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Hidalgo County ASSET MAPPING AND Strategic planning Project

Hidalgo County ASSET MAPPING AND Strategic planning Project. Kickoff Meeting 4-29-09. Agenda. Welcome and Introductions Meeting Purpose Project Overview Committee Roles and Responsibilities Working Lunch Next Meeting. Welcome and Introductions. Hidalgo County Judge J.D. Salinas.

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Hidalgo County ASSET MAPPING AND Strategic planning Project

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  1. Hidalgo County ASSET MAPPING AND Strategic planning Project Kickoff Meeting 4-29-09

  2. Agenda • Welcome and Introductions • Meeting Purpose • Project Overview • Committee Roles and Responsibilities • Working Lunch • Next Meeting

  3. Welcome and Introductions Hidalgo County Judge J.D. Salinas

  4. Meeting Purpose Sofia Hernandez, Hidalgo County, Economic Development Director

  5. Project Background • Hidalgo County wants to strengthen its competitive position within state, national, and global markets • Hidalgo County applied for and received a U.S. Department of Commerce/Economic Development Administration grant to develop a countywide Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy • County put out Request for Proposals for consultant • UTPA awarded contract

  6. Project Overview UTPA Project Team

  7. Project Overview • Project Team • Deliverables • Schedule • Process • Asset Map • Strategic Plan

  8. Project Team • Project Advisor, Brian Kelsey • Strategic Planner, Cristina Trevino • Project Director, Michael Uhrbrock • Database Specialist, Sai Mullapudi • GIS Specialist, Isaac Longoria • Faculty Advisor, Dr. Aziza Zemrani, MPA program • Graduate Researchers, MPA students: • Victor de Leon • Sylvia Quinones • Edgar Cantu • Graphics Designer, Roberto Castro

  9. Deliverables • Prepare an Asset Map • Prepare a Strategic Plan

  10. Asset Map • Identifies the assets a region has that can be leveraged for workforce and economic development • Answers: • What assets (human, intellectual, financial, physical, institutional capital) do we have? • How do we compare to other areas? • What are the gaps? • Provides understanding of networks and cultural attitudes • Provides baseline to judge future progress • Base for strategic planning

  11. Strategic Plan • Presents a 5-year plan and goals and objectives necessary to solve the economic problems, or capitalize on the resources, of the region. • Provides County’s leadership with a strategy for improving its overall competitive position.

  12. Work Plan TimeLine

  13. Asset Mapping Brian Kelsey, Civic Analytics

  14. Create Project Team • Identify five to ten people to serve on the asset mapping committee. This group will help shape the collection, interpretation, and communication of data

  15. Project Scoping and Goal Setting • Establish a clear goal/objective statement • Define the region • Identify peer counties/regions for benchmarking and/or competitive analysis

  16. Level 1 Asset Identification • Review existing studies, reports, media stories, and economic development marketing materials for the county • Conduct one-on-one interviews with asset mapping committee to start the asset inventory • Start collecting data from public sources

  17. Level 2 Evaluation of Assets • Continue collecting and analyzing public use data • Conduct stakeholder interviews

  18. Level 3 Health Care Industry Assmt. • Collect and analyze public use data related to health care industry • Develop inventory of facilities, specializations and competitive advantages • Conduct surveys of: 1) health care institutions and practitioners ) businesses and 3) public • Conduct interviews with health care experts and other stakeholders

  19. Review and Dissemination • Finalize asset mapping database • Work with asset mapping committee to identify communication mediums—i.e. website, report, media, blogs, public meetings, etc. • Start telling the story

  20. Strategic Planning Cristina Trevino, MSI Consulting

  21. Review Asset Map Results • Compile a “State of Hidalgo County” economic profile that answers: Where is Hidalgo County economically today? • The “State of Hidalgo County” economic profile and asset mapping results will serve as the basis for an informed strategic planning process

  22. Visioning • Orient Strategy Committee on strategic planning process, committee function and proposed strategic planning outcomes • Add committee members (if necessary) to reflect expertise in priority areas identified by the asset mapping process • Create a shared vision for economic and workforce development in the county and the region, upon review of the community assets and needs with community input

  23. Goals and Objectives • Conduct SWOT analysis with participation from strategy committee and key leaders • Identify strategic issues most likely to impact the economic future of the county and region • Select the priority issues to be addressed in the strategic plan, focused on the highest priority needs, concentrating on those things that can be changed or at least influenced

  24. Action Planning • Strategy Committee divides into working groups, one for each critical issue selected • Each working group develops an action plan addressing its critical issue

  25. Write Strategic Plan • Strategy Committee reconvenes • Work groups present action plans to Strategy Committee • Strategy Committee makes recommendations on combined action plans • Integrate action plans into the first draft of the strategic plan • Present draft to obtain community feedback • Final strategic plan is completed and published

  26. Presentation and Dissemination • Create dissemination plan • Implement dissemination plan • Establish a system for ongoing evaluation and modification of strategic plan

  27. Committees Roles & Responsibilities

  28. Strategy Committee • Guides development of the asset map and strategic plan • give input on what assets they see are available for economic development (one-on-one interview) • review and provide feedback on the asset map produced • participates in strategic planning sessions to formulate the strategic plan • help publicize and market the project • Meets 3 to 4 times throughout project

  29. Asset Mapping Subcommittee • Shapes the collection, interpretation, and communication of data for the asset map. • provide input into what data should be collected for the asset map, the selection of benchmarking areas • give their input on what assets they see are available for economic development (one-on-one interview) • suggest other stakeholders to interview to identify assets • review and provide feedback on the asset map produced • Meets 3 to 4 times throughout project

  30. Working Lunch

  31. Working Lunch • Project Goals • Definition of the Region • Benchmark Regions • Asset Mapping Data to Collect

  32. Next Meetings

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