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Section B

New Horizon College English. Unit. Section B. 2. Parent Talk. 空军工程大学. Reading Skills. Test Yourself. Dictation Multiple Choice. Introduction Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions. Text B. Comprehension Guide Language Points. Exercises. Blank-filling with New Words

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  1. New Horizon College English Unit Section B 2 Parent Talk 空军工程大学

  2. Reading Skills Test Yourself Dictation Multiple Choice Introduction Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions Text B Comprehension Guide Language Points Exercises Blank-filling with New Words Blank-filling with Prep. or Ad. Unit 2: Section B

  3. Reading Skills: Introduction The particular reading skill introduced for this unit is distinguishing between facts and opinions. The ability to tell the difference between facts on one hand and the writer's opinions or interpretations on the other is a crucial comprehension skill.   下一页

  4. Back Reading Skills: Distinguishing Between Facts & Opinions Example Facts are statements that tell what really happened or what the case is, and they are usually based on direct evidence. Concept Because of injured or traded players, the team’s performance is now lower compared with last year’s. 上一页 下一页

  5. Back Reading Skills: Distinguishing Between Facts & Opinions Example Opinions are statements of belief, judgment or feeling. Opinions are often based on facts --- but they also involve the writer’s personal interpretation of the facts, which may or may not match your interpretation of them. Concept I feel that the closing of the factory will entirely destroy the economy of this region. 上一页 下一页

  6. Back Reading Skills: Distinguishing Between Facts & Opinions Example Sometimes it isn’t easy to separate fact from opinion. Writers may combine fact and opinion in a way that makes it hard to say where the facts end and the opinions begin—or they may present opinions as if they were facts. Remarks I suppose they’re expressing their identity but it’s so very different from what we did.(Para. 10, Passage B) 上一页 下一页

  7. Back Reading Skills: Practice Directions:Find and look at the following statements from Text B. Which are facts? Which are opinions? Use the spaces on the left to mark each O (for opinion) or F (for fact). O • ____ It’s probably that awful music that wakes me up every morning. • ____ I don’t think I’m old-fashioned but hearing those tuneless, offensive lyrics repeatedly makes my blood boil. O 上一页 下一页

  8. Back Reading Skills: Practice 3. ____ I’m not really reading. I’m distracted. I’ve been thinking about Sandy too. 4. ____ When I asked about it, she told me she’s been wearing eyeliner for months. 5. ____ I suppose we should feel lucky because makeup is our biggest problem with her. F F O 上一页 下一页

  9. Reading Skills: Practice O 6. ____ These tattoos are permanent. 7. ____ I don’t know what’s happening to our little girl. She’s changing and I’m concerned about her. 8. ____ She wanted to be there as an anchor for her but at the same time she would give her freedom to find her own identity. F F 上一页

  10. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Text B New Words QuestionPreviewing PassageReading Choice Making

  11. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points • distract • section • lucky • teenager • brow • eyebrow • identity • defy • expel • permanent • radical • painful • identify • in peace and • quiet • make one’s • blood boil • get rid of • the knots in • one’s stomach • go too far • drop out of • talk over • sip • honey • upset • knot • awful • fashion • old-fashioned • tune • tuneless • lyric • repeatedly • appeal • rid • negative • influence • concern • anyway • moan • appointment • briefcase • mature • rebel • patience • anchor

  12. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Q: 1. Steve feels tense because ___________. Q: 2. By saying “different music appeals to different generations”, Jane wants to _____. Q: 3. Both Jane and Steve can’t attend to reading because _______________________. Q: 4. When Jane says “I suppose we should feel lucky because makeup is our biggest problem with her”, she means that _______. 下一页

  13. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Q:5. When he says “that music has a very negative message”, Steve simply means that _____________________________________. Q: 6. From the talk between Jane and Steve we know that _________________________. Q: 7. From Steve’s story telling we know that ______________________________________. Q: 8. At the end of the story _____________. 上一页

  14. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 1. After Sandy had left for school, Jane Finch sat down in peace and quietto drink her coffee. She sipped slowly and tried to read the newspaper. Soon her husband joined her. 2. “Would you like some coffee, Steve?” asked Jane. 下一页

  15. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 桑迪离家上学后,简  芬奇平静地坐下来喝咖啡。她一口一口慢慢地啜着,一面又试着去看报纸。没过一会儿,她丈夫走了进来。 “史蒂夫,来杯咖啡吧?”简问道。

  16. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 请选择 Question 1 3. “No thanks, honey. My stomach feels upset --- like it’s full ofknots. It’s probably that awful music that wakes me up every morning. I don’t think I’m old-fashionedbut hearing those tuneless, offensive lyricsrepeatedlymakes my blood boil. There is no message to them either. I can’t believe Sandy really likes that stuff.” 上一页 下一页

  17. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 “不,谢谢,亲爱的。我觉得烦透了,心乱如麻。可能是因为那讨厌的音乐每天早上把我吵醒。我想我还不至于老得落伍吧,可没完没了地听那毫无韵律、令人讨厌的歌曲实在让我生气。它们毫无寓意。我不相信桑迪真会喜欢这种音乐。”

  18. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Question 2 请选择 4. “You know, honey, different music appeals todifferent generations,” reasoned Jane. “Remember some of the music we listened to?”5. Steve smiled. “You’re right. Maybe eating breakfast will help me get rid ofsome of the knots in my stomach.”6. “I’ll get you some juice,” she offered, starting to get up. 上一页 下一页

  19. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 “你知道,亲爱的,不同年龄的人喜欢不同的音乐,”简劝说道。“还记得我们听过的一些音乐吗?” 史蒂夫笑了,“你说得有道理。也许,吃点早饭能消除我心头的烦恼。” “我来给你拿点水果汁,”她主动说道,边说边站了起来。

  20. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 7. “That’s okay,” said Steve. “I’ll get it. You’re reading.”8. “I’m not really reading. I’m distracted. I’ve been thinking about Sandy too.”9. Steve prepared his breakfast and then sat down with his wife. She gave him a section of the newspaper and they both tried to read for a few minutes. Then Jane broke the silence. 上一页 下一页

  21. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 “行了,”史蒂夫说,“我去拿,你看报纸吧。” “我也不是真的在看报纸。我思想集中不起来。我也一直在想桑迪的事。” 史蒂夫摆好了早餐,然后坐到妻子身边。她分了一些报纸给他,俩人都试着看会儿报纸。接着简打破了沉默。

  22. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 10.“Did you notice how much makeup our fifteen-year-old daughter was wearing this morning? When I asked about it, she told me she’s been wearing eyeliner for months. I can’t believe I never noticed. I suppose we should feel lucky because makeup is our biggest problem with her. 上一页 下一页

  23. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 “你注意到了吗,今天早晨我们那15岁的女儿都化了什么样的 妆?我问她时,她说她描眼线已几个月了。我真不敢相信自己一直没有注意到。我想我们应该感到幸运,因为我们与女儿之间的最大问题还只是化妆。

  24. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 请选择 Question 3 Question 4 I’ve seen other teenagers walking around town with tattoos and piercings all over their bodies —in their eyebrows, their noses, everywhere. I suppose they’re expressing their identitybut it’s so very different from what we did.” 上一页 下一页

  25. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 我看到其他青少年在镇上到处游手好闲,还纹身,浑身穿了许多洞,在眉毛上,鼻子上,到处都穿。我想他们是在表达着他们的自我与本色,可这种表达方式与我们过去完全不一样。”

  26. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Question 7 请选择 11.“Is it so different?” asked Steve. “I remember defying my parents when I grew my hair long. Remember? It was so long it was down below my shoulders.” 12. “And you almost got expelled from school,” added Jane. 上一页 下一页

  27. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 “完全不一样?” 史蒂夫问道。“我记得自己曾经不听父母的话,留着长头发。你还记得吗?头发那么长,都长过肩膀了。” “而且你还差点儿被学校开除,”简补充道。

  28. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 13.“That’s true but my hair could be cut. These tattoos are permanent. Tattoos seem radical to me.” 14. “Actually, tattoos can be removed,” said Jane. “It’s painful and expensive but they can be removed. Every generation seems to need to identify itself.” 上一页 下一页

  29. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 “的确如此,可头发毕竟能剪短纹身就永远留在那里了。在我看,纹身是种极端。” “实际上,纹身也是可以去掉的,” 简说。“但去掉它很痛,很贵,可毕竟是可以去掉的。好像每一代人都要找到自己的本色。”

  30. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Question 5 请选择 15. “What worries me,” said Steve, “is that music has a very negative message. It could have a negative influence onSandy. I don’t know what’s happening to our little girl. She’s changing and I’m concerned about her. Makeup, terrible music --- who knows what will be next? We need to have a talk with her. The news is full of stories about teenagers in trouble whose parents hardly know anything about their problems.” 上一页 下一页

  31. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 “令我担心的是,” 史蒂夫说,“音乐会传达一种非常消极的信息。它对桑迪可能有负面的影响。我不知道我们的小姑娘到底怎么回事。她在变,我很担心她。化妆品,糟糕的音乐,谁知道以后还会有什么花样?我们得和她谈谈。新闻里报道的尽是惹上麻烦的青少年,可他们的父母却不知道自己的孩子有什么麻烦。”

  32. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Question 6 请选择 16. “Oh, I don’t think her music is so terrible. I like it,” said Jane. 17. “You like it?”18. “You know I like loud, weird music. Anyway, you’re right. We need to have a talk with Sandy,” agreed Jane. 上一页 下一页

  33. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 “哦,我倒不认为她的音乐如此糟糕。我也喜欢这种音乐,”简说道。 “你喜欢?” “你知道我喜欢声音大而怪的音乐。不管怎么说,你还是说得对,我们需要和桑迪谈谈,”简赞同道。

  34. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 19.Jane glanced atthe clock. “Oh dear, I’m late!” she moaned. “I have to run or I’ll be late for my first appointment.” She kissed her husband quickly, picked up her briefcase, and started for the door. 20. “Bye, honey,” called Jane. 21. “Bye, dear,” answered Steve. 上一页 下一页

  35. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 简看了看表。“哦,亲爱的,我要迟到了!”她呻吟了一声。“我得跑着去,不然头次预约就要迟到了。”她匆匆吻了一下丈夫,拿起公文包,朝门口走去。 “再见,亲爱的,” 简喊道。 “再见,宝贝,” 史蒂夫回了一声。

  36. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 22. As Jane Finch drove to work, she thought about her children, Sandy and Bill. “Sandy is beginning to mature,” she thought. “Soon she’ll be dating and going out but I don’t want her wasting her time talking on the phone and watching TV. I want her to do well in school and to continue her music. 上一页 下一页

  37. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 去上班的路上,简  芬奇一面开着车,一面想着她的孩子桑迪和比尔。“桑迪开始成熟了,” 她想。“用不了多久,她就会去约会,会走出这个家,可我不想她老是打电话,看电视,浪费时间。我希望她学业好,继续学音乐。

  38. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points How can I tell her these things? I don’t want her to get angry with me. If I’m too strict, she’ll rebel. I often worry she may rebel and go too far. So many young girls rebel, drop out ofschool and get into all kinds of trouble. Sometimes they even run away from home. I wouldn't want that to happen to Sandy.” 上一页 下一页

  39. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 可我怎么开口向她说这些事情呢?我不想她生我的气。如果我对她太严,她就会反抗。我常常担心她会反抗,会走得太远。很多女孩都在反抗,有的甚至中途辍学,陷入各种麻烦。有时候,她们还离家出走。我可不希望桑迪出这种事。”

  40. Back Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points Question 8 请选择 23. Jane knew what she wanted to say, what she had to say to Sandy. She was so glad that she and Sandy could still talk things over. She knew she had to have patience and keep the lines of communication with her daughteropen. She wanted to be there as ananchorfor her but at the same time she would give her her freedom to find her own identity. 上一页

  41. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 简知道自己想说什么,得对桑迪说什么。她和桑迪之间还可以进行交流,这令她很高兴。她知道自己得有耐心,得保持自己和桑迪之间沟通的渠道畅通。她想在桑迪的身边,做她的保护人,同时又给她以寻找自我价值的自由。

  42. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 (Refer to Para. 3) Q: 1. Steve feels tense because _____. A. the coffee upsets him B. the music upsets him C. his wife Jane was silent D. his wife tries to reason with him. B. the music upsets him 下一页

  43. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 (Refer to Para. 4) Q: 2. By saying “different music appeals to different generations”, Jane wants to _____. A. make her husband like the music B. help her husband understand the message of the music C. argue with her husband, trying to change his mind. D. help her husband get rid of his knots in the stomach. D. help her husband get rid of his knots in the stomach. 上一页 下一页

  44. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 (Refer to Para.8 –10) • Q: 3. Both Jane and Steve can’t attend to • reading because ______. • they are worried about their daughter • they are happy with the way their daughter expresses her identity • C. they’ve never noticed that their daughter has been wearing eyeliner for months • D. they are proud of their daughter • they are worried about their daughter 上一页 下一页

  45. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 (Refer to Para. 10) • Q: 4. When Jane says “I suppose we should feel lucky because makeup is our biggest problem with her”, she means that _____. • Sandy has the right way of expressing her identity • Sandy’s way of expressing her identity is not a big problem compared with that of other teenagers • Sandy is the biggest of all their problems • Sandy is brighter than any other teenager • Q: 4. When Jane says “I suppose we should feel lucky because makeup is our biggest problem with her”, she means that _____. • Sandy has the right way of expressing her identity • Sandy’s way of expressing her identity is not a big problem compared with that of other teenagers • Sandy is the biggest of all their problems • Sandy is brighter than any other teenager 上一页 下一页

  46. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 (Refer to Para. 15) Q:5. When he says “that music has a very negative message”, Steve simply means that _____. A. music is very bad for all young people B. music makes his daughter change from bad to worse C. that music has a bad influence on his daughter D. music is disturbing C. that music has a bad influence on his daughter 上一页 下一页

  47. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 (Refer to Para. 14-18) Q: 6. From the talk between Jane and Steve we know that _____. A. Jane seems to understand their daughter more than Steve B. Steve seems to understand their daughter more than Jane C. Jane loves their daughter more than Steve D. Steve loves their daughter more than Jane A.Jane seems to understand their daughter more than Steve 上一页 下一页

  48. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 (Refer to Para. 11-12) Q: 7. From Steve’s story telling we know that _____. A. Steve was also a rebel when he was young A. Steve was also a rebel when he was young B. Jane was able to rebel when she was young C. both Steve and Jane were rebels when they were young D. neither Steve nor Jane was a rebel when they were young 上一页 下一页

  49. Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points 返回 (Refer to Para. 23) Q: 8. At the end of the story _____. • Jane is no longer worried about her • daughter • B. Steve is no longer worried about his • daughter • C. Jane seems to have found the answer • to the problem with her daughter • D. Jane has not yet found the answer to • the problem with her daughter C. Jane seems to have found the answer to the problem with her daughter 上一页

  50. Exercises Vocabulary 《读写教程I》 Ex. XIV, p. 43 《读写教程I》 Ex. XV, p. 43

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