: 0-69.5 Final Exam 25% C: 76.5-84.5
Retesting: Students will have an opportunity to complete a project to earn points back if they do poorly on an assignment. • Honors must complete demonstration task/assignment and submit within one week for up to 1/4 of the points back. • Standard may receive up to ½ of their points back
Current Articles • Current Articles: In order to stay current on new advances in science, students will be required to complete a review/ summery on an article or news clip they have read about during the previous week. • The article should be about one page long and should include a brief summary, why is it important to the science field, and how does the article relate to the student (no more than one page will be turned in). • The focus of the article can be related to any science genre or STEM related topic. • The article will be worth 10 points each and the summation throughout the quarter will add up to one test grade per quarter. The articles will be due each Wednesday.
Materials • Materials Needed: 1.5- 2 inch 3-ringed binder one for student work and one for the Butler Notes, lined paper, pencil/ pen • Teacher wish list: Tissues, Paper towels, colored pencils/ pencils, construction and copy paper, gift cards for lab material
Remind 101 • TAKE OUT YOUR PHONES! Standard: • Enter this number(919) 261-6223 • @2014bi • Enter this number(919) 261-6223 • @2014honors
Extra Help • I am available for help on Monday and Thursdays after school form 230 to 330…. • let me know one day in advance so I can plan accordingly • Other arrangements can also be made • PLEASE do not be afraid to ASK QUESTIONS!