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High Quality Single Station Carton Erecting Machine | PPT

A carton erecting machine is a special machine that is used to produce various types of paper food boxes such as burger box, french fry box, hamburger box, etc. In this Nessco's power presentation, you will know the full specification of high-quality single station carton erecting machine step by step.<br><br>Find out more at: https://www.nesscoindia.com/product/carton-erecting-machine/<br><br>For more enquiry, Call: 91 9549444484<br><br>WhatsApp: https://wa.me/9549444484<br><br>Email us: info@nesscoindia.com<br>

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High Quality Single Station Carton Erecting Machine | PPT

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CartonErectingMachine (SingleStation)

  2. Introduction Singlestationcartonerecting machine(paper boxforming machine)is anautomatic machine,specializedinmakingvariouskindsofboxes.Itisanidealequipmentfor theproductionofcartonboxsuchashamburgerbox,children'slunchbox,french friesbox,friedchickenboxes,takeawayboxes,triangularpizzaboxes,chipsboxes, fastfoodboxes,noodlesboxesetc. MachineFeatures ThemachineadoptsPLCintelligentcontrolsystem. Themachine structureissturdy,goodquality,lownoiseandhigh efficiency. Ithasapaperfeedingunit,anadjustmentunit,aformingunitetc. Itusesservocontrolsystemandrunningprecisely,smoothandstablewith lessvibration. Itcanautomaticallycollectandaccumulatefinishedproduct.Itcancountthe numberofBoxesproduces bymachineaccordingtocustomerneed. TechnicalSpecification-

  3. MainConfiguration

  4. MainFeatures

  5. OtherFeatures

  6. TheWorld’sLeaderofDisposableProductMachinery Exhibition

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