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Why do we need to continue to measure solar neutrinos ?. Why a need for low energy measurements. Flux Tc Y initial Problem solved 3.8 ± 1.1 15.6 SM 0.276 CNO opacity, 7Be(p,g)
Why do we need to continue to measure solar neutrinos ? Why a need for low energy measurements
Flux Tc Y initial Problem solved 3.8 ± 1.1 15.6 SM 0.276 CNO opacity, 7Be(p,g) 1993 4.4 ± 1.1 15.43 SM 0.271 Fe opacity, screening 1998 4.82 15.67 SM 0.273 Microscopic diffusion 1999 4.82 15.71 SM 0.272 Turbulence in tachocline 2001 4.98 ± 0.73 15.74 0.276 Seismic model 5.07 ±0.76 15.75 0.277 Seismic model +magnetic field 3.98. ± 1.1 15.54 SM 0.262 - 30% in CNO composition 5.31 ±0.6 15.75 0.277 Seismic model +magnetic field+ updated ingredients SNO results 5.44 ± 0.99 (CC+ES 2001) 5.09 ±0.44 ±0.45 (NC 2002)5.27 ±0.27 ±0.38 (2003) 4.94 ±0.06 ±0.34 active neutrinos Aharmim et al, 2005 Direct comparison for 8B neutrinosgreat sensitivity to the central temperature so to the detailed physics of the radiative zone We have seen the oscillation between electron neutrino and others and we control now central temperature at 3 per mille Sylvaine TURCK-CHIEZE Blackburg 2006
Chlorine detector Seismic model 2001 Detected neutrinos Detect. Seismic 2004 pep 0.228 57% 0.13 0.13 7Be 1.155 57% 0.66 0.66 8B 5.676 31% 1.76 1.88 13N 0.096 57% 0.054 0.022 15O 0.328 57% 0.187 0.112 total 7.44 SNU (1.1) 2.79 SNU (0.36) 2.76 (0.4) SNUMeasurement 2.56 (0.23) SNU Gallium detector Seismic model Detected neutrinos Detect. Seismic 2004 pp 69.4 57% 39.6 39.6 pep 2.84 57% 1.62 1.62 7Be 34.79 57 % 19.83 19.83 8B 11.95 31% 3.70 3.95 13N 3.48 57% 1.98 0.79 15O 5.648 57% 3.22 1.29 total 128.2 SNU (8) 69.95 SNU 67.08 (4.4) SNU Measurement 68.1 SNU (3.75) Prediction for the other detectorswithout or with Neutrino Oscillation parameters LMA solution Dm2= 7 10-5 eV2 (8+0.6-0.4) tg2q12=0.45 BPG2003 Sylvaine TURCK-CHIEZE Blackburg 2006
En about 6.4% of the total energy 4p -> 4He + 2e+ +2 ne + E n8B pp chain n7Be nhep npp Normalized flux (dFx/dr) n 17F CNO cycle Flux (/cm2 /s /MeV or /cm2/ Mev for lines) n 15O n13N radius radius Neutrino energy (MeV) The Solar Neutrinos 4p -> 4He + 2e+ +2 ne + E n8B pp chain n7Be nhep npp Normalized flux (dFx/dr) CNO cycle n17F Flux (/cm2 /s /MeV or /cm2/ Mev for lines) n 15O n13N radius radius Sylvaine TURCK-CHIEZE Blackburg 2006
Only mean value for decades Sum of a lot of components 7Be line will be a first step to check oscillation parameters But we need also to look for subleadings effects: 10% or less Sylvaine TURCK-CHIEZE Blackburg 2006
Laboratory cross sections(3He, 3He; 12C, p) Opacity calculations Acoustic modes=> Sound speed profile: photospheric 4He, pp reaction rate, energy transfer Seismic model compatible with observed sound speed for determining neutrino fluxes compatible with acoustic modes What we know ? Turck-Chièze et al. 2001; Couvidat et al. 2003 Sylvaine TURCK-CHIEZE Blackburg 2006
CNO abundances ?? 30% reduction Contribution of 9Be in oxygen lines 3D simulations Asplund et al 2004, 2006 Sylvaine TURCK-CHIEZE Blackburg 2006
Solar composition in C, N, O recently reduced by 30% Turck-Chièze et al. 2004 One needs to add new physics to understand the sound speed: Is it a manifestation of dynamical processes or opacity problems ? If it is true, the Sun is no more an « enriched » star in heavy elements: a new problem solved 8B standard model neutrino flux = 4 106 cm-2s-1 8B seismic model = 5.31 106 cm-2s-1
Solar neon abundance ? Probably not Seismic data may help to solve the problem In examining the adiabatic exponent G1 ? Antia & Basu 2006 not totally sure Neutrinos can help to verify
A new vision of Sun and stars Neutrino astronomy 1D and 3D modelling Seismic measurements where 4 structure equations will be replaced by 16 equations Sylvaine Turck-Chièze, Blackburg 13 th October 2006
Rotation profile constructed with GOLF+MDI / SOHO acoustic modes and gravity modes ? ? Montmerle 2000 What we would like to know ? - The latitudinal rotation of the inner radiative zone - Is there a relic of the formation of the solar system which justifies an higher central rotation profile ? - Could we get real constraints on the magnetic configurations in the radiative zone and convective zone - Is there a dynamo in the core ?… Sylvaine Turck-Chièze, Blackburg 13 th October 2006
Magnetic field and Evolution of stellar modelling The tachocline plays an important role in the stockage and amplification of the toroidal magnetic field for the Schwabe cycle 22 ans, one would like to know what phenomena can justify the possible existence of the Gleissberg cycle (90 year ?) or greater cycles ?? Photosphere Tachocline 4-5% mass Couvidat et al. 2003 Thompson et al. 1996, Kosovichev 1997 94% ZC: 2% M RZ CZ Development of 3D MHD simulations to understand the internal observations
Magnetic Solar Cycle 23(EIT, LASCO & MDI Data) Source: Soho Source: NASA Sylvaine Turck-Chièze IAU Sydney, July 14th
Butterfly Diagram and Coronal Holes(HAO/SMM & EIT Data) Source: Soho Sylvaine Turck-Chièze IAU Sydney, July 14th
The DynaMICS* perspectiveGlobal 3D vision of the Sunfor knowing the origins of the different solar magnetic cycles and connect the interior part to the external part Turck-Chièze, S.1, Schmutz, W.2, Thuillier, G.3, Jefferies, S4,Palle, P.L.5,Dewitt, S.6, Ballot, J.1, Berthomieu, G.7, Bonanno, A.8, Brun, A. S.1, Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.9, Corbard, T.7, Couvidat, S.10, Darwich, A. M.5, Dintrans, B. 11, Domingo, V.12, Finsterle, W.2, Fossat, E.7, Garcia, A. R.1,Gelly, B.5, Gough, D.13, Guzik, J.14 Jimenez, A.5, Jimenez-Reyes, S.J.5, Kosovichev, A.10, Lambert, P.1, Lefebvre, S. 1, Lopes, I.15, Martic, M.3, Mathis, S.16, Mathur, S.1, Nghiem, P. A. P.1, Piau, L.17, Provost, J.7, Rieutord, M.11, Robillot, J. M.18, Rogers, T. 19, Roudier, T.20, Roxburgh, I.21, Rozelot, J. P.7, Straka, C.22, Talon, S. 23, Théado, S.24,Thompson, M.25, Vauclair, S.11, Zahn, J. P.15 1CEA, FRANCE; 2PMOD/WRC, Davos, SWITZERLAND, 3Service d'Aéronomie, FRANCE, 4Dipartimento di Fisica University of Hawai,USA,5IAC, SPAIN,6RMIB, BELGIUM, 7Observatoire Cote d'Azur, FRANCE, 8Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania,ITALY, 9Aarhus Universitet, DENMARK; 10HEPL, Stanford, UNITED STATES, 11OMP Toulouse, FRANCE, 12Universidad Valencia, SPAIN,13Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM,14Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, 15Istituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, PORTUGAL, 16LUTH Meudon, FRANCE; 17Dept of A.&A., Chicago, UNITED STATES,18Observatoire de Bordeaux, FRANCE,19AA DepartmentSan Diego, USA, 20Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Tarbes, 21Queen Mary, University of London, UNITED KINGDOM,22Yale, USA, 23Université Montréal, CANADA, 24 Observatoire de Liège, BELGIUM,25University of Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM. * Dynamics and Magnetism from the inner Core to the chromosphere of the Sun
We are going from the large scales Millions or billions of years To Centuries or even low variabilities Where all the instabilities due to rotation or magnetic field or gravity waves are present This is useful not only for the Sun but for any stellar system, binary systems presupernovae Sylvaine Turck-Chièze, Blackburg 13 th October 2006
DynaMICSwith SDOwill aim at revealing the different sources of dynamo down to the core, the interplay of internal magnetic fields and a better knowledge of the transition region between photosphere and chromosphere. It must result an improved understanding of the solar activity cycles, including large minima and maxima with predictions for the next century and a better description of the Sun’s potential impact on earth’s climate change.
DT( °C) Suess cycle 200 years Gleissberg cycle 90 years Schwabe cycle 11 years Sum of the components We must verify and put constraints on the origin of the different cycles… 30% of the total effect ??? Indirect effect not estimated ? years Damon & Jirikowic, 1992
Fröhlich & Lean 2004 TSI variation 0.1% through 11 year cycle, long trend ?? Standard model: 10-8 in 100 years
Transport processes in radiation zones Meridional circulation (diff. rot. and A. M. transport) (ADVECTION) (Busse 1981, Zahn 1992, Maeder & Zahn 1998, Garaud 2002, Rieutord 2004) Turbulence (shear of the diff. rot.) (DIFFUSION) (Talon & Zahn 1997, Garaud 2001, Maeder 2003) Magnetic field Internal waves (Talon et al. 2002, Talon & Charbonnel 2003-2004-2005, Rogers et al. 2005) Secular torque (Charbonneau & Mac Gregor 1993, Garaud 2002) Instabilities (Maeder & Meynet 2004, Braithwaite & Spruit 2005, Brun & Zahn 2006) excited at the borders with C. Z. propagating inside R. Z. A. M. settled where they are damped (Goldreich & Nicholson 1989)
New questions What type (s) of global dynamo(s) exist in the Sun Role of Meridional Circulation flows in the radiative zone? What kind of magnetic instabilities exist in the radiative zone ? What are the interactions between « fossil » inner field and the dynamo generated in the convective zone? The real role of the gravity waves AstrophysicalConsequences : - important consequences on the other stars (PNPS), presupernovae - role of dark matter, research of sterile neutrino or sub leading properties of neutrinos …
DynaMICS will put constraints on the energetic balance in the radiative zone and in the convective zone first milestone to improve the earth climate modelling Lockwood 2004
Surface Angular Velocity W Extrapolated Curve from 3D Models Mid 1600’s Sun (Maunder Minimum) Present Sun Brun 2004, Solar Physics • Eddy et al. (1976) showed that during the Maunder minimum the Sun was rotating 4% faster than today • a magnetic energy of about 5-7% of the kinetic energy leads to a correct slowing down
SDO, PICARD, Solar Orbiter and DynaMICS 1.B – Convective dynamics. 1.J – Sunspot Dynamics 1.C – Global Circulation 1.I – Magnetic Connectivity 1.A – Interior Structure Chromosphere 1.D – Irradiance Sources Rotation of the core 1.E – Coronal Magnetic Field 1.H – Far-side Imaging Magnetism Radiative region NOAA 9393 Far-side 1.F – Solar Subsurface Weather 1.G – Magnetic Stresses
DynaMICS observables • The objectives require continuity and stability to measure low signals and small variability of important global quantities • gravity modes to improve the core and the tachocline dynamics • acoustic modes to follow the variability of the rotation in the convective zone and below the tachocline and the latitudinal dependence • time evolution of radius (if measurable) • shape deformations if measurable • solar irradiance at different wavelengths from visible to far UV simultaneously. • global magnetic field evolution from the photosphere up to the chromosphere or above through lines deformations
In this perspective • Low neutrinos spectrum will play an important role • 13N, 15O, pp are important indicators For potential variabilities