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Company Name. Compilation and Dissemination of Energy Statistics. PRESENTATION NAME. Ms. Oarawan Sutthangkul National Statistical Office, Thailand 24-26 th Sep 2 012. International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, Sep 2012. Compilation and Dissemination of Energy Statistics.

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  1. Company Name Compilation and Dissemination of Energy Statistics PRESENTATION NAME Ms. Oarawan Sutthangkul National Statistical Office, Thailand 24-26th Sep 2012 International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, Sep 2012

  2. Compilation and Dissemination of Energy Statistics • I. Compilation • 1. Organization of Data Collection and Data Sources • - Ministry of Energy • - National Statistical Office • 2. Energy Statistics by National Statistical Office • - Sample Survey • - Census II. Dissemination 1. Thailand National Statistical Master Plan 2011-2015 2. Official Statistics of Energy 3. National Statistical Data Exchange National Statistical Office International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, Sep 2012

  3. I. Compilation of Energy Statistics 1. Organization of Data Collection and Data Sources 1) Ministry of Energy - Administrative data sources - Provide data for purposes of production and consumption - Monitor and evaluate the government policies and porgrammes 2) National Statistical Office - Statistical data sources - Provide data for statistical purposes National Statistical Office International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, Sep 2012

  4. Compilation of Energy Statistics (Cont.) • 2. Energy Statistics by National Statistical Office • 2.1 Household sample survey • ● Household expenditure of energy consumption • ● Opinion survey • - Environment and pollution • - Use of renewable energy • - Global Wraming • 2.2 Population Census • - Type of fuel use in household National Statistical Office International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, Sep 2012

  5. Others Statistical Units Line Ministry Statistical Units National Statistical Office Independent Organization Statistical Units Department Statistical Units Why ? National Statistical Master Plan 2011-2015 Duplication/Omission The Weakness User Confusion Collaboration/Coordination Quality Goal : High quality and important Database be used in development planning Efficient Management of the Statistical System • Clearly define duties of the NSO • Define duties of Statistical Units • Define the Framework to Manage the • Statistical System

  6. Thailand National Statistical Systems Master Plan2011-2015 Vision :“Thailand has a statistical system that drives all the agencies together. Thailand will have the official statistics to develop country.” 1st Strategy : Management statistical system with high performance and quality. Purpose 1. Thailand has official statistics 2. Provide statistical and performance standards 3. Officers increase skill of statistics 2st Strategy : Development of standardstatistical dataPurpose 1. Having a policy of Statistics on Ministry level 2. Thailand has in the standard of statistics production 3st Strategy : Statistical data provider thoroughly. Purpose 1. People are equal in accessing data 2. Widespread use of statistics National Statistical Office International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, Sep 2012

  7. Cabinet resolution 28thDec2010 Conversion Thailand Statistics System Master Plan 2011-2015 into action Cabinet resolution 3rd May 2011 Committee of 3 main statistical group(Socialeconomic and Environmental resource) Academic Advisory Committee • Policy of the country's statistics. • Monitoring performance statistics in the country to meet Master plan for • the statistical system. • Master Plan progress report by the statistical system. And suggestions? • Statistical System Development to the Cabinet. • Plan budget policy and staff development to support Implementation of • the statistical system's master plan. • Appoint a subcommittee, and representatives from relevant agencies for • more appropriate. Chairman - Minister of MICT Committee -Permanent Secretary of Bangkok - Board of Directors Secretary - Director of NSO 23 Sub-Committee on Statistics Branch. Chairman of Sub-Committee - Permanent Secretary of Line Ministry Sub-Committee - Relevant Agencies Secretary - NSO • Prepared plan of combining in each statistical • branch. • Selection of statistical survey and census • data register. • Assign the agency responsible for producing • official statistics. • Coordinate the development of statistical • quality. • Coordinate the integration and exchange • of statistics. • Prepare the annual report. • Appoint a working group and representatives • from relevant agencies more appropriate. Chairman of Sub-Committee - Provincial governor Sub-Committee - Relevant agencies Secretary - Province Statistical Officer Provincial statistics at the sub-committee comprises 76 provinces. • Integrated Information Technology sector. • Development of GIS for Statistics. • Create a culture of applications of statistics and information for decision making. • Development of decision support system.

  8. Mechanism 0f the National Statistical Master Plan Committee of 3 main statistical group (Social, Economic and Environmental resource) 23 branches Sector Sub-Committee on Statistics Committee at provincial level • Clearing House (Province level) • Fact finding/Verified (Province level) • To analyze the need of data. (government policy, strategy, etc.) • (Province level) • Set up the issues( hot Issue : y) • Find the variables (x) that are the factors • of resolving problem • Do Prototype that can present data in • local level (Data Base by GIS) • Sub-Committee's meeting to present and • assign Agencies responsible for the • selection made​​. Missing data and update • data without quality out of date, etc.. • Clearing House • Fact finding/Verified • To analyze the need of data. (government policy, strategy, etc. ) • Set up the issues( hot Issue : y) • Find the variables (x) that are the factors • of resolving problem • DoPrototype that can present data in local • level (Data Base by GIS) • Sub-Committee's meeting to present and • assign Agencies responsible for the • selection made​​. Missing data and update • data without quality out of date, etc..

  9. Mechanism 0f the National Statistical Master Plan Preparation of statistical information Government agencies NSO • Data management/registration • Data from the survey / census 20 Ministries 200 Department Provincial / local Compare Transaction Processing Data : TPD • Overlap • Standard definition methods. • The time period. • Quality • Information that has not been • prepared (Data Gap). • Stock data that have been made ​​already. • (Sectoral Plan published statistics / Province).

  10. 9. Forest. and Fisheries 1.Population Centralize Statistical map Economy 13 branches Social8 branches 10. Industries 2. Labor 11. Energy 3. Education 12. Transportation 4. Health 13. Information technology And communication 5. Social welfare 14. Wholesale and retail And international trade 6. Household income 15. Tourism 7. Gender 16. Finance and insurance and balance of payments 8. Other societies 22. Natural Resources and Environment 17. Finance 18. Price 23. Meteorology Resource 2 branches 19. Science and Technology 20. Accounts History Geography 21. Other economies Communication Government Province’s information Map / satellite Attractions School Temple Hospital Restaurant Accommodation OTOP/ Gifts .............................. All statistic

  11. Structure of Energy Official Statistics 1. Energy Supply 1.1 Production of Primary Energy 1.2 Import of Energy 2. Use of Energy 2.1 Commercial Energy 2.2 Renewable Energy 2.3 Biofuels 2.4 Export of Energy 3. Value of Energy 4. Reservable of Energy 5. Price 6. Expenditure of Energy 7. Government Income 8. Energy Indicators 9. Air Plolution National Statistical Office International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, Sep 2012

  12. Company Name PRESENTATION NAME Thank You for Your Attention International Workshop on Energy Statistics, Beijing, Sep 2012

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