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STATUS OF REDD+ IN INDONESIA. NUR MASRIPATIN Director CENTRE FOR STANDARDIZATION AND ENVIRONMENT (Standardization, Environment, Climate Change) Indonesia Event - COP 17 Durban, 1 December 2011. REDD INITIATIVES PRIOR TO BALI.
STATUS OF REDD+ IN INDONESIA NUR MASRIPATIN Director CENTRE FOR STANDARDIZATION AND ENVIRONMENT (Standardization, Environment, Climate Change) Indonesia Event - COP 17 Durban, 1 December 2011
REDD INITIATIVES PRIOR TO BALI • Through bilateral cooperation Indonesia-Australia, Indonesia started to sincronize Forest Resource Information System (FRIS) with National Carbon Accounting System (INCAS) in 2007. • Established Indonesia Forest Climate Alliance (IFCA) consisting of : government, NGOs, private sectors, and international partners working on climate change issues. • Under the umbrella of IFCA, Indonesia carried out quick study to assess her preparedness to implement REDD, • The study covered : policy (regulatory aspects both national and international); methodological aspects (REL and MRV); financial aspects (international mechanism and incentive distributions). • Report of the study “IFCA Consolidated Report, 2008” can be accessed through www.dephut.go.id • Develop REDDI road map (REDDI phases) STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE
COP decisions and actions at the national level • COP-13 decisions on REDD+ : Dec. 1/CP. 13 (policy aspects), Dec. 2/CP.13 (methodological aspects, Demonstration Activities), • Scope of activities : from REDD to REDD+ (+ : conservation, SMF, enhancement of forest carbon stocks), • Indonesia 2008 : (1) developed REDDI readiness strategy based on IFCA recommendations, progress in negotiations, and relevant national policies (road map/REDDI phases and architecture, (2) National REDD+ Strategy (for implementation) to be developed during ‘readiness phase’. • COP-15 decision on methodological aspects followed up actions, accommodated in REDD+ readiness process. STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE
REDDI Road Map (REDD+ Phases) • Communication/Coordination/Consultations • Awareness raising, Capacity building 2013 2008 2009-2012 2007 COP-13 COP-14 COP-15 COP-16 COP-17 COP-18 COP-19 STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE
Readiness Strategy (2009-2012) : preparing REDD + Architecture MoFor, MoAgr, ESDM, BAPPENAS, Local Government • MRV institution : National REDD+ Task Force, • Technical/methodolo -gical aspects : MoFor., LAPAN, BAKOSURTANAL Financial institution : National REDD+ Task Force MoFor , other land-based sectors, Local Government, LAPAN, BAKOSURTANAL, Regulations : MoFin & MoFor $ CO2 1 3 4 5 2 Policy Interventions MRV Financing Distribution REL/RL Demonstration Activities, Result-based actions (Benefits & Responsibilities) Awareness raising Capacity building Access to data Access to technology Stakeholder communications/ participations REDD+ National Strategy REDD+ Agency Ministry of Forestry Other Land Base Sectors Ministry of Nat. Dev. Planning • Addressing drivers of DD in 5 landscapes : • Production forest, • Protected areas (Conservation forest and Protection forest), • Timber plantation, • Peat land, • Oil palm plantation (related to LUC) Safeguards (governance, social and environmental) Developed from IFCA study 2007 (MoFor, 2011) STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE
REDD+ Demonstration Activities/Projects as December 2010 (MoFor, 2010) Notes : Knowledge obtained from REDD+ DA/projects includes in : developing appropriate project according to local circumstances, establishment of REL/RL and development of MR at the project level, exercises on safeguards, stakeholders engagement, addressing drivers of DD at the local level.
Progres at the international level : key points of the Cancun Decision on REDD+ • REDD+ is implemented in phases (Para 73) with the choice of a starting phase depends on national circumstances (Para 74) • Developing countries aiming to undertake REDD+ are requested to develop (Para 71) : • A national strategy or action plan; • Anational forest reference emission level (FREL) and/or forest reference level (FRL) could be a combination of sub-national forest FREL and/or FRL. • A robust and transparent national forest monitoring system for the monitoring and reporting (FMR) if appropriate, sub-national monitoring and reporting as an interim measure including • MR of emissions displacement at the national level, if appropriate, and reporting on how displacement of emissions is being addressed, and on the means to integrate sub-national monitoring systems into a national monitoring system. • A system for providing information on how the safeguards (in Annex 1 of Dec.1 /CP.16) are addressed and respected. STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE
Indonesia National Strategy on REDD+ • Indonesia has started stakeholder process to develop ‘National REDD+ Strategy’ since 2010 (before COP-16), coordinated by Ministry of National Development Planning, later be coordinated by ‘REDD+ National Task Force’ the draft REDD+ Strategy in the process of stakeholder consultation. • The strategy address challenges related to spatial planning, tenurial problems, sustainable forest management, legal basis and law enforcement, these challenges relates to drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in Indonesia. STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE
1 2 INDONESIA’S REDD+ STRATEGY to achieve objectives beyond emission reduction • Institution and processes : • National REDD+ agency • Financial instruments and institution • MRV System Legal Framework Landscape/watershed management Enhance employment opportunity Operationalization of FMU Forest fire management 3 Sustainable landscape management • Reduce emission • Enhance carbon stocks • Conserve Biodiversity and environmental services • Economic growth STRATEGIC PROGRAMMES Sustainable use of natural resources in economic system Enhancing SFM practices Increase productivity of agricultural crops Sustainable mining Empower down stream industries Forest conservation and rehabilitation Securing protected areas, Controling peat land conversion, Peat land restoration 4 Paradigm shift • Strengthening forest governance, • Empowering local economy in a sustainable basis • Campaign to safe Indonesia’s forests 5 • Stakeholder communication and engagement • Safeguards implementation • Benefit sharing, equity etc Stakeholder engagement Source : draft Indonesia REDD+ Strategy (2011)
Development of National Standard on ground based forest carbon accounting : guidance • Purpose : address national – sub national issues in MRV • Relevant COP - decisions (e.g. use a combination of remote sensing and ground-based forest carbon inventory), • IPCC 2003 Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land Use Changes and Forestry, • IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, • Relevant guidance on land cover classification : • National Standard on Land Cover Classification (SNI 7645 : 2010) • Land cover classification by Ministry of Forestry • Land cover categorization by IPCC • Forest Inventory principles and lessons learned dealing with national and local/field conditions. STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE
SNI 7724 : 2011 (National Standard forground-based measurement and estimation of forest carbon stocks). • The standardgives guidance for field measurement and estimation of carbon stocks at five carbon pools to support monitoring carbon stock changes with Tier 3. • The standard is applicable for all types of forest in Indonesia. • For mangrove forest, however, litter is not included as litter under certain mangrove forest does not necessarily come from the area where the forest is located. STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE
SNI 7725 : 2011 (National Standard for development of allometric equation to support ground-based forest carbon accounting). • Allomatric equation is needed in the use of the standard for ground-based measurement for estimation of forest carbon stocks. • In the case of suitable allometric equation is not available for certain bio-geographical condition, allometric equation need to be developed. • This standard provide guidance for the development of allometric equation for above ground biomass estimation for mono species and mixed species, using destructive sampling method. STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE
Development of SIS-REDD+ Indonesia 28 Nov- 9 Des 2011 COP 17 8 Sept. 2011 Jan 2012 - 17 Nov. 2011 7 – 17 June 2011 SBSTA 34 1 June 2011 FGD III : 21 March 2011 Discussion on the result of “mapping and analysis of existing safeguards” February 2011 Stakeholder workshop to translate COP-16 decision (REDD+ safeguards) review existing policy instruments and safeguards STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE
Preliminary results of qualitative Assessment of Existing Instruments as REDD+ Safeguards as the basis for SIS development Instruments Considered: AMDAL PHPL/SVLK NBAP KLHS SFM (FSC, LEI) PGI HCV FPIC UU5/90 (rev) SESA CCBA/VCS Key: Bold – Strong influence Light – Weak influence Adequate Intermediate Weak STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE
CLOSING REMARKS • At the UNFCCC agenda, REDD+ has inter-linkages with other issues under different agendas which sometimes prevent REDD+ negotiation from making significant progress as expected, • At the national level, REDD+ is not an independent agenda, its success and failure will be very much influenced by how overall issues on land-based sectors are tackled, • Development of REDD+ Strategy can not be separated from the development of national development strategy. The Strategy and other related instruments should be seen as a living document which allows improvement be done whenever needed. • Implementation of REDD+ is an evolving process, it should start with the best available instruments, data, and capacity, and through learning by doing process continuous improvement can be done. STANDARDIZATION, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE