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Introductions. Today's Speakers. Andrew DonnellySenior ConsultantMicrosoft Servicesandonnel@microsoft.com. Jason CrossSenior Consultant Microsoft Servicesjasoncr@microsoft.com. Lutz SeidemannArchitectMicrosoft Serviceslutzs@microsoft.com. General DDPS questions can be directed to: ddps@microsoft.com.
1. Key Message
Welcome to the DDPS delivery training session.
Presenter Script
Welcome to this delivery training session for the DDPS program. The purpose of this training is to equip you to deliver Desktop Deployment Planning Service engagements.
Presenter Guidance
Additional Presenter InformationKey Message
Welcome to the DDPS delivery training session.
Presenter Script
Welcome to this delivery training session for the DDPS program. The purpose of this training is to equip you to deliver Desktop Deployment Planning Service engagements.
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2. Introductions Today’s Speakers
Key Message
Get to know each other.
Presenter Script
First, let me introduce myself…
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Introduce yourself to the attendees using the template. Have each other participants introduce themselves. Remember to capture any questions and requirements that are out of scope for the current discussion in a separate location on the whiteboard throughout the session.Key Message
Get to know each other.
Presenter Script
First, let me introduce myself…
Presenter Guidance
Introduce yourself to the attendees using the template. Have each other participants introduce themselves. Remember to capture any questions and requirements that are out of scope for the current discussion in a separate location on the whiteboard throughout the session.
3. DDPS In Action Series
Session 4
Proof of Concept
BDD Hydration
Q & A
Agenda Key Message
Review agenda
Presenter Script
First, we are going to give you a chance to introduce yourselves and let us know what you are expecting to get from this training.
Then, we have 3 main objectives for this training period. That you:
Understand the DDPS program
That you leave here confident that you can deliver a DDPS engagement
Finally that you learn the new technologies, upgrade your skills to Vista, Office 2007, and BDD Vista
So lets start with the Logistics and Introductions
Presenter Guidance
Additional Presenter InformationKey Message
Review agenda
Presenter Script
First, we are going to give you a chance to introduce yourselves and let us know what you are expecting to get from this training.
Then, we have 3 main objectives for this training period. That you:
Understand the DDPS program
That you leave here confident that you can deliver a DDPS engagement
Finally that you learn the new technologies, upgrade your skills to Vista, Office 2007, and BDD Vista
So lets start with the Logistics and Introductions
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4. [Insert LiveMeeting Poll Slides]
POLLS Key Message
Review agenda
Presenter Script
First, we are going to give you a chance to introduce yourselves and let us know what you are expecting to get from this training.
Then, we have 3 main objectives for this training period. That you:
Understand the DDPS program
That you leave here confident that you can deliver a DDPS engagement
Finally that you learn the new technologies, upgrade your skills to Vista, Office 2007, and BDD Vista
So lets start with the Logistics and Introductions
Presenter Guidance
Additional Presenter InformationKey Message
Review agenda
Presenter Script
First, we are going to give you a chance to introduce yourselves and let us know what you are expecting to get from this training.
Then, we have 3 main objectives for this training period. That you:
Understand the DDPS program
That you leave here confident that you can deliver a DDPS engagement
Finally that you learn the new technologies, upgrade your skills to Vista, Office 2007, and BDD Vista
So lets start with the Logistics and Introductions
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5. DDPS In Action Series
Session 4
Proof of Concept
BDD Hydration
Q & A
Agenda Key Message
Review agenda
Presenter Script
First, we are going to give you a chance to introduce yourselves and let us know what you are expecting to get from this training.
Then, we have 3 main objectives for this training period. That you:
Understand the DDPS program
That you leave here confident that you can deliver a DDPS engagement
Finally that you learn the new technologies, upgrade your skills to Vista, Office 2007, and BDD Vista
So lets start with the Logistics and Introductions
Presenter Guidance
Additional Presenter InformationKey Message
Review agenda
Presenter Script
First, we are going to give you a chance to introduce yourselves and let us know what you are expecting to get from this training.
Then, we have 3 main objectives for this training period. That you:
Understand the DDPS program
That you leave here confident that you can deliver a DDPS engagement
Finally that you learn the new technologies, upgrade your skills to Vista, Office 2007, and BDD Vista
So lets start with the Logistics and Introductions
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6. Multiple sessions in this series
30-60 minute 300-level webcasts
Led by Subject Matter Experts who will provide real-world insight on delivery
To download DDPS materials: https://iwsolve.partners.extranet.microsoft.com/ddps/Resources.aspx#q3 DDPS In Action Series Overview Key Message
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7. 1, 3, 5, 10 days of desktop deployment planning and consulting services
Can be extended up to 15 days by trading training vouchers
Customizable per engagement*
75% of eligible customers are 1-day or 3-day
Engagement is typically delivered contiguously
1-day DDPS can be delivered as 8 hours onsite –or-3-4 teleconference sessions
Can be delivered by single resource (broad technical coverage) DDPS v2Delivery View Key Message
All engagement lengths follow the same logical flow.
Presenter Script
No matter if you are presenting a 1 day or a 10 day, the materials follow this logical flow. The exception is the POC. 1 and 3 day have no POC. The 5 day has a virtual POC. The 10 day a leave behind that you stand up on the customer hardware, with customer PIDs. Do you leave the 5 day virtual lab POC behind? (answer: no).
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Key Message
All engagement lengths follow the same logical flow.
Presenter Script
No matter if you are presenting a 1 day or a 10 day, the materials follow this logical flow. The exception is the POC. 1 and 3 day have no POC. The 5 day has a virtual POC. The 10 day a leave behind that you stand up on the customer hardware, with customer PIDs. Do you leave the 5 day virtual lab POC behind? (answer: no).
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8. DDPS Delivery Guide Key Message
The DDPS Delivery Guide for Consultants will help you successfully deliver engagements.
Presenter Script
Our agenda today is driven by the contents in the DDPS Delivery Guide for Consultants. If you would like you can follow along. You can find the delivery guide on the external HD in a folder called Delivery Guidance.
Presenter Guidance
Additional Presenter InformationKey Message
The DDPS Delivery Guide for Consultants will help you successfully deliver engagements.
Presenter Script
Our agenda today is driven by the contents in the DDPS Delivery Guide for Consultants. If you would like you can follow along. You can find the delivery guide on the external HD in a folder called Delivery Guidance.
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9. DDPS In Action Series
Session 4
Proof of Concept
BDD Hydration
Q & A
Agenda Key Message
Review agenda
Presenter Script
First, we are going to give you a chance to introduce yourselves and let us know what you are expecting to get from this training.
Then, we have 3 main objectives for this training period. That you:
Understand the DDPS program
That you leave here confident that you can deliver a DDPS engagement
Finally that you learn the new technologies, upgrade your skills to Vista, Office 2007, and BDD Vista
So lets start with the Logistics and Introductions
Presenter Guidance
Additional Presenter InformationKey Message
Review agenda
Presenter Script
First, we are going to give you a chance to introduce yourselves and let us know what you are expecting to get from this training.
Then, we have 3 main objectives for this training period. That you:
Understand the DDPS program
That you leave here confident that you can deliver a DDPS engagement
Finally that you learn the new technologies, upgrade your skills to Vista, Office 2007, and BDD Vista
So lets start with the Logistics and Introductions
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10. Proof of Concept Mandatory for 5 day and 10 day engagement
5 Day Engagement
2 days in duration (Days 4-5)
A ‘virtual lab’ session to allow the customer to gain hands on understanding of the technologies
Important to have Virtual Machine built prior to engagement
The VM can be built using BDD Hydration with all the necessary infrastructure
VM is not left behind
The focus of the lab involves the creation of a reference image that is then deployed to their hardware
The deployment process can use Lite Touch and/or Zero Touch to demonstrate various options and capabilities
Customer must provide pre-packaged applications and Vista media/keys
Proof Of Concept: Validates as much of the proposed solution as realistically possible Key Message
The Lab POC is unique and mandatory for the 5/10 day engagements
Presenter Script
In the Architectural Design Session we focused first on requirements and design. We did some teaching on the new technologies, but only enough to make the design process possible. A Proof Of Concept lab is primarily intended to educate. The customer has the chance to work with the technology in depth, and prove to themselves that the design will in fact meet their requirements. So if the customer has a goal of learning the new technologies, they need to sign up for the 5 or 10 day engagement.
For the 5 day lab
- the server pieces are all on virtual machine, and are not left behind.
- a reference image is created, and left behind
- we deploy using LTI or ZTI to two customer desktops, which are left behind
For the 10 day, we do the same, but more customization, and everything is on customer hardware, everything is left behind
Finally, we are trying to prove the solution will meet the customer’s requirements, so we try to include as much of the proposed design as possible in the timeframe allowed.
Notice this is not primarily a packaging session.
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Key Message
The Lab POC is unique and mandatory for the 5/10 day engagements
Presenter Script
In the Architectural Design Session we focused first on requirements and design. We did some teaching on the new technologies, but only enough to make the design process possible. A Proof Of Concept lab is primarily intended to educate. The customer has the chance to work with the technology in depth, and prove to themselves that the design will in fact meet their requirements. So if the customer has a goal of learning the new technologies, they need to sign up for the 5 or 10 day engagement.
For the 5 day lab
- the server pieces are all on virtual machine, and are not left behind.
- a reference image is created, and left behind
- we deploy using LTI or ZTI to two customer desktops, which are left behind
For the 10 day, we do the same, but more customization, and everything is on customer hardware, everything is left behind
Finally, we are trying to prove the solution will meet the customer’s requirements, so we try to include as much of the proposed design as possible in the timeframe allowed.
Notice this is not primarily a packaging session.
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11. Proof of Concept Sample Agenda – 5 Day (virtual)
Key Message
The agenda is flexible but it’s important to define the details and set expectation with the customer
Presenter Script
Here is a sample 5 day agenda from the Consultants Delivery Guide. Since the deliverables you are responsible for include an image deployed to two desktops, you must cover the activities of day 4, and the Lite Touch or Zero Touch deployment of day 5. Note that the 10 day agenda will be further customized - especially for days 6-10
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Key Message
The agenda is flexible but it’s important to define the details and set expectation with the customer
Presenter Script
Here is a sample 5 day agenda from the Consultants Delivery Guide. Since the deliverables you are responsible for include an image deployed to two desktops, you must cover the activities of day 4, and the Lite Touch or Zero Touch deployment of day 5. Note that the 10 day agenda will be further customized - especially for days 6-10
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12. Proof of Concept Lab Hardware – 5 Day Engagement
Host Laptop (consultant supplied)
2.5 GHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent
1.5 GB or more RAM
60 GB Hard Drive
USB Drive (consultant supplied)
USB 2.0
External Power (preferred)
Workstations (customer supplied)
2 different platforms - Laptop and Desktop (preferred)
Pentium III 1.2 MHz, Or Equivalent
60 GB Hard Drive
Lab Software – 5 Day Engagement
VPC 2007 (free on the web)
Pre-packaged software (customer supplied)
Vista media (customer supplied)
Key Message
Requirements for the 5 day virtual lab
Presenter Script
Notice the only thing the customer needs to provide is a desktop, a laptop, their prepackaged apps, and Vista media. You bring everything else. Use a fast external drive. Use external power on your USB drive to improve performance. VPC 2007 runs faster, more reliably as well.
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Key Message
Requirements for the 5 day virtual lab
Presenter Script
Notice the only thing the customer needs to provide is a desktop, a laptop, their prepackaged apps, and Vista media. You bring everything else. Use a fast external drive. Use external power on your USB drive to improve performance. VPC 2007 runs faster, more reliably as well.
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13. Proof of Concept 10 Day Engagement
7 days in duration (Days 4-10)
A fully functional ‘leave behind lab’ to prove the solution capabilities
Allows for a revision session to the proposed plan
While this methodology is recommended, you may find need to customize it based on the needs of your customer, or to account for your own methodologies and preferences
The focus of the lab is based on customer needs and requirements – important to set realistic goals and expectations given the allotted time
The customer should have the lab ready prior to the start of the engagement whenever possible
However, BDD Hydration can be used to build-out the infrastructure on their hardware
All software and product keys must be provided by customer – make sure to call this out during the pre-flight customer call
More in-depth coverage and integration with customer systems (performance vs. process) along with Proof of Concept Lab behind
Most 10 Day Engagements cover a lot of material – ramp-up on key material using the Hands-on Labs
Key Message
The 10 day engagement results in a leave behind lab
Presenter Script
The ten day lab would be of interest to customers that know they are going to move forward with the solution, so they want a permanent lab set up. They want a jump start on getting everything set up so they can focus on learning the solution, and the whatever customizations they need to make. This kind of customer may be technically saavy, and already sold on the solution. You can maximize your time with them by asking them to set up the lab before you arrive. That way you can focus on the customization pieces.
As the customer works with you in the lab, they may change their minds as to what the design should be as they learn the solution. We allow for that with a design revision session. You may want to do this at the end of each day rather than at the end.
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Key Message
The 10 day engagement results in a leave behind lab
Presenter Script
The ten day lab would be of interest to customers that know they are going to move forward with the solution, so they want a permanent lab set up. They want a jump start on getting everything set up so they can focus on learning the solution, and the whatever customizations they need to make. This kind of customer may be technically saavy, and already sold on the solution. You can maximize your time with them by asking them to set up the lab before you arrive. That way you can focus on the customization pieces.
As the customer works with you in the lab, they may change their minds as to what the design should be as they learn the solution. We allow for that with a design revision session. You may want to do this at the end of each day rather than at the end.
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14. Proof of Concept Lab Hardware – 10 Day Engagement
All hardware is customer supplied
As part of the lab setup sufficient hardware is required to either:
Host virtual servers to perform the roles of the computer imaging, deployment and provisioning server
Act as physical servers to perform the roles of the computer imaging, deployment and provisioning server
Physical Server Requirements
2 physical servers (preferred)
3Ghz Pentium IV (or better)
2.0 GB RAM (or better)
150 GB HD free space
2 different platforms - Laptop and Desktop (preferred)
Pentium III 1.2 MHz, Or Equivalent
60 GB Hard Drive
Key Message
For a 10 day engagement all hardware and software is provided by the customer.
Presenter Script
For a 10 day engagement all hardware and software is provided by the customer.
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For a 10 day engagement all hardware and software is provided by the customer.
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For a 10 day engagement all hardware and software is provided by the customer.
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15. Proof of Concept Sample Lab Architecture – 10 Day Engagement Key Message
10 day engagement will involve more lab resources and capabilities.
Presenter Script
So the basic difference between the 10 day and the 5 day hardware requirements is that the customer needs to provide a couple of servers in the lab, or their virtual equivalents.
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Key Message
10 day engagement will involve more lab resources and capabilities.
Presenter Script
So the basic difference between the 10 day and the 5 day hardware requirements is that the customer needs to provide a couple of servers in the lab, or their virtual equivalents.
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16. Proof of Concept Lab Software – 10 Day Engagement
All software is customer supplied
Full listing is detailed in the pre-flight engagement questionnaire
Sample listing of key software:
Key Message
The customer needs to provide the lab software
Presenter Script
The full list of software required is in the preflight questionnaire. You do not want to have the customer searching for these, nor their PIDs once onsite.
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Key Message
The customer needs to provide the lab software
Presenter Script
The full list of software required is in the preflight questionnaire. You do not want to have the customer searching for these, nor their PIDs once onsite.
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17. DDPS In Action Series
Session 4
Proof of Concept
BDD Hydration
Q & A
Agenda Key Message
Review agenda
Presenter Script
First, we are going to give you a chance to introduce yourselves and let us know what you are expecting to get from this training.
Then, we have 3 main objectives for this training period. That you:
Understand the DDPS program
That you leave here confident that you can deliver a DDPS engagement
Finally that you learn the new technologies, upgrade your skills to Vista, Office 2007, and BDD Vista
So lets start with the Logistics and Introductions
Presenter Guidance
Additional Presenter InformationKey Message
Review agenda
Presenter Script
First, we are going to give you a chance to introduce yourselves and let us know what you are expecting to get from this training.
Then, we have 3 main objectives for this training period. That you:
Understand the DDPS program
That you leave here confident that you can deliver a DDPS engagement
Finally that you learn the new technologies, upgrade your skills to Vista, Office 2007, and BDD Vista
So lets start with the Logistics and Introductions
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18. Proof of Concept What is BDD Hydration?
2 Wizards - HTML Applications (HTA)
Hydrate Software Depot - stages source media on BDD server
Hydrate Server - builds BDD Server (including ZTI/ZTP)
What is in the single server Hydration build?
Active Directory Domain Controller, DHCP, DNS, WINS, IIS, SQL Server 2005, SMS 2003, SMS 2003 OSD Feature Pack, BDD 2007, MOM Server 2005, MOM Server 2005 Reporting, BizTalk Server 2006, Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, USMT 3.0, and Visual Studio 2005
Includes DDPS_BDDHydrationGuide.docx
Step by step how to use
How to customize
Key Message
Overview of Hydration
Presenter Script
We don’t want to spend a lot of time installing software. So we have provided some wizards to help automate the process called Hydration. Hydration has two wizards. The first stages your source media. The second builds out a complete BDD infrastructure on a single server in an unattended manner. All you need to do is gather the needed software and then use the supplied HTML applications (.HTA’s) that walk you through the two main processes.
Please note that Hydration also takes care of many configuration steps as well. For instance, BizTalk Server 2006 is installed and configured with a basic setup.
Also be aware that Hydration has been tested with the x86 versions of the various components and applications.
You don’t have to install everything, but there are obviously dependencies.
The included Readme.docx gives you detailed instructions on how to use and customize this tool.
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Key Message
Overview of Hydration
Presenter Script
We don’t want to spend a lot of time installing software. So we have provided some wizards to help automate the process called Hydration. Hydration has two wizards. The first stages your source media. The second builds out a complete BDD infrastructure on a single server in an unattended manner. All you need to do is gather the needed software and then use the supplied HTML applications (.HTA’s) that walk you through the two main processes.
Please note that Hydration also takes care of many configuration steps as well. For instance, BizTalk Server 2006 is installed and configured with a basic setup.
Also be aware that Hydration has been tested with the x86 versions of the various components and applications.
You don’t have to install everything, but there are obviously dependencies.
The included Readme.docx gives you detailed instructions on how to use and customize this tool.
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19. Proof of Concept Hydrate Software Depot Architecture
Key Message
Illustration of the file server, software, and base hydration server
Presenter Script
The Hydration Software Depot will be applied to the server to be hydrated
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Key Message
Illustration of the file server, software, and base hydration server
Presenter Script
The Hydration Software Depot will be applied to the server to be hydrated
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20. Key Message
Demo of BDD Hydration
Presenter Script
Let’s look at BDD Hydration
Presenter Guidance
There is a video of using gui-Hydrate-DEPOT.hta and gui-Hydrate-SERVER.hta, BDDHydration-Demo-HydrateDepot_v1.0.wmv and BDDHydration-Demo-HydrateServer_v1.0.wmv, respectively.
If you choose to walk-thru the each .hta interactively, you will need to unzip them from Delivery Materials\Hydration Scripts\DDPS_BDDHydration_v2.2_SingleServer.zip and place them on the root of C:\. After this you can start each .hta and walk the steps which are outline in DDPS_BDDHydrationGuide_v2.X_SingleServer.doc.Key Message
Demo of BDD Hydration
Presenter Script
Let’s look at BDD Hydration
Presenter Guidance
There is a video of using gui-Hydrate-DEPOT.hta and gui-Hydrate-SERVER.hta, BDDHydration-Demo-HydrateDepot_v1.0.wmv and BDDHydration-Demo-HydrateServer_v1.0.wmv, respectively.
If you choose to walk-thru the each .hta interactively, you will need to unzip them from Delivery Materials\Hydration Scripts\DDPS_BDDHydration_v2.2_SingleServer.zip and place them on the root of C:\. After this you can start each .hta and walk the steps which are outline in DDPS_BDDHydrationGuide_v2.X_SingleServer.doc.
21. A Proof of Concept is mandatory for 5, 10, and 15 day DDPS engagements
5 day engagements require the consultant to bring a virtual environment
10 day engagements require the customer to supply hardware and software
BDD Hydration is a tool to build-out an entire infrastructure in an unattended manner
BDD Hydration is not a substitution for expertise
Familiarize yourself and use BDD Hydration prior to a DDPS engagement
Summary Key Message
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24. Questions Key Message
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Key Message
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