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Ms. Forbes’ Hints for Success. Classroom Procedures & Behavior. a. Entering Class. Enter quietly & sit down in your assigned seat. Take out class materials and put away any non-class materials. b. Planner & Agenda. Write the Homework assignment. c. Warm-up .
Ms. Forbes’ Hints for Success Classroom Procedures & Behavior
a. Entering Class Enter quietly & sit down in your assigned seat. Take out class materials and put away any non-class materials. b. Planner & Agenda Write the Homework assignment. c. Warm-up Begin the warm-up as soon as you complete writing in your agenda. No talking during warm-up. I. Before Class Begins
f. Pencil Sharpener Use it before class or ask during independent work. e. Class Materials Always have them with you. If you don’t, borrow from a classmate before the bell. Ask quietly. d. Entering Class Tardy Try to AVOID tardiness. If you are late, come in quietly and pick up where the class is. Warm-ups will not be left up for late students – you will lose points! I. Before Class Begins
Always follow ALL of the HMS classroom rules. a. Following Rules b. Getting Attention & Answering Questions Raise your hand quietly and wait to be called on. c. Coming to Attention When your teacher counts down from 5 to 1, stop what you are doing, focus your attention on the teacher and listen for instruction. II. During Class
d. Working Cooperatively Work with whom you are assigned, no complaining, and SHARE the workload. e. Staying Organized Keep all papers in your notebook. Do NOT rip them out for any reason at all. II. During Class
f. Having Gum, Food, Soda Never have these out in class. They will be thrown away. If you choose to chew or eat or drink (anything but water), you are choosing to earn a U. g. Collecting Materials & Work Place all papers from each group member in a neat pile. Your teacher or a student will collect them to put them in the “IN” box. h. Pesky Trends (tapping, etc.) PLEASE do NOT do them! II. During Class
i. Supplies Always have them in class with you. j. Asking for a Pass You only get THREE hall passes per term; You can go only if you have your planner and only during a time that your teacher is not directly teaching. k. Being out of Assigned Seat Never without Permission. II. During Class
a. Getting Make-up Work Pick up all make-up work before or after class from the “Absent Bin”. You can ask a classmate for the AGENDA and EL or see the “Teacher’s Planner”. Do not ask me. If you missed a test or quiz, you must set up a time outside of class to come in and take it. b. Turning in Late Work Late work is only accepted for excused absences. Students have the number of days absent to make up the work. III. Other
l. If you finish early Find something to work on quietly. m. Improper Materials/Notes If you have them out, your teacher may take them. Notes may be read at parent conferences. n. Dismissal Your teacher excuses you, not the bell. You will not be excused if there is garbage on the floor or under your desk. II. During Class
c. Your Grade You can know your grade every Monday after school beginning the 3rd week of school. You may only ask at that time. d. Getting Help Set up a time to meet with me. I’m usually available before or after school and during lunch. III. Other
IV. Special Circumstances VisitorsorPhone orIntercom Immediate silence. DO NOT SAY HELLO unless asked to do so by Ms. Forbes. Immediate SILENCE and continue working on the task at hand. Immediate SILENCE and LISTEN for any important information.
c. Guest Teacher Behavior Perfection is expected and will be rewarded. Imperfect behavior will be dealt with appropriately. b. Fire Drill Expectations Silently(!) make a double-file line. Wait for directions to exit. Stay together. IV. Special Circumstances