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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Explore the marks of true worship and discover how to develop a deep craving for God. Understand the sinfulness of human nature and the quest for cleansing from sin. Embrace a God-centered life and experience worship that pleases God.

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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. The Marks of True Worship –Individual Fear of God Confession of Sin Faith in God Confidence in prayer The Fruit of Righteousness

  3. The Marks of True Worship –Individual Verbal Praise Content Hearts Suffering without Complaint A Clear Witness

  4. The Marks of True Worship - Congregational God is Glorified Believers are Purified The Church is Edified The Lost are Evangelized

  5. Worship That Pleases God, Part 1Selected Scriptures What is necessary for a person to develop true worship of God and be characterized by its marks?

  6. Making God the Priority God must be the first priority in every aspect of life Man’s sin nature resists this and American culture can aggravate the problem Christians are affected by culture which is why we must work to resist it - Romans 12:1-2; 2 Cor. 10:5

  7. Making God the Priority People naturally want to decide what is best for themselves while building their own kingdom People naturally want to be accepted as they are by others while demanding others change because it is best Each of us needs a Savior to free us from sin, God to tell us what to do, and the Holy Spirit to empower

  8. The Need for God God does not need us for anything, but we desperately need Him for everything Our craving for God should be intense - Psalm 41:1-2 The craving for God starts with recognizing He is the creator and you are His creature

  9. Chasing After the Wind People search for meaning in life, but if it is not in God, it will be vanity of vanities - Ecclesiastes 1:2 Ecclesiastes 1:17 - answers the philosopher Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 - answers the hedonist Ecclesiastes 1:11 - answers those seeking fame

  10. Chasing After the Wind Ecclesiastes 5:10 - answers the materialist Ecclesiastes 2:18-19; 4:15 - answers those seeking power Apart from God there is no meaning and purpose to life What significance is there for those who believe they are a momentary chemical reaction of space dust?

  11. The Sinfulness of Human Nature A man centered gospel produces a superficial and generic view of sin All humans sin as a class and as individuals - Romans 5:12; Isaiah 53:6 Romans 3:10-12 / Psalm 14:3 - No human is righteous or seeks God on their own

  12. The Sinfulness of Human Nature Man seeks out man and performs the work of redemption in Christ offering salvation through faith in Him A shallow view of sin results in little desire for God. A serious view of sin results in a great desire for God A proper understanding of God and of personal sinfulness results in a deep craving for God & cleansing

  13. The Craving for God and Quest to Be Cleansed from Sin Psalm 51 Verses 1-2 - A plea for graciousness and compassion Verses 3-6 - The depth of confession Verses 7-9 - The request for cleansing Verses 10-12 - The request for restoration

  14. The Craving for God and Quest to Be Cleansed from Sin Psalm 51 The craving for God results in a life centered on God that seeks His will True worship occurs in spirit as an aspect of who you are, not in ritual separated from the rest of life “. . . to worship Him as we ought is to become what we ought ” - Ben Patterson

  15. A God Centered Life There is no dichotomy between secular and sacred: Food - 1 Tim. 4:4-5; Work - Col. 3:23-24; Thought - 2 Cor. 2:23-24, Phil. 4:8 Every activity of life from the mundane to the extraordinary is to be done as an aspect of worshiping God

  16. A God Centered Life The Bible does make a dichotomy between worldliness and godliness - 1 John 2:15-17; Romans 12:1-2 The worship that pleases God the most is living your life at all times for His honor and glory

  17. Worship in a God Centered Life A true worshiper praises and adores God being amazed, in awe and marveling at His being, work and love Worship is also expressed in a godly manner of life that is obedient to Him Your worship of the Lord is most pleasing when people look at you and see Jesus Christ living through you

  18. Worship that pleases God lives and does all for His glory - 1 Corinthians 10:31

  19. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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