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Cyberbullying Law & District Policies/Procedures. State legislation required school districts to adopt policies by August 1, 2003 that prohibit harassment, intimidation & bullying State legislation effective August 1, 2008 added “electronic means”
Cyberbullying Law & District Policies/Procedures • State legislation required school districts to adopt policies by August 1, 2003 that prohibit harassment, intimidation & bullying • State legislation effective August 1, 2008 added “electronic means” • WSSDA sample policy – on school grounds & during school day
Cyberbullying Law & District Policies/Procedures • SPS Policy/Procedures for 3200, Students Rights & Responsibilities updated to include “electronic means” • Annual Notification of Policy 3200 updated • A Matter of Respect student & staff brochures revised • Staff/student annual anti-bullying, harassment & intimidation training updated
School Director Building Administrator Staff REPORT to building administrator Building Protocol
The Question Where does home and school begin and end? http://www.turningtechnologies.com/groupresponsesystemsupport/downloads.cfm
Formal discipline may be imposed when substantial and material disruption at school or interference with rights of students to be secure.
Should schools incorporate prevention & education strategies in their Safe School plans to address cyber-bullying and related online risks.
Cyber-savvy KidsCyber-bullying in School Brent Howard ESD 101 Instructional Technology Specialist
Cyber-bullying Definition: Cyber-bullying: sending or posting harmful material or engaging in other forms of social aggression using the Internet or other digital technologies. (Nancy Willard, 2007)
Forms (types) of Cyber-bullying • Flaming • Harassment • Denigration • Impersonation • Outing & Trickery • Exclusion • Cyber-stalking • Cyber-threats
Activities Chats Polls/Rating Sites Discussion Boards Online Gaming • Text/Picture Messaging • E-mail • Instant Messaging • Social Network Sites Hot or Not
Bebo MySpace hi5 Facebook Livejournal YouTube Online Communities Cyber-bullying
Hello Loves, Halloween is tomorrow I wonder what everyone will be wearing… B looked pissed at the end of 7th period – apparently she had to play goalie. Hmm lets all shed a tear for her. (Notice freshly dyed hair) J was caught throwing a fit in the hall today – over what you may ask? Ask her yourself. Apparently the Twins were both whispering to A and the Ice Queen about…me? I told you all I would never tell my name. B flirting with N again, I personally think he doesn’t like her that much – you all know it’s true. K was hugging one of the twins today. I wonder if it was the one who is going out with J- or are they still together? Looks like A got a haircut…the layers don’t really work for her. She would have been better off getting a dye job – or her highlights retouched. Gossip G “I won’t tell you who I am, but check up on my profile for the latest gossip CMS Students I Ah-bviously can’t tell you who I am, but I can tell you that I go to CMS – hmmm or maybe CHS….? People tell me things, I find out – I blog it here Cyber-bullying
Gossip G “I won’t tell you who I am, but check up on my profile for the latest gossip CMS Students Known as; B Personality; intelligent, shy, but can teat anyone to pieces. Known for; Her cute looks; (not exactly hot by any means…) Cold hazel eyes that change color from dark brown to the deepest blue. That adorable pigeon-toed gait and her mocking cat-like smile that everyone knows so well. Of course, how could we forget her love of shorts and sports wear? Does she know track season isn’t until spring? Signature; Her jeering smile, and pigeon toed step Love life; Not exactly single, everyone knows she is after N Friends; with everyone – except a few choice people like D and the Ice Queen A soccer ball is usually by her side as she as she is strutting with her shorts and hoodie (is that all she owns?) down the hall beside J. S is always in her space; and is always sucking J’s butt. B’s short gleaming black hair is of course, routinely placed on top of her head in a small pony-tail. Her fringe is in her bitter hazel eyes as she smiles at her friends and pretends to know what is going on; but is really lost in her own thoughts. Known as; The Ice Queen Personality; Cruel, can be sweet if she likes you; which she probably doesn’t Known for; her beautiful misty sea green eyes, stunning physique and disgusting pitilessness that she has had since kindergarten; I guess she is just a people person? Signature; Dreamy green eyes Love life; This girl can get whoever she wants; if you are currently with her – prepare to be out in a matter of days. Friends; everyone who knows not to stand in her way I Ah-bviously can’t tell you who I am, but I can tell you that I go to CMS – hmmm or maybe CHS….? People tell me things, I find out – I blog it here Cyber-bullying
This is the VIRGIN LIST! What you do is repost this list with your name and tell if you think that the person b4 you is a virgin or not...AND IF YOU OPEN THIS AND DONT REPOST IT YOU WILL BE CURSED FOR 7 YEARS OF BAD LUCK! REPOST @S THE"VIRGIN LIST" Amanda—f*** im first :(Amber (yaya)—f*** no this girl aint no virginNikk--Not a chance.Savannah- No way.Jimmy-- Ain't no way unless she is the Virgan Marry!!! lol****-- Umm, Im going to have to say...no, prolly notWendy Cutlip- naw i doubt itChuck - hook me up with this girl above wendy lol.. and nopeAlexandria-ahhh probably not must guys aint virgins anymore SLUTShahasamantha-i think shes notJosh- ummm doubt itashley-yep all virgnal Cyber-bullying
Impact of Cyberbullying • More severe that face-to-face • Anonymous • 24/7 • You can’t see me….I can’t see you… • Affects school climate • Poor academic performance • Attendance issues • Student conflict Gossip G Cyber-bullying
What are your stories and examples? • With those around you discuss: • Your stories and examples. • How it effected you or others you know. • How was it handled? • Was this the best way to handle the problem? Why? • Be prepared to share your thoughts and examples with the group!
What kids can do if they become a victim of cyber-bullying: • Don’t retaliate! • Stop communicating with the bully. • Block the bully. • Tell parents and a trusted adult at school. • Save all written communication for proof. • If necessary contact law enforcement.
Cyber-bullying Resources: • http://adcouncil.org/default.aspx?id=42 • http://www.netsmartz.org/ • http://www.wiredsafety.org/ • http://delicious.com/istep101