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The Age of Absolutism – Ch.17 (1550-1800) I. Spain A. Answer the following: (p.412-415) 1. Describe Charles V rise to power. 2. How was Charles V empire divided? Who got what lands? .
The Age of Absolutism – Ch.17 (1550-1800) • I. Spain • A. Answer the following: (p.412-415) • 1. Describe Charles V rise to power. • 2. How was Charles V empire divided? Who got what lands? Charles V (grandson to Ferdinand and Isabella) was also heir to the Hapsburg Empire that included The Holy Roman Empire and The Netherlands. Charles was faced with ruling very different and diverse kingdoms. After Charles V abdicated his brother Ferdinand became Holy Roman Emperor and his son Phillip became ruler of Spain, the Netherlands, and southern Italy.
3. Why was Phillip UNLIKE most monarchs of • the day? • 4. Define: • a. Absolute monarch: • b. Divine Right: Most monarchs during the Age of Absolutism lived privileged lives of wealth and excess. Most matters of government were left up to their advisors while they recreated. Philip however was a “hands-on” ruler who lived quite modestly. A King and/or Queen with TOTAL power. The authority to rule came directly from God. This theory was the basis for absolute monarchies during this time period.
5. Summarize the story of the Spanish Armada (p.414) During the 1500’s (a direct result of the Reformation) England and Spain became arch enemies. As Spain enjoyed an endless stream of wealth from the New World England reacted by supporting piracy on the high seas. Philip II saw this as a declaration of war and in 1588 sent an armada to invade England. The unexpected defeat of the Spanish Armada is a turning point in history. From this point onward Spain’s power would decline while England’s would grow.
6. Create a micro-timeline with the following events: a. 1519-1556 b. 1556-1598 c. The Battle of Lepanto d. 1648 e. 1588 f. Spain’s siglo de oro Reign of Charles V Reign of Phillip II 1571 Official recognition of the Netherlands Defeat of the Spanish Armada 1550-1650
II. The French • A. Answer the following: (p.416-420) • 1. During the 1500s what social conflict weakend France? What event served as a symbol of the complete breakdown of order in France? • 2. Explain WHY Cardinal Armand Richelieu is a noted figure in French history. Religious wars between the Huguenots (French protestants) and Catholics tore France apart. The St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre in 1572 showed a complete breakdown of order in France. Louis XIII inherited the throne at the age of 9 and was incapable of controlling the French nobles. Richelieu used his power as Chief Minister to strengthen the power of the French monarchy and was basically the “real” King of France for almost 20 years.
3. DEFINE • a. Edict of Nantes: • b. Treaty of Utrecht: • c. Intendents: • d. Balance of Power: Decreed by Henry IV in 1598 it granted religious toleration to Huguenots and allowed them to fortify their cities. An agreement that Spain and France would never unite (balance of power). Royal officials who exerted the King’s authority in the provinces (counties) of France. The idea that political, economic, and social influence is equally shared among the nations of Europe. Historically, the goal of maintaining a balance of power in Europe has been an ongoing process.
e. Divine Right: • 4. Louis XIV became known as the ______ King. Explain the meaning of this name. • 5. What was the Palace of Versailles? Describe it in DETAIL. Based on the picture and description on p.419, explain how Versailles was different from the • castles of Europe’s Middle Ages? Decreed by Sun Just as the sun stands at the center of the solar system, the Sun King stands at the center of the nation. The new seat of French government.
6. Create a micro-timeline with the following dates • and then research the significant events for each • a. 1610 c. 1643-1715 • b. 1624-1642 d. Revocation of Edict of Nantes
1. Why did Charles V have difficulty ruling Spain? 2. What is significant about the date 1648? 3. What group did the Edict of Nantes favor? 4. Who was “The Sun King”? 5. What was the purpose of the Spanish Armada? 6. Explain divine right theory: Spain under Charles V was very large and diverse as it included Spain, the Netherlands, The Holy Roman Empire, and Spain's possessions in the new world. The Netherlands was recognized as in independent nation. The Huguenots (French protestants) Louis XIV To invade/destroy England Monarchs and their “royal bloodline” were chosen by God to lead and therefore represented God’s will on earth.
V. Russia (p. 431-435) • A. Peter the Great (1689-1725) • 1. Peter the Reformer • a. Studied western _________ himself by traveling to various cities and experiencing a variety of occupations first hand. • b. Using his power he imported western technology, improved __________, simplified the Russian alphabet, and set up academies for mathematics, __________, and ___________. technology education science engineering
2. Peter the Autocrat • a. Brought all Russians under his control including the Russian ________. • b. Describe Peter’s treatment of dissidence as described on p. 432. • c. Created the largest standing ______. • d. As a symbol of his power Peter created a new Russian capital, ___________. Boyars NO MERCY. Palace guards revolt: 1,000 rebels tortured and executed. army St. Petersburg
B. Answer the following questions based on p. 433-435 • 1. Why did Russian rulers seek to expand their territory in the 1700s? • 2. Explain how Poland disappeared as an independent state during the 1700s. WARM WATER PORT. Poland was unable to centralize power and as a result it was partitioned between Russia, Prussia, and Austria.