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Looking Below the Surface – A Profile of the Third Sector in South West Wales. Edrych Dan yr Wyneb – Proffil o Gyfraniad y Trydydd Sector yn Ne Orllewin Cymru. Introduction. Need identified by the RLP Strategy group. Task and finish group formed with CVC membership.
Looking Below the Surface – A Profile of the Third Sector in South West Wales Edrych Dan yr Wyneb – Proffil o Gyfraniad y Trydydd Sector yn Ne Orllewin Cymru
Introduction Need identified by the RLP Strategy group Task and finish group formed with CVC membership Research method developed including a survey exercise Report finalised between the RLP and the CVCs Report ‘Looking Below the Surface’ produced and launched at today’s event Report and recommendations to be presented to RLP Strategy group Action plan to be developed and implemented across the region
Profile of the Third Sector and its activities within South West Wales In total there are 8,689 organisations based within South West Wales WCVA All Wales Database of Voluntary Organisations, April 2012
Profile of the Third Sector and its activities within South West Wales The majority of the organisations (82.3%) surveyed stated that they did work in partnership with the statutory sector. ‘As Dewis endeavour to sustain and extend the scope of our service provision in order to make a difference in the lives of the young single homeless, we readily acknowledge our indebtedness to Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, and also a network of other statutory agencies and voluntary organisations’Dewis
Training and Development Needs for Staff, Volunteers and Trustees The majority of organisations have identified areas where staff, volunteers or trustees/management committee members required training or development ‘Due to our requirements as an organisation we accepted that there needed to be a very clear, comprehensive and accessible training programme in place for all roles to ensure that staff (paid and unpaid) within the organisation are able to participate and develop appropriately’Swansea Neath Port Talbot Citizens Advice Bureau
Training and Development Needs for Staff, Volunteers and Trustees More than half (56%), of the respondents stated that their organisation’s staff at some point had been unable to access appropriate learning opportunities. ‘As ASW is a volunteered led branch many opportunities can be overlooked, or may not be suitable for their needs. The training needs to be of personal value to the members and the travelling to venue is an issue for members’Ataxia South Wales
Delivery of Training by Third Sector Organisations The majority of organisation surveyed stated that they did deliver a training activity. ‘We deliver a range of outdoor activities and training including: Canoeing, sailing, orienteering, surfing and outdoor survival. We run parenting classes and work with disaffected young people who are at risk of committing crime. First aid training and technical courses in all areas of the outdoor adventure activities’Respondent
Recommendations • Recommendation 1 - To ensure that the role and work of the sector within the education, skills and regeneration agenda in South West Wales has a high profile and is viewed as an important asset for the region Recommendation actions 1.1 The RLP via the CVC membership to be a vehicle for the statutory sector, including local authorities and further and higher education institutions, to engage with the third sector in planning and delivery of regeneration, education and skills services. 1.2 The RLP team to undertake an annual audit of the sector within the region and to publish the data on the Regional Learning and Skills Observatory in order to add vital information to existing data covering other sectors. 1.3 Each RLP Annual Event to include a contribution relating to the work of the sector in order to raise its profile and to allow other agencies the opportunity to identify potential partnership arrangements.
Recommendations • Recommendation 2 - To improve the co-ordination and accessibility of information on the funding accessed by the sector Recommendation actions 2.1 All statutory sector organisations to collect and regularly disseminate to up-to-date information about how they are funding third sector organisations.
Recommendations • Recommendation 3 - To recognise the learning and skills needs of the sector’s workforce and ensure access to appropriate training and development Recommendation actions 3.1 All organisations providing training opportunities and funding for learning to open these up to volunteers. 3.2 The RLP team to raise these issues with Welsh Government and Welsh European Funding Office in order to explore where structural barriers can be overcome. 3.3 The RLP to work with the Welsh Sector Skills Council advocate network to ensure that Sector Skills Councils work effectively together to identify the skills needs of the sector. 3.4 Welsh Government, WCVA and Wales Association of County Voluntary Councils to consider how to ensure that the sector in Wales can best be represented within the work and remit of Skills Third Sector or via the establishment of a similar organisation within Wales. 3.5 The RLP strategy group to task the RLP team to work with all partners to audit sector specific provision in the region and identify where gaps exist. 3.6 The RLP Strategy Group to provide a strategic lead to ensure all partners work together to meet the learning needs of the sector’s workforce within the region by establishing collaborative arrangements for the funding and delivery of ‘expert’ provision.
Recommendations • Recommendation 4 - Volunteering provides a valuable opportunity for individuals of all ages to develop practical skills and to participate in their local community, which has a range of mutual benefits Recommendation actions 4.1 To audit available recognition schemes and encourage organisations and institutions across the region to systematically recognise the contribution of volunteers within their organisations. 4.2 CVCs to work with all partners to disseminate and encourage the use of the Investing in Volunteers (IiV) Standard by volunteer involving organisations across the region. 4.3 CVCs and RLP partners to work together to improve the perception and awareness of the contribution of volunteers and, in particular, the role of trustees and to promote recruitment and increased participation. 4.4 The RLP team to explore how institutions across the region use prior experience or learning gained through volunteering or trusteeship in relation to the award of qualifications. This information to be disseminated to the sector and reported to the RLP strategy group in order to identify best practice and any opportunities to formally recognise learning. 4.5 CVCs across the region to work with the sector to identify barriers to effective volunteer and trustee recruitment. 4.6 Welsh Government to report to the RLP any work that it undertakes or could undertake to improve the perceived lack of recognition of volunteering in relation to learning and skills acquisition.
Recommendations • Recommendation 5 - Training providers should strengthen links with third sector organisations and recognise their ability to engage with learners and to directly deliver learning and training opportunities Recommendation actions 5.1 Learning providers in the region to work with the sector to identify needs and barriers when working with specific community members and to learn from the experience of grass roots/specialist third sector groups. 5.2 The RLP strategy group to direct partners to identify ways to support the sector to directly deliver training within the communities they serve. 5.3 RLP members to identify and communicate their commitment to working with the sector to identify opportunities to partner with the higher and further education sectors to deliver learning at all levels to an all-age audience. 5.4 Welsh Government to consider how within its funding systems it might require institutions in receipt of public funding to ‘partner’ with third sector organisations enabling direct delivery of learning opportunities by the sector.
Recommendations • Recommendation 6 - Develop more sustainable funding mechanisms for groups and organisations for longer-term activity Recommendation actions 6.1 Local and national providers of funding to the sector to consider how they might respond to the need for longer term funding for the sector. 6.2 The importance of and role of the sector to be considered locally, regionally and nationally when planning any strategic projects or accessing new or additional funding streams. 6.3 The work of the CVCs to be endorsed and supported in their work supporting the sector to address issues of longer term sustainability and accessing new funding streams/methods.
Existing Good Practice and Future Opportunities • Access • How can we better share and promote learning opportunities? • How can we reach learners in our community? • Recognition • How can we promote participation in the community? e.g. Employee volunteering • How can we recognise volunteering and volunteers within other organisations?
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