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Introduction Break out sessions

Join EGNRS to discuss harmonizing environmental monitoring programs. Explore differences, identify priorities, and propose best practices for consistent results and effective sharing. Share views on media, radionuclides, and next steps towards harmonization.

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Introduction Break out sessions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction Break out sessions

  2. EGNRS and Environmental monitoring EGNRS has decided to explore the possibility and feasibility of establishing a “regional” environmental monitoring programme on the basis of the already existing national and multilateral programmes. EGNRS has conducted a survey of the national programmes in the region. You have a preliminary report in front of you. EGNRS is now through this “Topical day” requesting input from representatives of authorities and experts as to the way forward.

  3. Break out sessions The discussions are conducted in four groups: A External gamma dose rate, air, deposition/precipitation Group leader: Rafal Dabrowski B Marine environment Group leader: Vesa Tanner C Terrestrial environment Group leader: Erich Wirth D Foodstuffs Group leader: Anne Liv Rudjord The group leaders will guide you through the discussions today and will report tomorrow morning as input to a plenary discussion.

  4. Discussions • Within the topic of your group, what are the main differences between the different national and multilateral environmental monitoring programmes that would make it difficult to produce consistent results and effectively share them? • What level of ambition for harmonisation is feasible for • Sampling media • Radionuclides • Physical quantities and units • Target levels (sampling and measurement methods) • Frequency • Geographical density • Communication protocols and data formats • Other issues?

  5. Discussions • Which sampling media and radionuclides are the most important ones to harmonise further? Are there any sampling media or radionuclides that you consider not to be important or feasible to harmonise further? • Do you also see a benefit from identifying and implementing “best practices” with respect to monitoring techniques and analysis methods in the region? • What are your recommendations for the next steps of harmonisation? • What are your priorities, if any? • What kind of process would you recommend for making the results from the different monitoring programmes sufficiently harmonised? Working groups etc? • What are the obstacles we need to avoid?

  6. EGNRS expectations The EGNRS expects you to discuss the issues and come up with views and recommendations on the way forward with: • views on importance and feasibility • recommendations on priorities • recommendations on the process forward Your views and recommendations will be presented for discussions tomorrow morning.

  7. Any questions?

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