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Lessons on Leadership: what’s new and what’s true?

Explore key leadership insights presented at the AASA National Education Conference, focusing on accountability, evaluation systems, and effective education practices.

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Lessons on Leadership: what’s new and what’s true?

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  1. Lessons on Leadership: what’s new and what’s true? Presented to the AASA National Education Conference February 18, 2012 By Tim Waters, Ed.D. Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning

  2. McREL’s mission Making a difference in the quality of education & learning for all through excellence in applied research, product development, & service. www.mcrel.org

  3. The Waters “Top Ten” list of What’s New and What’s True

  4. What’s New? 6. NCLB waivers, state accountability models – AND – what the public wants from their leaders and systems in the name of accountability (See the Kettering Foundation’s Don’t Count Us Outreport) 7. The unintended negative consequences of current decisions about new state or district teacher and principal evaluation systems will surface in the next two years 8. McKinsey and Company’s report on the “journey” toward excellence (this really isn’t new but it’s really good) 9. The Network for Innovative Education for leaders of high performing school districts 10. McREL’s What Matters Most survey at https://survey.changetheodds.org/

  5. What’s True? 1. The need for a “Michelle Obama” approach to accountability (quality process = quality outcomes) 2. The need for a clear theory of about teacher and principal evaluation and a systems approach (download or pick up McREL’s 9 Questions About Personnel Evaluation Systems) 3. Excellent education/learning systems strike the right balance between direction and support; simultaneous SOPs – AND – distributed improvisation (McKinsey & Company) 4. Higher reliability education systems are only possible when school districts are the unit of change 5. McREL’s BalancedLeadership PD program actually changes the behaviors of principals and teachers

  6. Visit the McREL Web site www.mcrel.org E-mail Tim Waters at: twaters@mcrel.org For more information

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