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EARLY SCHOOL HOUSES OF NORTH HAVEN. Sunday March 17, 2013. Ezekiel Cheever The Cheever School of New Haven first free school in America . “For the better trayning upp of youth in this towne …it is ordered that a free schoole be sett upp …”. Written in the New Haven Colony Records, 1641.
Ezekiel Cheever The Cheever School of New Haven first free school in America
“For the better trayningupp of youth in this towne…it is ordered that a free schoole be sett upp…” Written in the New Haven Colony Records, 1641
Unlike English grammar schools, the Cheever School was free and open to all male children. However, it was a secondary school only. The cost of the school was paid from town funds; but the public money was appropriated by a vote of Church members only.
Connecticut School Code of 1650 ordered that: “…the selectmen of every town keep a vigilant eye over the brethren…that the children be taught to read the English tongue and have knowledge of the capitol laws.”
“School shall be kept at four places. …ye East side of New Haven East River below Muddy River…the west side of said East River below Pine Bridge; from the Pine Bridge upward to ye Blew Hills. 4 on ye East side and Northward of Muddy River.” - December 6, 1720 The First Ecclesiastical Society
These four locations were: • Lower State Street • The Center • Montowese • Blue Hills, or Upper State Street
After a School Committee was formed in 1750, taxes were imposed to pay for the support of schools, and a fifth school location was added: • Muddy River (Montowese?) • Half Mile • Wallingford Road (Washington Ave.) • Upper State Street • State Street (Center)
In addition, two “man schools” were established:Pines BridgeMuddy River Bridge
In 1764: • Convinced town to build a school house • As many as 70 – 90 children attended at one time! Dr. Benjamin Trumbull
Beginning of the separation of education from the churches • Money from the sale of lands in the western part of CT established a school fund for each town • Excise money also used to fund education 1786 - Incorporation
Eight Districts: District 1 – District 2 – District 3 – District 4 – District 5 – District 6 – District 7 – District 8 – Clintonville North Hill Montowese Center Northern Washington Avenue Upper State Street Bishop – Hartford Turnpike Hartford Turnpike The School Society 1795 to 1855
The School Society established 8 school districts in 1795. Although “public money” was provided through the town, each district was responsible for providing any needed additional funding for its own school. Each district hired its own teachers, set its own calendar, and maintained its own school. “School Visitors” appointed by the Society reported on each school’s progress once or twice a year, but that was the only involvement of the School Society. District Schools Established
District 1’s first school house burned down in 1907, and was replaced by this one in 1908. Although the town took over complete control of the schools in 1909, Clintonville School continued to operate until 1928. Clintonville School
Double doors – even in 1926!Double doors allowed for girls and boys to remain separate as they entered and left school; coat cloak rooms were separate, as well!
North Hill School had outdoor privies; the boy’s was a “four-holer”! Water was supplied by a pump; this was considered adequate by the School Visitor! There are many charming reminiscences about this school house in the North Haven Historical Society archives. District 2 – North Hill
It is believed that Hobart Bigelow attended this school while a young boy – Hobart Bigelow went on to become Connecticut’s 50th governor. The Bigelow homestead stood on the hill overlooking the Muddy River at Velvet Street; it was demolished in 2007, despite the efforts of the Historical Society and the Land Trust. Educating a future governor…
In 1912 a second school house was built; it was used for grades 4 through 7 and the old school house was used for the younger students. A 2nd school house for district 2
The earliest known school house in District 3 was built on the west side of the Quinnipiac River across from the Baptist Church. The earlier school house was replaced with this one by 1845. The addition was added in 1875 or 1876, making it a two room school. District 3 - Montowese School
Although uncertain which school Bertha taught in, her mother-in-law Mary Brown Clark definitely taught in Montowese School. Mary’s love letters to her future husband, Andrew, are in the Historical Society’s archives. Two generations of Clark family teachers
The first school house on the Green is attributed to Rev. Trumbull, who offered his services as teacher if the town would build a school. Rev. Trumbull recounted that as many as 90 children attended the school at one time. The First Center School
The second Center School was built in 1888 by Solomon Linsley. It was built in the high Victorian Gothic style for $3500. Mabel Squires recalled that in 1905 the classrooms were each a double grade (1&2, 3&4, etc.). The curriculum included penmanship and recitation of lessons. Center School - 1888
No photos of the old District 5 school house have been found in the archives. Nor is it included on the Beers map of 1868. However, a school house did stand on the east side of Washington Avenue in the 1850’s. A school house was built at 369 Washington Avenue in 1875. Average attendance was only 9 students per term. District 5
There is a story about a school house, no longer in use, that was quit claimed in 1798 to Robert Tomlinson. Mr. Tomlinson was a man who was “in need of a comfortable dwelling place”, and whose wife was “lame and feeble”. The reported location seems to be in District 5. A School House Conveyance
369 Washington Avenue today- site of District 5 school house
The earliest District 6 school house was located in the south triangle where Upper State Street intersects King’s Highway. It was replaced by another school house on the west side of King’s Highway in 1856. Esther Shepherd Rice recalled that District 6 was a “fine district, for many of the families in it cared a good deal about having their children educated.” Dr. Goodyear, School Visitor, agreed, finding the school second only to the Center School.