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Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT). DCIT En Route Services Survey Results A Review 5/8/2013.
Data Communications Implementation Team (DCIT) DCIT En Route Services Survey Results A Review 5/8/2013
2012 DCIT Domestic Enroute Trials SurveyCONTACT INFORMATION:Name: Click here to enter text.Organization You Represent: Click here to enter text.Organization Type Choose an item.Telephone: Click here to enter text.Email: Click here to enter text.Participation Letter on File: Yes ☐ No ☐ 2012 DCIT Domestic Enroute Trials Survey_Combined.docx
Additional Comments: COA Continental would like to thank the Data Comm Implementation Team for continuing to consider ways to leverage existing technology (FANS 1/A+) in a way that would provide maximum benefit to operators. As requested at the May 2011 DCIT meeting, Continental Airlines would like to provide the following Benefit / Ranking of Data Comm En Route Services. Continental believes that maximum economic incentive for airlines to equip and utilize FANS 1/A+ could be achieved in the ability to recover from irregular ops and maintain schedule integrity. The ability to receive timely En Route re-routes and TFM initiatives would help ensure maximum utilization of the NAS. We understand that capabilities that would reduce frequency congestion, controller / pilot workload, and errors are beneficial and essential to NextGen initiatives. However, direct benefits from these capabilities are not easily identifiable and therefore are ranked with a lower priority. Continental is concerned that certain capabilities may be the hard to achieve in the short term. Capabilities such as a “Go Button”, automated advisory messages tied to a certain route, and Initial Tailored Arrivals may require automation (ERAM) or procedure development that may not be possible in the near future. We would be interested in learning what the FAA feels would be a realistic time frame needed to implement each of the proposed En Route services.
Additional Comments: UPS Does your organization have any concerns regarding the planned time frame for the rollout of Data Communications En Route services? No, UPS is planning to have this in place prior to the planned timeframe. Can DCIT provide additional information to help you brief your management team on the services and benefits offered by the NextGen Data Communications program? UPS would be interested in receiving additional information that would explain the business case and benefits offered by the NextGen Data Communications Program.
Additional Comments: UAL United Airlines believes it is important for the future, ATN driven, NAS to be capable of conducting robust Trajectory Based Operations (TBO). To make that possible the aviation community needs to build on the TBO capabilities enabled by FANS-1/A and FAN-1/A+. Specifically the industry needs to extend the concepts of Dynamic Airborne Reroute Procedures (DARP) and Tailored Arrivals into domestic airspace. These robust TBO capabilities would allow operators that have invested in FANS equipment to maximize the value of their investment. The economic incentives for conducting Tailored Arrival operations are well documented. Exercising the use of Data-Linked arrivals, departures and other TFM initiated TBO in the near term will allow flight crews and controllers to build their expertise in conducting such operations. The other routine DataComm operations such as “Transfer of Communications”, Initial Check-In, Altimeter Settings etc. all maximize their benefit to the aviation community by having larger numbers of equipped aircraft participate in DataComm operations. These routine DataComm capabilities come part and parcel with the installation of FANS-1/A+. While these collective efforts are expected to bring substantial savings to the aviation community it is difficult to justify the cost of installing FANS equipment against the collective efforts of competitive operators. Conversely it is easier to develop a business case for installing FANS equipment when the economic incentives of Data-Linked arrivals, departures and other TFM initiated TBO are considered. These are the reasons United Airlines has chosen the “GO Button”, Tailored Arrivals and Routes as the top three En Route services the DCIT should pursue. As the requirements for a fully functional ATN is being developed under SC-214 many of the benefits of TBO can be captured using FANS equipment today. United Airlines is concerned that much of the effort to convert DataComm driven NAS will used to automate the current operational environment and that not enough effort will be spent enabling the dynamic routing capabilities of Trajectory Based Operations. We would like to understand the plans including proposed timelines for enabling dynamic TBO during Departure, En route and Arrival operations.