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Babel F2003 Wrap-up

Babel F2003 Wrap-up. Stefan Muszala*, Tom Epperly(LLNL), Nanbor Wang*. Funded by DOE (TASCS) Grant No DE-FC02-07ER25805, DOE Grant No DE-FG02-04ER84099 and Tech-X. FACETS+Babel Update. Stefan Muszala*, Scott Kruger*, Srinath Vadlamani*. Funded by DOE (TASCS) Grant No DE-FC02-07ER25805

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Babel F2003 Wrap-up

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  1. Babel F2003 Wrap-up Stefan Muszala*, Tom Epperly(LLNL), Nanbor Wang* Funded by DOE (TASCS) Grant No DE-FC02-07ER25805, DOE Grant No DE-FG02-04ER84099 and Tech-X FACETS+Babel Update Stefan Muszala*, Scott Kruger*, Srinath Vadlamani* Funded by DOE (TASCS) Grant No DE-FC02-07ER25805 and Tech-X CCA Ecloud Intro Stefan Muszala*, Jim Amundson (FNAL), Paul Lebrun (FNAL), Lois Curfman McInnes (ANL) Boyana Norris (ANL), Peter Stoltz* DOE Grant No DE-FG02-08ER85152 * Tech-X

  2. Babel now has a functioning Fortran 2003 Bindingthat supports Structured Data Types. F03 F77 C F90 C++ Python Java

  3. Babel F2003 functionality supportsthe following SIDL struct definitions. struct Hard { array<double,1,row-major> d_array; } struct HardRarray { int d_int; rarray<double,1> d_rarrayRaw(d_int); rarray<double,1> d_rarrayFix(3); } struct Combined { Simple d_simple; Hard d_hard; } struct CombRarray { Simple d_simple; HardRarray d_hardRarray; } enum Color { red, blue, green } struct Empty { bool d_bool; } struct Simple { bool d_bool; char d_char; dcomplex d_dcomplex; double d_double; fcomplex d_fcomplex; float d_float; int d_int; long d_long; opaque d_opaque; Color d_enum; }

  4. Babel F2003 functionality supports the following SIDL function declarations. Type = {Empty,Simple,Hard,Combined} <Type> return<Type> (); bool passin<Type>(in <Type> s); bool passout<Type>(out <Type> s); bool passinout<Type>(inout <Type> s); <Type> passeverywhere<Type>(in <Type> s1, out <Type> s2, inout <Type> s3); TypeR = {HardRarray,CombRarray} bool passin<TypeR>(in <TypeR> s); bool passinout<TypeR>(inout <TypeR> s); bool passeverywhere<TypeR> (in <TypeR> s1, inout <TypeR> s2);

  5. The Babel F2003 binding generates trueFortran functions for scalar types (bool,int,long,float,double,fcomplex,dcomplex) • function s_StructTest_passinEmpty_mi(self, s, exception) • … • logical :: s_StructTest_passinEmpty_mi • ! out • … • s_StructTest_passinEmpty_mi=.true. • … • end function s_StructTest_passinEmpty_mi • complex (kind=sidl_dcomplex) :: func_checkReturn_retDcomplex_mi • ! Out • … • ! DO-NOT-DELETE splicer.begin(func.checkReturn.retDcomplex) • DcomplexVar=DcomplexVar*2.0 • DcomplexVar=conjg(DcomplexVar) • func_checkReturn_retDcomplex_mi=DcomplexVar

  6. Tying up loose ends for the F03 Binding(Outstanding issues) • Some regression tests breaking or failing on non-Tech-X build systems. • Failing on Jaguar • runC2C • runCxx2C • Broken on LLNL build box • runCxx2C • runCxx2Cxx • Adding Tech-X build to Gantlet results. • This is on hold until our new build system is online.

  7. Babel F2003 Wrap-up Stefan Muszala*, Tom Epperly(LLNL), Nanbor Wang* Funded by DOE (TASCS) Grant No DE-FC02-07ER25805, DOE Grant No DE-FG02-04ER84099 and Tech-X FACETS+Babel Update Stefan Muszala*, Scott Kruger*, Srinath Vadlamani* Funded by DOE (TASCS) Grant No DE-FC02-07ER25805 and Tech-X CCA Ecloud Intro Stefan Muszala*, Jim Amundson (FNAL), Paul Lebrun (FNAL), Lois Curfman McInnes (ANL) Boyana Norris (ANL), Peter Stoltz* DOE Grant No DE-FG02-08ER85152 * Tech-X

  8. FACETS-Integrated Fusion simulation (core, edge and wall). Tokamak: Produce Fusion Energy FACETS: Fusion Simulation, Wall to Core

  9. Babel is being used to integrate legacy Fortran codes into FACETS. • One of the driving forces for the F2003 Babel binding is the integration of legacy codes into the FACETS* project! • FACETS is a C++ framework that will call FORTRAN77, Fortran90/95, Fortran 2003, Python and C codes. • * FACETS-(Framework Application for Core-Edge Transport Simulations) is a SCIDAC project led by Tech-X which aims to integrate core, edge and wall fusion simulations.

  10. The current approach to C++/Fortran structured data type interoperability relies on pre-F2003 features.

  11. The Babel approach begins with a SIDL definition of existing Fortran derived types struct MmmFlags { int nroot; int npoints; int nprout; int lprint; int lsuper; int lreset; int nerr; int lswitch(8); rarray<double,1> cswitch(25); rarray<double,1> fig(4); rarray<double,1> frb(4); rarray<double,1> fkb(4); int UnitNum; } TYPE :: MmmFlags INTEGER :: nroot INTEGER :: npoints INTEGER :: nprout INTEGER :: lprint INTEGER :: lsuper INTEGER :: lreset INTEGER :: nerr INTEGER :: lswitch(8) REAL(kind=r8) :: cswitch(25) REAL(kind=r8) :: fig(4) REAL(kind=r8) :: frb(4) REAL(kind=r8) :: fkb(4) INTEGER :: UnitNum END TYPE MmmFlags

  12. The FACETS+Babel implementation simplifies the code structure and provides common interfaces.

  13. Recent work has involved refactoring FACETS Interfaces for increased usability • <model> ={Transport Type} = {Anomalous,Neoclassical,Gyrokinetic} • <Anomalous> = {GLF23,MMM95,TGLF*} • <Neoclassical>={NCLASS*,Kapisn*} • <Gyrokinetic> ={Gyro*} • Separating Fortran derived types into smaller units based on different transport types. • Calling structure basically remains the same as before. * currently under development

  14. Babel F2003 Wrap-up Stefan Muszala*, Tom Epperly(LLNL), Nanbor Wang* Funded by DOE (TASCS) Grant No DE-FC02-07ER25805, DOE Grant No DE-FG02-04ER84099 and Tech-X FACETS+Babel Update Stefan Muszala*, Scott Kruger*, Srinath Vadlamani* Funded by DOE (TASCS) Grant No DE-FC02-07ER25805 and Tech-X CCA Ecloud Intro Stefan Muszala*, Jim Amundson (FNAL), Paul Lebrun (FNAL), Lois Curfman McInnes (ANL) Boyana Norris (ANL), Peter Stoltz* DOE Grant No DE-FG02-08ER85152 * Tech-X

  15. CCA Ecloud is a new Tech-X project that models the Electron Cloud Effect (ECE) using CCA components. • Electrons bouncing off of beam walls causes the wall to emit more electrons through secondary emission and eventually build into a cloud. • The ECE is important to particle accelerator simulations since the cloud causes the proton beam to degrade.

  16. The CCA Ecloud applications are Synergia2 and POSINST/TxPhysics 1 2) Beam Dynamics (calculates x,y,z,v of simulated particles) 2 1 1) Electron Cloud Generation i. Number of secondary electrons produced in each impact. ii. Energy spectrum of those electrons.

  17. Prior Tech-X SBIR work with Synergia involved adding functionality: Python-based steering interface for Synergia operation. 2) Adding the functionality to merge diagnostics with steering. 3) Using items 1 and 2 to model an accelerator.

  18. Current work with Synergia involves modifying Synergia and TASCS collaboration. • Jim Amundson is refactoring the Synergia code base and providing a newly componentized model. • TASCS-COMPASS collaboration for providing • “high-performance components for accelerator modeling, with initial emphasis on particle tracking, beam optics, and solvers for space charge models.” • “selection and parameterization of accelerator components for CQoS work”

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