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TEACHING MATTERS DEVELOPING INDICATORS OF TEACHING QUALITY Researching (e)Learning and Teaching Presentation Macquarie University, 27 March 2008.
TEACHING MATTERS DEVELOPING INDICATORS OF TEACHING QUALITYResearching (e)Learning and Teaching PresentationMacquarie University, 27 March 2008
To reward and recognise quality teaching in higher education through systematic implementation of indicators and metrics on teaching and teacher effectiveness ref: Chalmers, D (2007a) AIM
Funded by the Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Institution-led initiative Stage 1 – initial research Stage 2 – involves eight pilot institutionsDeakin University Griffith University Macquarie University RMIT University of Queensland University of South Australia University of Tasmania University of Western Australia TEACHING QUALITYINDICATORS PROJECT
- new VC new Deputy VC (Provost) new Executive Macquarie@50 Strategic Plan new Academic Structure Learning and Teaching Plan Curriculum Review CULTURAL CHANGE
Pilot Leader, Sponsor @ Macquarie and Chair, Steering Group Professor Judyth Sachs Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Provost) STAGE 2
Stage 2 identified four key dimensions critical for quality in learning and teaching: Institutional climate and systems - Macquarie priority Diversity and inclusivity Assessment Student community and engagement KEY DIMENSIONS
Student Learning / Student Experience Performance-based Quality Assurance Culture Quality Teaching Cultural Change AUQA 2009 FOCUS FORMACQUARIE
Audit existing learning & teaching policies Findings the lack of an integrated University-wide approach to policy development and management a perceived lack of recognition and reward for quality teaching METHODOLOGY
AUQA 2003 Recommendation #7 Integrated Policy Management Framework Policy Centralwww.mq.edu.au/policy POLICYFRAMEWORK
Recruitment, appointment, probation, performance, appraisal, promotion policies and processes Review Academic Promotion policy PROMOTION
embraces the three elements of academic endeavour – research, learning and teaching, and community engagement is informed by a critical reflection on existing knowledge and practice contributes through the development of new knowledge and enhanced practice SCHOLARSHIP
Objectives Task TQI PROMOTION
Leading and promoting L&T Student-focussed L&T Leadership in curriculum design Research-enhanced L&T IMPACT & EVIDENCE
Indicator Leading and promoting L&T Example Recognition as a leader in the L&T of the discipline Evidence (Indicative only) Level B Judgement by peers Level D Recognition by staff from Australian HE institutions EXAMPLE
What strategies are you employing to develop and enhance research-based learning and teaching in your discipline? Ref: Brew, A (2007) CONSIDER...
Further Information: http://www.mq.edu.au/provost/activities/research/teachingquality.html QUESTIONS?
Brew, A (2007) Presentation - Teaching and Research in Partnership: a higher education for the twenty-first century? Chalmers, D. (2007a), “A review of Australian and international quality systems and indicators of learning and teaching” Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Retrieved February 12 2008, from http://www.carrickinstitute.edu.au/carrick/webdav/site/carricksite/users/siteadmin/public/t&lindicators_report_nov07.pdf Chalmers, D. (2007b). Teaching and learning indicators in Australia. Academy Exchange, Winter, pp38-39 Teaching Quality Indicators Project Description; Retrieved February 12, 2008 from Carrick Institute website: http://www.carrickinstitute.edu.au/carrick/go/home/cache/offonce/pid/370 REFERENCES