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Early Learning Center S*T*A*R*S

Early Learning Center S*T*A*R*S. School-wide Positive Behavior Support Program Presented by : Bridget Bergeron Nikki Viator Session 21A 9:30 am Session 21B 12:45. Our School Demographics. ~ 275-300 PK and K students ~ 85 % Free and Reduced lunch status

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Early Learning Center S*T*A*R*S

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  1. Early Learning Center S*T*A*R*S School-wide Positive Behavior Support Program Presented by : Bridget Bergeron Nikki Viator Session 21A 9:30 am Session 21B 12:45

  2. Our School Demographics • ~ 275-300 PK and K students • ~ 85 % Free and Reduced lunch status • ~ 75% Black and 25% White, less than 1% Asian • Highly transient population

  3. What is our goal? • Research proven results: Students taught specific behavior skills, and receive informativeand positive feedback and reinforcement. • School environments and procedures that are positive,proactive, preventative & predictable. • Behavior supports include primary (80%), secondary (~15%), and tertiary (~6%) systems.

  4. PBS is… • A broad range of strategies aimed at teaching important social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behaviors. • A focus on adult behavior as well as student behavior. • For ALL students; not a particular group of students.

  5. Keys to Success • Focuses on ADULT behavior school-wide. • Teacher-Student interaction: *High rate of positive interactions and reinforcements *Teach and re-teach expectations and social skills *Active supervision (both in and out of the classroom) *Redirection for minor behavior errors *Frequent pre-corrections for chronic errors

  6. Levels of PBS • School-wide- Procedures and processes intended for all students and staff in specific settings and across campus. Reinforced by ALL staff. • Classroom- Lesson Plans and procedures that reflect school-wide expectations for student behavior with preplanned strategies. Taught by classroom teacher. • Target Group- Procedures designed to address behavioral issues of students with similar behavior problems. Programs for struggling students. • Individual Student- Procedures and team-based strategies to address problem behaviors of individual students. Strategic interventions and supports.

  7. Juvenile Justice Reform Act (1225) • States that good behavior and discipline of students are essential prerequisites to academic learning, the development of student character, and the general, as well as educational, socialization of children. • Subpart C-1: BESE formulated and approved a plan which includes positive behavior supports and other effective disciplinary tools. • This mandate is part of each school’s Discipline Master Plan.

  8. Elements of School-wide PBS • Establish team/faculty buy-in. • Data-based decision-making. • Specific discipline referral process/forms. • Establish SCHOOL-WIDE rules. • Define classroom managed (Minor) vs Office managed (Major) behaviors. • Develop lesson plans to teach expectations and procedures both in classroom and around school grounds. • Create a reward/incentive program. • Define consequences and procedures for dealing with behavior infractions. • Continuously evaluate, modify, and monitor.

  9. Key Points: • Teaming and Faculty Input are critical • Define behaviors: Minor vs Major • Referral Process: Flow chart with steps and written procedures (posted in classrooms) • Plan for clear consequences for rule violations • Lesson Plans for teaching Expectations • Plan a hierarchy of positive reinforcements for both in the classroom and school-wide

  10. ELC STARS PBS Plan • Discipline team members selected and attended PBS in-service. • Skeleton plan developed by team. • Mandatory faculty in-service held. ***100% faculty buy-in !!! • All faculty members collaborated to finalize the discipline plan. • Team members were assigned specific components (Book of Products). • The plan was implemented school-wide on the first day of school.

  11. Early Learning Center Positive Behavior Support Discipline Plan School-wide Expected Behaviors: Three B’s: *Be Responsible *Be Respectful *Be Safe • Problem Solve with Student: • **Immediately correct problem behaviors** • Redirect and prompt student toward expected behavior • Name the problem behavior • State the school-wide expected behavior (STARS). • Model expected behavior • Ask student to demonstrate behavior • Provide acknowledgement • If administering a consequence, follow established procedures (ex: apology, cool-off, etc.)

  12. Minor Behaviors:Possible Interventions: • Inappropriate/abusive language, Counseling & verbal reprimand • profanity (not towards others) Parental contact (mandatory) • Defiance, disrespect, Detention (recess in class, lunch, etc.) non-compliance Special work assignment • Harassment, teasing Withdrawal of privileges • Property damage Behavior contract • Lying, cheating, stealing Family support referral • Disruption Guidance referral • Break rules (repeatedly) • *Depending on severity and Intent: Inappropriate touch *After 3 classroom intervention Physical aggression incidents, teacher completes a Fighting Minor referral form Threats *Chronic Minors may become Majors* Levels: 1st minor- parent contact 2nd- parent conference 3rd- meeting w/ administration 4th minor becomes a Major per grading period

  13. Major Infractions:Possible Interventions: • Inappropriate/abusive language/ Office referral • Profanity (directed toward others) **(mandatory) • Physical aggression toward another Parent contact student or teacher **(mandatory) • Inappropriate touch Due Process • Fighting **(mandatory) • Threats • Repeated minor infractions All other interventions • Weapons at the discretion of the • Drugs/tobacco principal, and following Parish guidelines. *4th minor infraction per grading period becomes a Major **Behavior plan mandatory after 2nd Major with documentation, and revisions as needed.

  14. Infractions • Minor Infractions: (use infraction form) 1st- parent contact/phone call/note home, remember to document. 2nd- parent conference with teacher, use conference report 3rd- Family Support meeting. 4th- per grading period becomes a major infraction, see below. • Major Infraction: (use state referral form) 1st office visit, conference with principal, state form must filled out. Consequences will be determined by principal and teacher. 2nd major: Mandatory Behavior Plan w/ interventions. ***Reminder: Please remember to Problem-solve (steps 1-7) with student and follow interventions listed on infraction form, ex: time-out, seating change, parent contact, re-teach expectation, verbal warning, etc.

  15. Discipline Flow-Chart Procedures for Dealing with Problem Behaviors • Observe the Problem Behavior. • Problem Solve with Student(s) (1-7). • Determine if behavior is minor or major. • If in doubt: When learning or teaching can no longer take place, it is probably a major infraction. • If NO, follow intervention procedure (see plan). • If YES, notify administrator (due process procedures). • Follow up procedures.

  16. Teachers and staff are updated on procedures at the beginning of each school year and at mid-term. • The students are taught school-wide procedures and rules at the beginning of the year. They are reviewed each 9 weeks. Taught and reinforced daily. • There are five rules – SCHOOLWIDE!!! • Teachers send home a daily conduct sheet to inform parents of each child’s behavior. • Pocket chart

  17. Recess Referrals Procedures: Recess duty personnel follow procedures for handling students who do not follow recess rules. 1st- warning, problem-solve. 2nd- time-out. 3rd- second time-out and character recess referral. *Severe infractions are dealt with immediately and may go to office. Character Recess: -A teacher is assigned as Character recess duty person. -This person provides social skills instruction and re-teaches expectations and procedures to students who are referred. -This instruction is provided during their regular recess time. 1st referral- student conference and re-teaching of expectations. 2nd- note home 3rd-phone call to parent 4th-minor infraction/parent conference.

  18. Incentives • Daily- Happy tickets,stickers, verbal praise, hugs, treats, etc. • Weekly- Student of the Week (star student), treasure chest, treat, homework pass, etc. Shop in PBS Store on fridays. • Monthly- Student of the month (certificate, t-shirt, shop in PBS store, pizza party), school-wide incentive (criteria). • Year-end- Class ceremonies (individual recognition) • Teacher Incentives: Shining Stars (parking spot), free dress for perfect attendance, treats in lounge.

  19. School-wide Support Programs that support our discipline program: • Family Support Committee: meets with family to problem-solve and formulate a plan to help the student to be successful at school. • School Building Level Committee (SBLC): Identifies interventions and supports for students who require a more intensive plan to support their success at school. Request support from Special Services behavior Interventionist if necessary. • Early Intervention Program: Coordinated effort between the school system and the District Attorney’s office to assist students and families in crisis situations, or who show signs that cause concern. • School-based Health Centers: School-based program that provides counseling and health services to school aged children. • ECSS- Early Childhood Supports and Services: Mental health intervention program for families of children 0-6 years old who may need counseling or other interventions and assistance.

  20. Family and Community • Open House: Explain PBS to parents • Newsletters and publications • Family Nights: Guest speakers from community with whom parents can identify (ex: church and community groups). • Fun Fests: Parent volunteerism • Newspaper: Publish pictures of PBS student activities • Businesses: Provide support for PBS

  21. Team Meetings • Team meetings are held monthly. • Share success stories. • Review data for decision-making. • Determine monthly incentive. • Discuss classroom level problems and school-wide concerns • Discuss possible solutions.

  22. Evaluation • Teacher Surveys • Parent Surveys • Student Surveys • District SET evaluation and BOQs • Action Plan

  23. In Summary: The Process for PBS includes… • A committed team. • Positively stated behavior expectations/rules. • Plans for teaching expectations and procedures. • Procedures for encouraging expected behaviors • Procedures for discouraging violation of expectations/rules. • Method for collecting and analyzing data. • Plan for monitoring implementation and effectiveness.

  24. School Performance Scores: 2004-05 school year- 70.3 % 2005-06 school year- 72.5 % 2006-07 school year- 80.4% 2007-08 school year- 85.6% % Reading On K Grade Level at end of School year: 2005-06 school year- 62 % 2006-07 school year- 76 % 2007-08 school year- 80 %

  25. Please complete evauations Presented by : Bridget Bergeron Nikki Viator Session 21A 9:30 am Session 21B 12:45

  26. Comments! and Questions? bridget_bergeron@stmartin.k12.la.us nikki_viator@stmartin.k12.la.us

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