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Effectively Managing Email. Effectively Managing Email. Start changing the way you use email now. Deal with your email as soon as you receive it. Reduce frivolous emails. 20 unnecessary emails per day will cost the diocese $208,333.33 annually in time and lost productivity alone.
Effectively Managing Email • Start changing the way you use email now. • Deal with your email as soon as you receive it. • Reduce frivolous emails. • 20 unnecessary emails per day will cost the diocese $208,333.33 annually in time and lost productivity alone. • We are not talking about spam emails here. We are talking about emails we receive from various sources which are not essential to the ministry we are in. • This cost estimate does not account for bandwidth cost, storage cost and stress related to dealing with high volumes of emails. • Don’t use “Reply to All” unnecessarily.
Effectively Managing Email • Think prior to sending an email. Ask the following questions. • Is this email important to the mission of the diocese and to the parishes? • Is email the right medium to communicate this message? Would a phone call, personal conversation or regular letter be more effective? • Who needs to be included in the distribution list? • Include only those people who require the information. • These tips will cut down on the volume of emails sent and received and will improve your productivity.
Effectively Managing Email • Use the Blind Copy Function • When emailing a group of people who are not staff of the Diocese, consider using the BCC (blind copy) field rather than to To or CC field. • When you use the CC field, everyone can see everyone else's email address. • When you use the BCC function, each person will only see their own email address on your message and the other email addresses will be kept private.
Effectively Managing Email • You can display the Bcc box in all new messages that you compose. • Open a new message and do one of the following: • If Microsoft Word is your e-mail editor • Click the arrow to the right of the Options button, and then click Bcc. • If Microsoft Outlook is your e-mail editor • On the View menu, click Bcc Field
Effectively Managing Email • Please read the Diocese of London Email Retention Policy. • This policy can be found at www.iss.rcec.london.on.ca/emailretention.pdf • This policy applies to all email hosted on our diocesan email server • All email over 120 days old will be deleted • All email in your Deleted Items Folders will be deleted after 30 days • Deleted email can not be retrieved
Effectively Managing Email Storing Emails Outside the Email System
Effectively Managing Email What is Stored on the Email Server Everything listed under Mailbox is stored in the email system. Everything shown with is stored outside the email system.
Effectively Managing Email Tips on Storing Emails • Converting Emails Into PDF Documents • Creating Personal Email Folders • Archiving Emails
Effectively Managing Email What are PDF Files • PDF files are an electronic copy of a printout. • You can decide where you will store a PDF file.
Effectively Managing Email How to Create a PDF File • You must have a software program on your computer to create PDF files. • If you do not have this software, contact Needs Support at http://www.iss.rcec.london.on.ca/SupportRequest.php • If you are on the DioNet, the PDF software is already available on the system.
Effectively Managing Email How to Create a PDF File • Your PDF creator software is a type of printer. As such, the PDF creator software is invoked through the File menu, Print command, from any program you are using. ◦ In the Print dialogue box, click on the Name drop down list to display a list of printers. ◦ In the list of printers you will see the PDF creator software. ◦ Select the PDF creator software and click OK
Effectively Managing Email Saving a PDF File • Your PDF creator software will prompt you to select a location to store the newly created PDF document. • Follow the recommendations of your parish priest or office manager as to where permanent records should be stored. • It is your responsibility to ensure that files stored locally are backed up.
Effectively Managing Email Creating Email Folders • You can create folders on your Inbox and give them personalized names. • For example: if you are working on a project you can create a “project” folder and move all emails related to this project to the “project” folder.
How to Create Email Folders On the File menu, point to New, and then click Folder. In the Name box, enter a name for the folder. In the “Select where to place the folder” list, click the location for thefolder. Effectively Managing Email
Effectively Managing Email How to Archive Email • Archiving creates a copy of your emails in a location that you specify. • You can manually archive certain folders • If you are working on a project that will go on past the email retention period of 120 days, you may want to create a special email folder for this project and manually archive it on a periodic basis.
Manually Archiving Email Click the folder that you want to archive. In this procedure, the folder being archived is Web Portal Project. On the File menu, click Archive. Click “Archive this folder and all the subfolders” This allows you to archive the Web Portal Project folder using the options available in the Archive dialog box. Effectively Managing Email
In the “Archive items older than” list, choose a date from the date picker. In this example, items in the folder created before June 23, 2009 are archived. Click Browse. Choose a location for your Archive and enter a file name, such as Web Portal Project Archive.pst. Click OK. Effectively Managing Email
Locating Your Archive Folder On the Go menu, click Folder. In the Go to Folder dialogue box, under Archive Folder, click on the archive folder you wish to open. Click OK The emails in the archive folder will be displayed. Effectively Managing Email
Effectively Managing Email Additional Resources • There are several good online courses on the Microsoft website. Managing Your OutLook Inbox http://office.microsoft.com/training/training.aspx?AssetID=RC011156011033 • Email Etiquette at www.iss.rcec.london.on.ca/emailetiquette.pdf
Effectively Managing Email Additional Resources • Visit our web site for more information at • www.iss.rcec.london.on.ca/emailretention.html