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Overview. Motivation: problems with typical inheritance strategiesIntroduction to TraitsTraits and inheritanceAdditional information. Motivation: Problems with Inheritance. Inheritance Overview. Inheritance is one of the core features of object-oriented languagesProvides a means to share state
1. Traits: Composable Units of Behaviour By: Schärli, Ducasse, Nierstrasz, and Black
Presented by: Mark Hills
January 31, 2005
2. Overview Motivation: problems with typical inheritance strategies
Introduction to Traits
Traits and inheritance
Additional information
3. Motivation: Problems with Inheritance
4. Inheritance Overview Inheritance is one of the core features of object-oriented languages
Provides a means to share state and functionality between classes
Several kinds in use, including
Single inheritance
Interface inheritance
Multiple inheritance
5. Single Inheritance Standard type of inheritance in most languages, including Smalltalk, Java, and C#
Benefit: easier to implement and reason about than most other types of inheritance
Benefit: reuse of behavior and state are both straightforward
6. Single Inheritance Drawback: does not always allow for proper modeling of the problem domain
Drawback: often leads to the copying of code into multiple locations, or to moving code into places it does not logically belong
7. Interface Inheritance Often used in conjunction with languages that provide only single inheritance, such as Java and C#
Can also be used in languages such as C++ (abstract base classes with pure virtual functions)
Drawback: does not allow for reuse
8. Multiple Inheritance Available in some languages, such as C++ and Eiffel
Allows a class to be inherited from anywhere in the class hierarchy
Problem: classes serve two roles
Unit of reuse: would like to reuse anywhere
Generator of instances: need a “home” in the hierarchy
Because of the latter, classes may not actually be the best way to reuse functionality (more on this later)
9. Multiple Inheritance Several well known problems with multiple inheritance
Inheritance conflicts
Two classes provide a member of the same name
A class appears multiple times in the inheritance hierarchy (known as “the diamond problem”, “fork-join inheritance”, or even “the diamond of death”)
State: one copy, or several?
10. Multiple Inheritance Overridden features
Accessing overridden fields and methods is more difficult, can require exact knowledge of where they live
Still no way to access not yet added features from a superclass (generic wrappers) -- although generics fix this in C++
11. Example: Generic Wrappers
12. Mixins Available in languages like Lisp with CLOS
Allow the composition of functionality in a mixin with classes to create new classes
Benefit: Provide a way to separate out pieces of similar functionality
13. Mixins Drawback: Total ordering – composition is linear, with later mixins overriding earlier features with the same names
Drawback: Dispersal of glue code – composition code is spread throughout mixin layers
Drawback: Fragile hierarchies – modifying a mixin can impact other mixins earlier in the chain silently
14. Mixin Example
15. Introduction to Traits
16. Properties of Traits A trait provides a set of methods that implement behavior.
A trait requires a set of methods that serve as parameters for the provided behavior.
Traits do not specify any state variables, and the methods provided by traits never access state variables directly.
Classes and traits can be composed from other traits, but the composition order is irrelevant. Conflicting methods must be explicitly resolved.
17. Properties of Traits Trait composition does not affect the semantics of a class: the meaning of the class is the same as it would be if all of the methods obtained from the trait(s) were defined directly in the class.
Similarly, trait composition does not affect the semantics of a trait: a composite trait is equivalent to a flattened trait containing the same methods.
…from page 3(250)
18. Specifying Traits A trait contains the methods that it provides
It also consists of the methods that it requires – since it does not contain state, is uses accessors provided in the code used to compose the traits with a class
19. Example Traits
20. Using Traits Class = Superclass + State + Traits + Glue
A class provides it’s own state
It also provides “glue”, which is the code that hooks the traits in
Traits can satisfy each other’s requirements for accessors
A class is complete if all of the trait’s requirements are met
21. Composition Classes with traits can be flattened into a model of a class without traits
Methods in traits have the same behavior as they would if they were implemented directly in the class
The composition order is irrelevant; any conflicts must be specifically disambiguated
Methods in traits override superclass methods, and class methods override trait methods
Traits can be combined with other traits; these combinations need not be complete
22. Example of Composition
23. Dealing with Ambiguity There is a conflict when two methods with the same name appear in different traits
A duplicate name can be aliased to another name
Methods can also be excluded from a trait when it is composed
24. More Complex Composition
25. Traits and Inheritance
26. Comparison with Single Inheritance Seen as complimentary
Allows fine grained reuse
Tool support is important, to give both flattened and “trait-aware” views
27. Comparison with Single Inheritance Example from Smalltalk
Refactoring of the collection classes to use traits resulted in 10% fewer methods, 12% less code
Roughly 9% of the methods in the original were implemented “too high” so as to allow for reuse
48 traits, 567 methods all in all
Some classes used up to 22 traits
28. Comparison with Multiple Inheritance No conflicting state
Names can still conflict – need to use aliases to resolve, and have a limited form of the diamond problem
Aliases maintain “flattening”, since aliases appear as normal methods
Traits can have a type of conflict (accessor name conflicts) that multiple inheritance does not
Generic wrappers can be more easily specified
29. Comparison with Mixins Ordering of trait composition is irrelevant
If ordering is desired, subclasses can be formed to create partial orders
Glue code is always present in the combining entity, and is not dispersed through intermediates
(Their opinion) Traits are less fragile, since you don’t tend to get “ripple effects” with changes
30. Additional Information
31. Research in Traits Plan to introduce Traits into Java
Will be somewhat different than Smalltalk version, since static typing may constrain what can be done
Will need to compile traits into standard Java code and build tool support
Work starting this semester
32. Related Papers Traits: Composable Units of Behaviourhttp://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Archive/Papers/Scha03aTraits.pdf
Traits: The Formal Modelhttp://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Archive/Papers/Scha02cTraitsModel.pdf
33. Related Papers Applying traits to the Smalltalk collection classeshttp://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=949305.949311
Statically typed traits (Kathleen Fisher, John Reppy)http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/research/publications/techreports/TR-2003-13
34. Their future plans Continue research into the use of traits
Extend tool support (right now it is spotty)
Extend to other languages (statically typed languages such as Java, especially)