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The 196os

By: Aatish, Arjun, Parth and Nikhil. The 196os. 1960 Presidential Election. John F. Kennedy (Massachusetts Senator and Catholic) Richard Nixon (Eisenhower’s Vice-President) Kennedy used power of television to gain support

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The 196os

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  1. By: Aatish, Arjun, Parth and Nikhil The 196os

  2. 1960 Presidential Election • John F. Kennedy (Massachusetts Senator and Catholic) • Richard Nixon (Eisenhower’s Vice-President) • Kennedy used power of television to gain support • Largest television audience: 70 million families, tuned to watch the intense debate. A.N.

  3. ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGcU5U2xUPE&feature=related A.N.

  4. The Results • Kennedy: 303 • Nixon: 219 • Race very close, Nixon demanded recount but to no prevail • Controversies: Illinois and Texas 14 Unpledged Electors! A.N.

  5. Ernesto Che Guevara • Born in Rosario Argentina, 1928 • Worked as a doctor until in 1954, he witnessed an American backed coup to overthrow President Jacobo Arbenz • As a result he joined Fidel Castro • 1956, Castro Guevara and 80 other men and women arrived in Cuba hoping to overthrow American backed dictator Fulgencio Batista • July 26 Movement • N.B

  6. The Cuban Revolution • Castro and Guevara tried to set up base in Sierra Maestra Mountains • Ambushed by gov. troops and ended up with only 16 men once they reached their destination • Castro’s forces raided gov. barracks and gained weapons • Took land from government and returned to peasants: gained support of the poor • 1958, 45 organizations signed a letter saying they supported the July 26 Movement • Castro and Guevara were gaining curcial middle class support • N.B

  7. Overthrowing the Cuban Government • Batista sent 10,000 men after Castro and Guevara’s 300 man force • Despite U.S support, Batista still was losing the fight • In an effort to save leadership, Batista held elections. Almost 75% of people did not vote • Quickly losing popularity, Batista fled the country • January 9, 1959 Castro marched into Havana, taking control of Cuba • Guevara went on to become guerilla leader in Bolivia. Killed October 1967 • N.B

  8. Bay of Pigs April 14-19, 1961 • http://www.5min.com/Video/The-Bay-of-Pigs-Invasion-119994500 • N.B

  9. Bay of Pigs • Intended to incite rebellion against Castro • Plan was started under Eisenhower • Had to appear as if America was not involved • Attempts to cover up involvement failed Cuba had presented evidence to UN that America was hiring/training mercenaries • N.B

  10. The Invasion • Invasion force set out from Nicaragua April 14 • American-backed Cuban rebels set off bombs in Bay of Pigs and Zapata Swamp • Disguised airplanes to look like Cuban aircraft • Invasion failed due to lack of air support • Invaders surrender at noon April 19

  11. Defeat • Over 200 killed, 1,197 captured • Invaders sentenced to 30 years in prison. Released early due to payment of $53 million in food and medicine from U.S

  12. A.B.

  13. A.B.

  14. A.B.

  15. Cuban Missile Crisis • U.S. refused to trade with Cuba: hurt their economy • Castro was under much pressure: Russian Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev took opportunity to gain foothold in “America’s backyard” began to help Castro

  16. Building Bases • October 22, 1962, JFK receives intel that U.S.S.R. built missile bases in Cuba • JFK ordered naval blockade of Cuba to prevent the Soviets’ from sending supplies to Cuba • Khrushchev ordered his men to launch nukes if U.S. invaded

  17. A Nuclear Staring Contest • JFK and Khrushchev remained deadlocked until October 28 • Think of Dr. Seuss episode • Khrushchev gave into JFK’s demands and pulled Soviet missiles from Cuba

  18. A.B. The Berlin Wall • Germany is split into East and West Germany after WWII. Berlin is also split. • Tensions arise between the Soviets and the other Allied Powers. This results in events like the Berlin Airlifts. • West Germany is a socialist, democratic country. East Germany is a communist republic. East Germans face bad conditions due to the Soviet’s lack of involvement. • Berlin Wall is formed in the night between August 12 and 13, 1961. Its purpose is to prevent emigration – still, it symbolically resembles the Iron Curtain. • More walls are formed throughout Germany, thus, completely isolating East Germany. This prevents the reunification of Germany as originally promised. • Families are split and East Germans are forced to endure a tough lifestyle. • The Berlin Wall is initially 96 miles. It begins with barbed wires but it evolves quickly. Many people die attempting to cross the wall. • East Germans continue to try to escape the poor conditions. In 1989, they escape through Hungary to Austria. • In September of 1989, riots break out across the country to break the Berlin Wall, the symbol of their suffering.

  19. The government agrees, with pressure from other countries, to break on the wall on November 9, 1989. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmRPP2WXX0U • East and West Germany are reunited on October 3, 1990. A.B.

  20. Camelot • The castle and court of King Arthur. • Word used by Jacqueline Kennedy to describe the White House before JFK’s death. • JFK’s Presidency was a period of hope and optimism in the US • One of JFK’s favorite songs R.X.

  21. The New Frontier • Helped poor • Redevelopment, increase in welfare, aid to children • Education funding • Scholarship and student loans • In-class television education • National Defense Education Act • Unemployment • Food Stamp Program • Accelerated public works A.N.

  22. Immigration • Cuban Refugee Program ( February 9, 1961) • Helped refugees fleeing Castro’s regime through health care and education loans Led To… • Immigration and Nationality Act (1965) • Started by Kennedy but assassinated (continued by LBJ) Eradicated quotas and established hemispherical slots. A.N.

  23. The New Frontier • Civil Rights • Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity • 1962- prohibited racial discrimination in federal housing (college) • Civil Rights Act of 1964- outlawed discrimination in all public facilities A.N.

  24. Peace Corps • JFK’s program used to help poorer nations • Trained and sent volunteers to Africa, Asia and Latin America. • Two years as educators, health care workers, agricultural advisers, etc. • Mostly college graduates • Improved foreign relations for the U.S. R.X.

  25. The Space Race • The Soviet Union and the U.S. both have had ICBM programs since the 1940s. • Tension start a race to prove superiority – both countries announce that a satellite would be launched into space. • Sputnik 1 is launched on October 4, 1957. • Eisenhower creates NASA in response. • The Soviets launch Yuri Gagarin into space on April 12, 1961 – The Americans launch Alan Shepard into space on May 5, 1961. • The races continuously changed. Soviets launched Valentina Tereshkova into space on June 16, 1963. • The U.S. loses most races but they win a very significant one: having a man on the moon. • Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin reach the moon with the Apollo 11 on July 20, 1966. • The Space Race programs eventually slow down and the races become less competitive. A.B.

  26. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCt1BwWE2gA A.N.

  27. Leonid Brezhnev A.B. • Was part of the plan to remove Khrushchev from a position of power. Assumes power on October 14, 1964. • Followed a policy of detente like Khrushchev. • Improves foreign relations with other countries by trading with them. • Signed arms control policies with other countries. • Wanted to equalize military power with the U.S. He negotiated with U.S. officials in order to do so. • SALT I and SALT II are agreements between the U.S. and Soviets in order to prevent warfare. • Growing tension is still evident between both nations. • In the Vietnam War, Brezhnev funds communist North Vietnam while Lyndon B. Johnson sides with South Vietnam. • Dies while in power on November 10, 1982.

  28. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMBCfxIqP-s A.N.

  29. Assassination • Dallas, Texas November 22, 1963 Four shots • Lee Harvey Oswald (shot by Jack Ruby) • Conspiracies: more than one shooter, Israel, the Mafia, Secret Service, A.N.

  30. Lyndon B. Johnson becomes President • November 22, 1963 – JFK assassinated • Lyndon Johnson becomes President. • He felt it was his duty to carry on JFK’s legacy • Help the war on poverty- set of programs introduced by President Johnson to fight poverty • Passed the Economic Opportunity Act- created anti-poverty programs such as Job Corps and VISTA. • Job Corps- offered work-training programs for unemployed youth • VISTA- (Volunteers in Service to America) helped poor communities in the U.S. • Created the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO). • Other anti-poverty programs were created through the OEO. • P.A.

  31. Carrying on JFK’s Legacy • During Johnson’s presidency, he persuaded Congress to pass the tax-cut bill and the civil rights legislation. • tax-cut bill- Senate conservatives said that Johnson had to limit government spending to $100 billion if he wanted to cut taxes • Helped the economy grow by 10%, and unemployment declines. • P.A.

  32. The Great Society • During the 1964 election, president Johnson wanted to further help the “war on poverty”. • Creates the phrase – “Great Society” • Great Society-domestic programs created by President Johnson to help poverty, the environment, education, and discrimination. • Wins the 1964 election by a landslide against Republican, Barry Goldwater. • Starts to create acts and persuades Congress to pass them. • 181 of 200 bills were passed in the Great Society. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx0K637mBVE • P.A.

  33. Great Society Programs P.A.

  34. Great Society Programs Cont’d P.A.

  35. Foreign Policies • Spent $2.5 billion each month on the Vietnam War. • Wanted to stop the spread of communism. • Johnson Doctrine- philosophy that revolutions in Latin America were not just local concerns when “the object is the establishment of a Communist dictatorship”. • Pueblo incident-North Korean capture of the Pueblo, a Navy spy ship. • P.A.

  36. 1968 Republican Convention • Richard Nixon became the frontrunner for the 1968 Presidential Election • Nixon used the “Southern Strategy” • Took advantage of the racism against blacks in the south • This campaign strategy switched the positions of democrats and republicans R.X.

  37. The Six-Day War • Fought between Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt • June 5-June 10, 1967 • Israel launches a sudden air attack against nearby Arab countries • Captured the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Penninsula, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. R.X.

  38. RFK’s Assassination • Shot on June 5 ,1968. Died 26 hours later. • Sirhan Sirhan- 24 year old Palestinian American • Had a grudge against RFK for supporting Israel in the Six Day War R.X.

  39. THE END

  40. Works Cited • Bay of Pigs Invasion." United States History. United States History, n.d. Web. 22 May 2011. <http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1765.html>. • Spartacus Educational." Spartacus Educational. Spartacus Educational, n.d. Web. 22 May 2011. <http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/COLDguevara.htm>. • Goldman, Jerry, and Giel Stein. "The Cuban Missile Crisis, October 18-29, 1962." N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2011. <http://www.hpol.org/jfk/cuban/>. • The Bay of Pigs Invasion." The Bay of Pigs Invasion. Web. 22 May 2011. <http://www.5min.com/Video/The-Bay-of-Pigs-Invasion-119994500>.

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