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Hidalgo County Metropolitan Planning Organization

Hidalgo County Metropolitan Planning Organization. www.hcmpo.org ⋇ info@hcmpo.org 956-969-5778 510 S. Pleasantview Dr , Weslaco, TX. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Transportation Planning. The Good. Hidalgo County MPO Planning Area. Includes the Urbanized Area of Hidalgo County.

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Hidalgo County Metropolitan Planning Organization

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  1. Hidalgo County Metropolitan Planning Organization www.hcmpo.org ⋇ info@hcmpo.org 956-969-5778 510 S. PleasantviewDr, Weslaco, TX The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Transportation Planning

  2. The Good

  3. Hidalgo County MPO Planning Area Includes the Urbanized Area of Hidalgo County

  4. Quick Facts About the HCMPO Planning Area • Total Area:1,583 square miles • Population Density: 490 people/sq. mi. • 70th largest MSA out of 381 • 6th largest metro area in Texas • Population [2000]569,463 • Population[2010]774,769 • Decadal Growth Rate: 36% • Annual Growth Rate: 3.13%

  5. What is a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)? An MPO is a transportation policy-making body federally mandated in urbanized areas with population over 50,000 The various committees are made up of Elected Officials and Transportation Authorities www.hcmpo.org info@hcmpo.org ⋇ 956-969-5778 510 S. PleasantviewDr, Weslaco, TX

  6. What is Metropolitan Transportation Planning? Process of examiningtravel and transportation issues and needs Evaluatingalternatives Making informed decisionson transportation policies, plans and programs

  7. The Good-Public Outreach

  8. The Good-Visualization HCMPO aims to increase public involvement & understanding through 3-D Visualization

  9. The Good-Community Awareness

  10. The Good-Community Awareness

  11. The Bad…$$ The cost of Transportation • What are the gas taxes? • 38.4 cents/gallon • 20 cents State • 18.4 cents Federal Where do my fuel taxes go? • 5 cents to education • 15 cents to highways • 18.4 cents to federal gov’t • We receive 90-95 cents for each dollar sent to the federal gov’t back

  12. The Bad…$$

  13. The Bad…$$ So how much do you pay? • Average pickup truck gets 16 miles per gallon • Driving approximately 15,000 miles yearly • $24 in state and federal taxes per month • $288 yearly Average household expenses-monthly • Eating out $218 • Auto insurance $98 • Cable/Internet $97 • Cell phone service $51

  14. The Bad…$$ What does it cost to build? • Freeway interchange $250 million • Overpass $5.8 million • Freeway widening $6.1 million/mile

  15. The Ugly… Texas faces a $5 Billion shortfall to meet all transportation needs The Hidalgo County MPO has a 25 year planning document, approximately $4.2 billion in NEEDS of transportation projects, HOWEVER we presently only have funding for $297 million in projects.

  16. $1 Billion more is needed to address roadways destroyed by the energy sector

  17. The Ugly… • How do we fund all our needs, and desires? • More taxes? • Private/public partnerships? • Toll roads? • Do we force compact development? • Huge parking fees? • Vehicle Mile Traveled fees? • What would you do?

  18. Hope ahead… • Proposition 1 • NO new taxes • NO spending on toll roads • Expected to create more than 30,000 jobs • 6 to 1 economic development for transportation $ spent • VOTE YES TO PROP 1

  19. We are the government and we are here to help!!

  20. We are the government and we are here to help!!

  21. We are the government and we are here to help!!

  22. We are the government and we are here to help!!

  23. Questions? • Good plans shape good decisions. That's why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true. ~ Lester R. Bittel The Nine Master Keys of Management Andrew A. Canon acanon@hcmpo.org 956-330-3380 www.hcmpo.org Facebook

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