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Scientific Revolution

Scientific Revolution. Chapter 22.1. Medieval Science. Medieval scientists believed in a geocentric view of the universe. The earth was stationary and that sun, planets and moon all rotated around it. Beyond that were stationary stars and heaven was the farthest away.

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Scientific Revolution

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  1. Scientific Revolution Chapter 22.1

  2. Medieval Science • Medieval scientists believed in a geocentric view of the universe. • The earth was stationary and that sun, planets and moon all rotated around it. • Beyond that were stationary stars and heaven was the farthest away. • Christianity taught that God placed the Earth at the center of the universe to show its importance.

  3. New Way of thinking • Beginning in the 1500’s Science began to think about the universe in new ways. This shift was called the Scientific Revolution. • A new way of thinking about the natural world. • Based on careful observation and willingness to question accepted beliefs. • The age of European exploration fueled advances in technology and the study of math, physics and astronomy.

  4. Heliocentricism • NicolausCopericus was a Polish cleric and astronomer who did not believe that the geocentric theory of the universe fit. • He studied planetary movement for 25 years and introduced the heliocentric theory. • This said that all the planets orbited the Sun and not the Earth.

  5. Heliocentricism: • It did not completely answer all the questions, but it was more accurate than the geocentric theory that the Church supported. • Johannes Kepler studied planetary motion and concluded that the planets orbit the sun in an elliptical pattern instead of a perfect sphere. Kepler’s Universe

  6. Galileo Galilei Discoveries: • Law of the Pendulum: • Each swing takes the exact same amount of time. • Falling objects accelerate at a fixed rate. • Weight does not matter. • Telescope • Church Problems: • His discoveries went against Church teachings and caused him to be excommunicated.

  7. Francis Bacon: • Created and perfected the Scientific Method. • Scientific Method: a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas. • He encouraged scientists to question even commonly held beliefs until there was proof of its validity.

  8. Rene Descartes: • He thought like Bacon did and said even the existence of things should be questioned. • Created analytical geometry which combined algebra and geometry.

  9. Isaac Newton • Brought together the breakthroughs of Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo to a single Theory of Motion. • He linked the ideas of motion on the Earth to the movement of the plants in the heavens. • Newton believed that God (the clockmaker) was the creator of the universe and that he set it in motion but then did not interfere with its daily operations.

  10. Scientific Instruments: • Microscope: • Zacharias Janssen in 1590 • Bacteria, Red Blood Cells, and Maggots: • Leeuwenhoek 1670’s • Discovered that maggots do not appear out of nowhere but were, in fact, immature insects.

  11. Scientific Instruments: • Mercury Barometer: • Torricelli 1643 • Measured atmospheric pressure • Thermometer: • Gabriel Fahrenheit 1714; water froze at 32 degrees • Thermometer: • Andres Celsius 1742; water froze at zero degrees.

  12. Medicine and the Human body: • Medieval doctors believed that the human body was much the same as animals such as pigs. • Andres Vesalius dissected human corpses and produced detailed drawings of the human body and its organs for the first time. • William Harvey discovered the heart’s ability to circulate blood through the body and how blood vessels worked. • Edward Jenner introduced the vaccine to prevent smallpox using cowpox which reduced the risk of fatality.

  13. Chemistry: • Boyle used the scientific method in chemistry for the first time. • He challenged Aristotle’s idea that the world was made of four elements (Earth, Wind, Fire and Water) and instead offered the theory that it was made of many small primary elements which are combined in many ways.

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