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Tritech Positioning & RAMS™ USBL, MRU, INS & Integrity Monitoring

Tritech Positioning & RAMS™ USBL, MRU, INS & Integrity Monitoring. Motion & Navigation USBL, MRU & INS. USBL : Tritech MicronNav USBL – the MicronNav system is an innovative USBL tracking system designed for small ROV / AUV MRU:

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Tritech Positioning & RAMS™ USBL, MRU, INS & Integrity Monitoring

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  1. Tritech Positioning & RAMS™USBL, MRU, INS & Integrity Monitoring

  2. Motion & Navigation USBL, MRU & INS • USBL: • Tritech MicronNav USBL – the MicronNav system is an innovative USBL tracking system designed for small ROV / AUV • MRU: • iGC– (Intelligent Gyro Compass) heading sensor and motion reference unit (MRU) for numerous ROV and AUV applications • iFG– (Intelligent Fibre-Optic Gyro) provides additional heading stability when combined with the Tritech iGC • INS: • Andante Micron Inertial Navigation System (INS) – has been developed to allow small subsea vehicles the ability to obtain previously unattainable position stability and has been designed to work seamlessly with Tritech’s MicronNavUSBL system Outstanding Performance in Underwater Technology

  3. Positioning Tritech MicronNav USBL System

  4. Positioning Tritech MicronNav System

  5. Positioning Tritech MicronNav System

  6. Positioning Tritech MicronNav System

  7. Positioning Tritech MicronNav System

  8. Positioning Tritech MicronNav System

  9. Positioning Tritech MicronNav System

  10. The Solution? Tritech Andante Micron INS

  11. The solution? Andante Micron INS

  12. The Solution? Andante Micron INS

  13. Internal Navigation Tritech Andante Micron INS

  14. Internal Navigation Andante Micron INS • The Basics: • MEMS • ‘Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems’ are components that are micro in size and provide a range of movement measurements; providing acceleration and rotational inertial measurements • Magnetic or FOG or RLG • The accuracy of the INS system improves with the quality of the heading sensor • Magnetic sensors are not suitable for use where operations are within a steel environment for extended periods • North Seeking or Not-North Seeking? • Survey requirements will require North Seeking however a relative solution may be more than adequate

  15. Internal Navigation Andante Micron INS • ANDANTE: • Tritech Friendly Installation • Integrates seamlessly over one Tritech communication channel • Seamless integration with Tritech MicronNav and other Tritech sensors

  16. Internal Navigation Andante Micron INS • ANDANTE: • Enhanced Position Stability • Spikes in USBL data are taken out automatically allowing for use in extreme environments ANDANTE

  17. Internal Navigation Andante Micron INS

  18. Internal Navigation Andante Micron INS • ANDANTE: • Mission Planning • GUI supplied with system allows waypoint entry and tracking of ROV

  19. Internal Navigation Andante Micron INS • Andante: • ROV Control • System can be configured for automatic control of ROV

  20. Internal Navigation Andante Micron INS • Andante: • ROV Control

  21. Internal Navigation Andante Micron INS • Andante: • ROV Control

  22. Internal Navigation Andante Micron INS

  23. Internal Navigation Andante Micron INS • Beyond Andante: • Proven capability • Over 200 integrated systems already in use • Micro ROV, WROV & AUV • 6000m systems and FOG based IMU

  24. Motion Reference Unit (MRU)Tritech iGC and iFG

  25. Tritech iGC and iFG MRU • iGC: • Proven capability • The Intelligent Gyro Compass (iGC) provides essential movement data not available from widely used magnetically slaved gyro and flux gate compasses • iFG: • Additional heading stability • An on-board processor manages the gyro sensor interface, mode selection, power supplies and water ingress sensing (for use if the iFG is mounted inside its own pod).

  26. RAMS™ Asset Integrity Management: Outstanding Performance in Underwater Technology

  27. Contact Details

  28. Tritech Contact us for more information about any of our products: Tritech North America 1323 Price Plaza Drive Katy Texas 77449 United States of America t: +1 281-398-3310 e: sales-usa@tritech.co.uk w: www.tritech.co.uk Outstanding Performance in Underwater Technology

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