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IPC vs. CPC compared Third IPC Workshop (WIPO)

Explore the history, governance, operations, and definitions of IPC and CPC schemes, including classification, database allocation, revisions, and Q&A at the 3rd IPC Workshop in 2013.

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IPC vs. CPC compared Third IPC Workshop (WIPO)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IPC vs. CPC compared Third IPC Workshop (WIPO) Roberto IASEVOLI, EPOCPC Implementation Group 25 February 2013

  2. Outline History Governance and operations Documentation coverage Scheme: availability and layout Definitions: availability and layout What / how / where to classify Database Allocation standard Revisions Questions & Answers

  3. History

  4. History (cont'd)

  5. Governance and operations

  6. Governance and operations (cont'd)

  7. Documentation coverage

  8. Scheme availability

  9. IPC scheme layout

  10. CPC scheme layout

  11. Y a.k.a. the 9th section of the scheme

  12. Definitions availability

  13. Definitions layout

  14. What / where / how to classify

  15. Database

  16. “Dual master" databases with data synchronization CPC-DB will be the authoritative source for CPC classification data CPC database (CPC-DB)

  17. Allocation standard

  18. Allocation standard — from the IPC ST8 ... , Y A

  19. Allocation standard (cont'd) — ... to the CPC one

  20. Revisions

  21. Questions & Answers .... Thank you !!

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