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Information Resources to Facilitate and Optimize Engineering Research. Presented by: Todd Conly, Product Portfolio Manager Engineering & Computer Science, March 2013. Agenda The Value of Content to Facilitate Engineering Research Cross-Disciplinary Workflow Components
Information Resources to Facilitate and Optimize Engineering Research Presented by: Todd Conly, Product Portfolio Manager Engineering & Computer Science,March 2013
Agenda • The Value of Content to Facilitate Engineering Research • Cross-Disciplinary Workflow Components • Engineering Information Usage Trends • Content for Academic, Government, and Corporate Researchers • Efficiency Gaines through Online Access • Join the Elsevier Community!
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Materials Science Mapping the cross-disciplinary workflow 88% of Researchers with engineering as their primary area say they do cross-disciplinary research in these 3 areas the most: Environmental Science Computer Science Engineering Data Source: 2012 Elsevier survey of 422 researchers in Engineering
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