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1/3. 81是何嬰孩What Child Is This?. 是何嬰孩躺臥安睡,在馬利亞胸懷內? 牧人正在看守群羊,天使歌唱是為誰? What Child is this who, laid to rest On Mary’s lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, While shepherds watch are keeping?. Chr. 81是何嬰孩What Child Is This?. 祂是基督我王,天使歌唱,牧人歡慶: 快來向祂頌揚,救主,基督,至聖嬰。
1/3 81是何嬰孩What Child Is This? 是何嬰孩躺臥安睡,在馬利亞胸懷內?牧人正在看守群羊,天使歌唱是為誰? What Child is this who, laid to restOn Mary’s lap is sleeping?Whom angels greet with anthems sweet,While shepherds watch are keeping?
Chr 81是何嬰孩What Child Is This? 祂是基督我王,天使歌唱,牧人歡慶:快來向祂頌揚,救主,基督,至聖嬰。 This, this is Christ the King,Whom shepherds guard and angels sing;Haste, haste, to bring Him laud,The Babe, the Son of Mary.
2/3 81是何嬰孩What Child Is This? 為何祂在卑賤地方,牛羊驢馬之身旁?好基督徒衷心思量,主為罪人得釋放。 Why lies He in such mean estate,Where ox and ass are feeding?Good Christians, fear, for sinners hereThe silent Word is pleading.
Chr 81是何嬰孩What Child Is This? 祂是基督我王,天使歌唱,牧人歡慶:快來向祂頌揚,救主,基督,至聖嬰。 This, this is Christ the King,Whom shepherds guard and angels sing;Haste, haste, to bring Him laud,The Babe, the Son of Mary.
3/3 81是何嬰孩What Child Is This? 奉獻黃金乳香沒藥,萬民承認祂為王;萬王之王恩賜救贖,心靈當尊祂為王。 So bring Him incense, gold and myrrh,Come peasant, king to own Him;The King of kings salvation brings,Let loving hearts enthrone Him.
Chr 81是何嬰孩What Child Is This? 祂是基督我王,天使歌唱,牧人歡慶:快來向祂頌揚,救主,基督,至聖嬰。 This, this is Christ the King,Whom shepherds guard and angels sing;Haste, haste, to bring Him laud,The Babe, the Son of Mary.