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Options for sustainably increasing productivity and diversity of sorghum based production systems in southern Mali as a means towards improving livelihoods of farm families. Eva Weltzien-Rattunde ICRISAT Mali.
Options for sustainably increasing productivity and diversity of sorghum based production systems in southern Mali as a means towards improving livelihoods of farm families Eva Weltzien-Rattunde ICRISAT Mali Sustainable Intensification of Cereal-based Farming Systems in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of West Africa: Project Design Workshop, Tamale, Ghana, 9-12 January 2012
Outline • Opportunities for changes • Targeted Impacts, outputs and approach • Partnerships Changes we want to see • Sustainably increased productivity in farmers fields • Crop, tree and livestock diversity enhanced • Farmers’ capacity strengthened • Improved nutritional status of young children
Opportunities for changes: Grain yield productivity of sorghumGrain yield observations in farmer managed variety test kits, with and without fertilizer (1g per hill), across Mali, 2009 and 2010
Opportunities for changes: Grain yield productivity of sorghumHybrid Sorghum Yields Compared to Adapted Local Variety31 on-farm replicated trials 2009-2010
Opportunities for changes:Enhancing cereal-legume intercrops for Integrated Striga and Soil Fertility Management (Mali, 2010)
Opportunities for changes:Groundnut yield improvements achieved in West and Central Africa
Opportunities for changes: Conservation agriculture with trees
Opportunities for changes: Women secrets – Nutritious Recipes – Mali 2010-2011 KA NI DOUN SEGNA SABA TILE KONO Consumption promotion strategy
Targeted Impacts • Enhanced livelihoods, food safety and security and nutritional status of rural populations with improved environmental sustainability in West African crop-livestock systems. • farming families • animal herders, also transhumant
Targeted outputs System level outputs Center level contributions Appropriate agroforestry management Technologies (crop management and varieties) for increased grain and fodder productivity Improved vegetable production and livestock management technologies Soil fertility sustainably enhanced Market opportunities, awareness and availability of processing options. Contribution of system intensification and diversification to the preservation of biodiversity reserves assessed • Options to produce more and better food and feed • Biomass use trade-offs are assessed in a participatory manner • Efficient nutrient cycling options, based on profitable crop/livestock management options tested • Innovation platforms that develop social capital and promote market integration documented
Target zones in Sikasso region of Mali, key opportunities and challenges Koutiala Bougouni Large tracts of reserve forests and locally endemic livestock breeds Food security at risk, due to high fertilizer prices Conflicts between herders and farmers 1000+ mm rainfall - good production potential Legumes are commercial crops for women • Crop intensification advanced (cotton) • Reliable grain markets • Long-term experiences with soil conservation • Emerging private seed sector (Farmer Coops) • Need to increase legume frequency in rotations • Enhance women’s opportunities to produce safe and nutritious foods
Target approach Farmer driven Key issues monitored Advantages of specific technologies Biomass productivity and transfers for specific systems Soil fertility status, especially P Prioritized livelihood indicators Nutritional status of young children • Providing producers access to crop/tree and livestock technologies efficiently • Addressing land use issues jointly with intensification • Linking value chain actors, as well as local decision makers • Facilitating producer learning and innovations in a systems’ context
Key research issues • Quantification of opportunities for increasing biomass productivity and quality as a basis for income generation from intensification of mixed sorghum – based/livestock tree cropping systems while preserving biodiversity (animals and plants) • Assessing changes in food security, including nutritional risks, of resource-poor families associated with adoption of specific system intensification options • Enhancing soil fertility and health in a sustainable, cost effective manner • Assessing linkages between diversity conservation/use and food security/livelihood options
Proposed Partners - and projects which can contribute components for the target systems Partners who contributed to the discussions: ICRISAT: HOPE, TL2, APO on modelling crop livestock integration in Mali, INSTAPA, McKnight Foundation WCA CoP • ICRAF: CRP 1.1 WCA coordination • ILRI: PROGEBE, • AVRDC: Social Science and Nutrition
Partners essential for the success of the proposed research • IER, Sikasso, Sotuba (Cinzana) • AMEDD, Koutiala • Mobiom • PROGEBE members • ? • IWMI, CIFOR, IITA have expressed interest
Thank you Merci
Facilitating farmers’ innovations in a systems’ context: Disseminating knowledge and inputs for ISSFM Demonstration plots, field days, rural radio coverage Sale of Striga control packs (25m x 25 to 40m plots)
Facilitating farmers’ innovations in a systems’ context:Developing communication capacity with farmers Older examples, please add others from your own projects/experiences • Video filming teams trained in Mali, Niger, Nigeria • Rural Radio programmers trained in use of TIC’s and participatory programming tools (10 stations in Mali, 2 Niger, 2 Burkina Faso) • Launched 2 Participatory Radio Campaigns in Mali with Farm Radio International • Seed production Manuals: Sorghum OPV’s - Mali, and - Burkina Faso, Pearl Millet – Niger, Sorghum hybrids • ISSFM Manual published on internet
Documenting and analysing changes: Facilitating Seed Sale: Mini-packs in 2010 Results of the first year of mini-pack distribution and analysis
Documenting and analysing changes: Neworkingamong HOPE partners: Responding and creatingdemand for seed FO with limited experiences and capacities for seed production, working with farmer Unions in the region, no agro-dealers in region. Cooperative Burkina Faso (UGCPA) 100kg sorghum seed (Gnossiconi) Cooperative Cinzana: 200kg millet seed (Toroniou) 1 pearl millet, 1 sorghum OPV UACT - Mali purchasing, production, packing, dispatching (2000 packs) Seed producer WASA: 200kg sorghum seed (CSM63E) IER Mali 100kg millet seed (Syn006) Individuals sale Marketplaces sale Farmers
Ongoing projects which will support this initiative in Mali • BMGF Hope and TL2 projects (ICRISAT, IER, AMEDD, Mobiom) • McKnight Foundation: Seed, Germplasm and AnbeJigi Projects (ICRISAT, IER, HKI) • FFEM – Agro-biodiversity Project (IER, ICRISAT, CIRAD) • GCP Sorghum Research Initiative, Comparative Genomics Initiative (IER, ICRISAT)
Opportunities for changes: Recent research results onTree domestication for the Sahel • Evaluate variation at species, provenance & family levels (creation of cultivars responding to markets’ needs including nutritional values) for priority species. • Undertake tree improvement research on priority species, including genetic resources conservation. • Develop appropriate techniques for propagation of priority species including fruit tree species.
Opportunities for changes: Recent research results which support our proposalTree domestication for the Sahel • Species, provenance/progeny trials in the Sahel (A. senegal, A.digitata, F. albida, P. africana, T. indica, V. paradoxa, Z. mauritianaetc) establishedin BF, Mali, Niger & Senegal (IFAD project). • Understanding climate change adaptation, species shift, water use efficiency, wood properties, etc. • Establishment of gene banks for AF fruit trees, species conservation stands for various tree species. • Establishment of village resource centres as innovation platforms
Sustainable land & soil management • Improved fallow systems, introduction of leguminous cover crops, nitrogen fixing, phosphorous cycling trees and shrubs have restored soil fertility to degraded lands. Trees when intercropped with crops add nutrients and organic matter to the soil and also reduce weeds and soil surface evaporation 18
Maize farming in an agroforest of Faidherbia albida, Burkina Faso