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NORHISHAM BIN HJ OMAR Ketua Bidang ICT Sektor Pengurusan Akademik Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Sembilan

TAKLIMAT PROJEK PERKHIDMATAN 1BESTARINET. NORHISHAM BIN HJ OMAR Ketua Bidang ICT Sektor Pengurusan Akademik Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Sembilan. WWW. WWW. Whatever-Whenever- Whereever. Tom March, web based educator, author and instructional designer. Pesekitaran PDP Abad 21.

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NORHISHAM BIN HJ OMAR Ketua Bidang ICT Sektor Pengurusan Akademik Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Sembilan

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  1. TAKLIMAT PROJEK PERKHIDMATAN 1BESTARINET NORHISHAM BIN HJ OMAR KetuaBidangICT SektorPengurusanAkademik JabatanPelajaranNegeri Sembilan

  2. WWW WWW Whatever-Whenever-Whereever Tom March, web based educator, author and instructional designer

  3. Pesekitaran PDP Abad 21

  4. Trends in ICT Education in the USA

  5. Bagaimanakah kita akan mendidik anak-anak abad ke21 yang kini berada di dalam bilik darjah kita? ? ? ?

  6. Lima Aspirasi Sistem Pendidikan Malaysia

  7. Enam Ciri Utama Yang Diperlukan Oleh Setiap Murid Untuk Berupaya bersaing di Peringkat Global

  8. Sebelas Anjakan Untuk Transformasi Sistem 1 2 3 4 5

  9. Sebelas Anjakan Untuk Transformasi Sistem 6 7 8 9 10 11 Menambahkan kandungan atas talian untuk perkongsian amalan terbaik bermula dengan perpustakaan video guru terbaik menyampaikan pengajaran dalam mata pelajaran kritikal pada 2013. Meningkatkan akses Internet dan persekitaran pembelajaran maya melalui 1BestariNet bagi semua 10,000 sekolah menjelang 2013. Memanfaatkan penggunaan ICT bagi pembelajaran jarak jauh dan berasaskan kendiri untuk meningkatkan kapasiti dan pembelajaran lebih khusus.

  10. Hasil awal dalam tempoh 12 bulan akan datang

  11. Anjakan Untuk Transformasi Sistem

  12. YTL Communications SdnBhd • YTL Communications, a subsidiary within the YTL Corporation Bhd, was awarded 4G WIMAX (NSP,NFP,ISP&ASP) license by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to roll out nationwide. • YTL’s WiMAX standard, 802.16e 4G technology (full IP), has the capability to provide ubiquitous, higher speed, quality mobile broadband internet access – ‘Anytime, Anywhere’ and ‘On the Move’. • This is cutting edge technology that has been successfully deployed by other developed countries (USA, Europe, Korea & Japan) and will the first in the country. • We are building a 4G-WiMAX ecosystem, with global partnerships with CISCO, Clearwire, Frog, Oracle, Ericsson, Nokia-Siemens, Samsung etc • Having been appointed by KementerianPelajaran Malaysia to deliver 1Bestarinet Project

  13. 1BestariNet : Pengenalan

  14. 1BestariNet : Pengenalan 1BestariNet merupakanperkhidmatanrangkaian“End To End” (E2E) bagitujuanpengajarandanpembelajaran(P&P) sertapengurusandanpentadbiranbagikesemua 10,000 sekolahdibawahKementerianPelajaran Malaysia.

  15. 1BestariNet : ETP/NKEA • ‘E-Learning’ : Salahsatukomponenutamadidalam Program • TransformasiEkonomi (ETP). • NKEA (CCI) EPP 6 : Projek 1BestariNet adalah platform utamadi • dalamkonsep E-Learning yang dicadangkan. Projek BestariNet NKEA (CCI) EPP6

  16. 1BestariNet : Kronologi

  17. 1BestariNet : FaedahPerlaksanaan 1BestariNet • Equal Access to all MoE schools • Akses internet untukkesemuasekolahdibawahKementerianPelajaran (KPM) • Teacher to focus on what they do best : TEACHING • Mengurangkanbebantugas Guru agar dapatmemberilebihfokuske P&P • Sharing of teaching resources and courseware • Perkongsianbahan P&P yang berkualitidenganlebihberkesandanmenjimatkanuntukseluruhnegara • FREE of CHARGE (FoC) VLE Access • Akses VLE secarapercumauntuksemua Guru & Murid • Direct Engagement • Platform perhubunganterusdaripihakSekolah : Guru : Murid (& Ibubapa)

  18. Access & Connectivity (1BRIS) Schools 1BestariNet : Komponenutama Frog VLE Platfom 1BestariNet enabler Patch Mgmt. Content Filtering Security & Antivirus Internet Access Transformation Program Data Center & Hosting Platform Support Platform Cloud Based Solution / Back-end Support 1BestariNet /VLE Cloud Platform

  19. 1BestariNet : Akses Internet untuk P&P Akses Internet untuk P&P diseluruhkawasansekolah Sebelum : Akses internet terhad Aksesdimana-manadiseluruhkawasansekolahuntuk P&P Penambahbaikkandari servis internet sediaada + VLE (e-learning) platform

  20. 1BestariNet : Akses Internet Di sekolah Each school will be served by 1BRIS (1BestariNet Receiver Integrated System) that connects back to the 1Bestarinet data centre. 1BRIS will provide connectivity access in all common areas of the school using WiMAX or WiFI using a 4G CPE/Dongle. CPE Wi-Fi Common Areas School Compound Admin Office Notebooks using Dongles Cabled LAN Notebooks using Dongles Classrooms 1BRIS • 3 CPE = 3 independent • internet feed CPE CPE Wi-Fi Wi-Fi Computer Lab Cabled Connection Cabled Connection Notebooks using Dongles Library Teachers Room

  21. 1BestariNet : Akses Internet Di sekolah

  22. 1BestariNet : 4G Devices ZOOM DONGLE

  23. 1BestariNet : Monitoring

  24. PersekitaranPembelajaran Maya (FROG VLE) • A proven VLE solution in UK schools • Key Differentiations : • Anywhere & Anytime Learning • Teachers/Students/Parents engagement • Real-time communication • Sharing of contents/teaching resources • Creation of engaging content. • Encourage creativity and innovation in the classroom.

  25. 1BestariNet : PersekitaranPembelajaran Maya (FROG VLE) • Create and share teaching materials more effectively so save time. • Access a larger variety of learning materials for the needs of their pupils. • Access lesson plans from colleagues anywhere. • Talk to the wider world. • Manage timetables, diary, email and discussions. • Receive work from pupils that is easy to manage. • Participate in live discussions and forums with other students and teachers • Access notes, assignments, homework and revision outside normal school hours • Monitor and track individual and group progress.

  26. 1BestariNet : Akses VLE Wireless Access in School Connectivity to Frog VLE Cloud Frog VLE Application Connectivity to INTERNET Teachers and Students using PCs to access From the Internet E.g. Home and community centres Teachers and Students using PCs to access From schools Any Time Any Where Learning

  27. 1BestariNet : FROG VLE Reference (RujukanSekolah) • International : ~75 % schools in United Kingdom, Europe, Hong Kong, Qatar, • Malaysia : • Private Schools : • Alice Smith School & KolejTuankuJaafar

  28. 1BestariNet : FROG VLE Free of Charge (FOC)Access to FROG VLE from anywhere thru Yes4G network, for all Teachers, Students including Parents :- anywhere and from any computer- even while travelling Anywhere access While travelling

  29. Winning Proposition Technology for Smart Education …… like others, we, KPM have a winning proposition Just like a coach telling the team that they need to end the game with the highest score. We can assume they know that already .The question is how to & how do Howhave we strategically plantheuse of technology tocreate a smart education environment within us and around us

  30. 1BestariNet : HelpDesk Details JadualPerlaksanaan : 018-799 8771 BantuanTeknikal : 018-799 8787 moesupport@ytlcomms.my

  31. Untukketeranganlanjut, silalayari : • http://1bestarinet.net/ • http://frogasia.com/

  32. TerimaKasih Q & A

  33. 1BestariNet Receiver Integrated System – 1BRIS (Untukdiluarliputansediaada) 3 options : Monopole Roof-top School water tank

  34. Safety Guideline & Compliance • International Body in defining the EMF Safety Requirement: • ICNIRP • (International Commission for Non-Ionized Radiation Protection) • WHO (World Health Organization) • Malaysian Agencies in defining & regulating Safety Requirement in Malaysia :- • Ministry of Health • Malaysian Communications & Multimedia Commission (MCMC) • Malaysia Nuclear Agency • Standards and Industrial Research Institure of Malaysia (SIRIM) www.rfrad.gov.my

  35. Safety Guideline & Compliance All telecommunication equipment used in Malaysia has to comply to RF EMF & Non-Ionization Safety Requirement of Malaysian Communications & Multimedia Commission (MCMC). The Malaysian Nuclear Agency RF Teston YTL Communications Equipments indicates the below : The averaged levels of wide range frequency from 100kHz – 3GHz were found to vary between 0.02Watts/cm2 and 1.68Watts/cm2 (0.29V/m and 2.47V/m). This correspond to about 0.17% or 595x lower than the MCMC exposure limit for public and 0.03% or 2976x lower than of the exposure limit for workers. The electrical field strengths were well below the exposure limits stipulated by the MCMC and ICNIRP guidelines for workers and members of the public.

  36. 1BestariNet Receiver Integrated System – 1BRIS S.O.P

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