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Welcome Students to Mrs. Knowles’ 3 rd Grade Class!. About Mrs. Knowles. Graduated from Campbell University in 2011. First year at Salemburg Elementary. Lives in Turkey, NC. Communication. Contact information:. Email: sknowles@sampson.k12.nc.us School Phone: (910) 525-5547.
About Mrs. Knowles Graduated from Campbell University in 2011. First year at Salemburg Elementary. Lives in Turkey, NC.
Communication Contact information: Email: sknowles@sampson.k12.nc.us School Phone: (910) 525-5547 I’m available during pull outs (10:00-10:40) and after school 3:00-4:00 most days. Email is the best way to communicate with me. Time willing, I will check my email periodically throughout the day. Calls made during the school day will be sent directly to voicemail. If there is an emergency, the office staff will notify me promptly.
Classroom Rules Follow directions quickly. Raise your hand for permission to speak. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. Make smart choices. Keep your dear teacher happy.
Teacher Responsibilities To treat you with respect and care as an individual. To provide you an orderly classroom environment. To provide the necessary discipline. To provide the appropriate motivation. To teach you the required content.
Student Responsibilities To treat me with respect and care as an individual. To attend school regularly. To be cooperative and not disruptive. To study and complete homework.(Success Takes Effort!) To learn and understand the required content.
Parents’ Responsibilities Encourage your child to pay attention, participate, and complete school work in a timely manner. Provide your child with support at home to complete homework. Provide your child with supplies needed for school. (Paper and 2 pencils every day.) Read with your child and ask questions about the content. Talk with your child about what he/she is learning each day.
Classwork Policy • Classwork that is not completed by the end of the day should be taken home to finish along with the other homework. • Students are responsible for completing all assignments given, even if they are absent. • Students should be proud of the work they produce; therefore, student name should always be the first thing on the page! • Students are reminded to check over their work for errors before turning it in.
Homework Policy • Students are required to copy down their homework every day. No exceptions. • Homework will be assigned Monday thru Thursday. No homework will be given over the weekend. • Only topics covered in class will be given as homework; therefore, all students should have an understanding of the material and be able to complete it individually. • Students are responsible for completing all homework and turning it in on time.
Homework Policy *Consequences* *Walk laps at recess for each missing assignment. *Write up after 3 missing homework assignments. *After 3 write ups, the student will receive ISS. *The next missed homework assignment = conference with parent, teacher, and administration. *If homework is still not completed, the student will be assigned OSS for one day. Student must be brought back to school by a parent.
Absences Policy • Students learn best when they are at school. • When an absence can’t be avoided, it is the responsibility of the student to get the make up work and turn it in completed in a timely manner. • I encourage my students to ask for help with any make up work. • *New information will be covered every day, so please try to have your child at school on time every day.*
Absences Policy • If the student misses 1-3 days of school, they will have 3 days to turn in all missing assignments. • Students who miss more than 3 days will have one week to turn in all missing work. • *Students will not complete everything we did while they were absent. I will let them know what they need to complete.
Grading Policy Students’ grades are based on their work and participation in class. It is highly recommended that the students actively participate in class! Time + Effort = Results Grading Scale 93-100 A 85-92 B 77-84 C 70-76 D 0-69 F
End-of-Grade Testing Students in Third Grade will begin taking the End-of-Grade (EOG) tests in Reading and Math this year. Students will take benchmark tests at the end of each 9 weeks to assess the skills taught during that 9 weeks. Based on these benchmark tests, students who need extra help to master needed skills will participate in remediation.
End-of-Grade Testing I will work daily to prepare my students for the End-of-Grade tests. It is the students responsibility to pay attention in class, complete classwork and homework, and participate in class discussions to help them succeed on the EOG’s.
End-of-Grade Testing EOG and Benchmark scores are given different levels. Level 4 Above Grade Level Level 3 On Grade Level Level 2 Below Grade Level Level 1 Significantly Below Grade Level
Behavior Folders I will send home a weekly behavior folder with notes on your child’s behavior for the previous week. This will be sent home on Mondays. It is to be signed returned the next day. The students will be given a “Weekly Behavior Card” to keep inside their behavior folder. When the student has an entire week with good behavior, the card will be punched. When it reaches 5 punches, the student will receive a “no homework” pass. The amount of punches needed will increase as the year progresses.
Behavior Folders Every student will begin the day on green. If the behavior folder is not signed and returned the next day, the student will move to yellow and stay until it is returned. Misbehavior = Consequences First time (blue)= Warning, Disruption Card Second time (yellow) = Laps, Silent Lunch, Behavior Map Third time (red) = Note home to be signed/guided phone call to parents Fourth time (black) = Office Referral/Parent Conference
Behavior Folders Good Behavior = Rewards “A Tip of the Hat” card Candy from treat box Good note home “No Homework” Pass Class Acknowledgement and others
We’re going to have a WONDERFUL year! I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year. If there is ever a concern or problem, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Teachers, parents, and students working together create an opportunity for success.