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Naaman the Leper - Lessons in Faith and Obedience

Explore the inspiring story of Naaman, a mighty man with leprosy, and uncover valuable lessons on faith, humility, and obedience found in II Kings 5:1-27.

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Naaman the Leper - Lessons in Faith and Obedience

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  1. II Kings 5:1-5 “Now Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Syria, was a great and honorable man in the eyes of his master, because by him the LORD had given victory to Syria. He was also a mighty man of valor, but a leper. And the Syrians had gone out on raids, and had brought back captive a young girl from the land of Israel. She waited on Naaman's wife…”

  2. II Kings 5:1-5 “…Then she said to her mistress, ‘If only my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy.’ And Naaman went in and told his master, saying, ‘Thus and thus said the girl who is from the land of Israel.’…”

  3. II Kings 5:1-5 “…Then the king of Syria said, ‘Go now, and I will send a letter to the king of Israel.’ So he departed and took with him ten talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold, and ten changes of clothing.” Ivory Figure of the Syrian King Hazael ca. 830 BC

  4. Naaman the Leper(II Kings 5:1-27) I. “Then He Brought the Letter to the King…”(vs. 6). II Kings 5:6-9 Looking to the Wrong Source for Answers

  5. Naaman the Leper(II Kings 5:1-27) II. “…Indeed, I Said to Myself…”(vs. 11). II Kings 5:10-13 Preconceived Expectations When Approaching God I Samuel 15:22,23

  6. Naaman the Leper(II Kings 5:1-27) III. “…And He Was Clean”(vs. 14). II Kings 5:14 The Blessing of Obedience I Peter 3:21

  7. Naaman the Leper(II Kings 5:1-27) IV. “…I Will Receive Nothing”(vs. 16). II Kings 5:15-19 Giving God the Glory Acts 14:8-15; I Cor 2:1-5; 3:4-6; James 1:17; Matthew 6:33; 10:32,33

  8. Naaman the Leper(II Kings 5:1-27) V. “…I Will Run After Him and Take Something from Him”(vs. 20). II Kings 5:20-24 The Folly of Materialism I Timothy 6:6-10; Acts 5:1-11

  9. Naaman the Leper(II Kings 5:1-27) VI. “…Is It Time to Receive…”(vs. 26). II Kings 5:25-27 The Time for Treasures Matthew 6:19,29; I Peter 1:3-5

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