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Coordinated Modeling of Generation

This session discusses the need for common functions in PV and storage integration and the progress made in establishing standard models for generators and storage systems.

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Coordinated Modeling of Generation

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  1. Coordinated Modeling of Generation IEC 61400-25 and IEC 61850

  2. Cross-PAP Session in St. Louis SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  3. Agenda • Key ES-DER Use Cases - The necessity of establishing a set of core functions • Object models for wind turbines, hydro power plants, PV systems, other distributed energy resources • IEC 61850-7-420 for ES-DER functions • Common modeling concepts, key services • IEC 61400-25-2 transmission level wind generator standard • IEC 61850-on-a-chip • Questions during each presentation, time permitting SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  4. The Need for Common Functionsfor PV and Storage Integration Brian K. SealSenior Project Manager Power Delivery & Utilization Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  5. Smart Grid Demonstration Projects See smartgrid.epri.com for details

  6. A Vision for “Smart Inverters” Communication-Connected Distributed Solar and Storage Systems Serving as Beneficial Distribution System Assets

  7. Breaking Down the Need Interoperability – Many devices in distribution systems. Diverse types, diverse manufacturers. Serving as active parts of distribution management. Ability to Communicate - Standard Languages as appropriate for the domain in which the devices are integrated. Standard Information – What specific pieces does the Utility need to pass to the devices and visa-versa? Common Functions – What are the basic grid-supportive functions that distributed resources are expected to perform?

  8. Collaborative Industry Initiative Formed in 2009 • More than 350 individuals contributing to the initiative • 40 PV & Storage equipment providers • 60 utilities • 12 National labs and research organizations • Coordinating with PAP7 • To Align with IEEE 1547

  9. Many Perspectives to Define Common Functions IEEE 1547 PAP7 Use Cases Inverter Capabilities Utility Needs Communication Limitations Common Functions It turned out that agreeing on common functions was the hardest part, but it formed the needed foundation

  10. Functions Addressed and Planned Next • Phase 1 Functions: • Connect/Disconnect – Non Islanding • Max Generation Level Control • Smart VAR Management and PF • Storage Management • State/Status Monitoring • Event Logging • Time Adjustment • Phase 2 Proposed Functions: • Voltage Sag Ride-Through • Autonomous Watt-Voltage Management (transient and steady-state) • Autonomous Watt-Frequency Management • Islanding • Additions to State/Status Monitoring

  11. Working Back toward the Goal of Interoperability Step 4: Demonstration – Prototyping, Laboratory Testing, and field demonstration projects to prove-out best uses and to determine value. Step 3: Mapping to Protocols – Field : DNP3 (IEC 61400-25-4), MMS (IEC 61850-8-1), Webservices, Customer : SEP 2.0, others Step 2: Standard Model - Representing the Information to be exchanged on IEC 61850-7-x Step 1: Identifying Common Functions – Using NIST, IEEE, SunSpec, & the interest group to identify needs

  12. Work Products Whitepaper Describing the Overall Initiative http://my.epri.com/portal/server.pt?Abstract_id=000000000001020906 Phase 1 Functions Defined and 61850-7-420 Mapped NIST PAP7 Twiki (http://collaborate.nist.gov/twiki-sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/PAP07Storage) Standard DNP3 Mapping of Phase 1 Functions To be released as a DNP3 Application Note for DER Standard SEP2.0 Mapping of Phase 1 Functions To be part of the SEP2.0 Release (if completed in time) Meeting Reports, Proposed Phase 2 Work, Documented on the Initiative’s FTP Site ftp://PVCommunication:Member@ftp.epri.com/

  13. Future Steps (Ongoing) • Continue to Engage New Additional Participants • Complete Protocol Mappings, Identify Others • Model / Simulate Behavior on Feeders (OpenDSS) • Interoperability Laboratory Testing – Establishment of Standard Test Specifications and Facilities • Field Test, Evolve, Repeat • Identify additional gaps, repeat process

  14. Questions? Brian Seal bseal@epri.com SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  15. Special Cross-PAP Session:Coordinated Object Modeling for Generators and StorageStatus of object models for wind turbines, hydro power plants, PV systems, other distributed energy resources (30 Minutes) Karlheinz Schwarz Schwarz Consulting Company (SCC) schwarz@scc-online.de Karlsruhe (Germany) SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  16. Topics • Speaker Background • Motivation for Cross-PAP Models • IEC 61158 Edition 2 (International Fieldbus) • Layering in IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25 • Example of Common Model for electrical system • Common and specific Models for Generators etc. • Many Common Models already defined • Standards for models • Next Steps SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  17. Speaker Background • Based in Karlsruhe, Germany • Involved in International Standardization since 1985 (MAP project with General Motors) • Worked 23 years for Siemens • Independent consultant since 1992 • Involved in ICCP and UCA2 • Editor of IEC 61850, IEC 61400-25 (wind power) • Trained 2000+ experts from 400+ companies from 50+ countries SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  18. Motivation for Cross-PAP Models • Many specific interfaces between energy resources and grid operator (i.e., information, information exchange, configuration, …) • Trend: number of interfaces is growing fast • Get consistent common object models, information exchange mechanisms, and mappings that meet the requirements for different generator types (e.g., wind turbines, hydro power plants, PV systems, and storage) • Get sustainable interoperability • Reduce cost (by preventing too many solutions) SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  19. IEC 61158 Edition 2 (International Fieldbus) 2008 10 SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  20. Spaghetti versus Lasagne International Fieldbus IEC 61850 SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  21. Layering in IEC 61850 and IEC 61400-25 CIM 61968/61970 CC IED Description (online) Access Information SingleLine IED Description (off-line or online) WTUR PDIS XCBR Logical node, data objects, and common data classes; parts 61850-7-4 and 7-3, 61400-25-2 Information Models What ? Information exchange (publ./subscr., get, set, control, ... reporting, logging, get IED description) Abstract communication service interface (ACSI); part 7-2 and 61400-25-3 Confiruration file (SCL); part 6 When ? Mapping to e.g. MMS in part 8-1 and WebServices, 101/104, OPC XML and DNP3 in IEC 61400-25-4 Communication profiles (Ethernet, TCP/IP, OSI ) How ? messages messages SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  22. Example of Common Model for electrical system Standard Logical Node Class MMXU 400.000 Volt A Phase currents PhV Phase to ground voltage PhV.PhsA PhV.PhsB … PPV Phase to phase voltage W Phase active power VAr Phase reactive power VA Phase apparent power TotW Total active power TotVAr Total reactive power TotVA Total apparent power Hz Frequency 400 Volt What‘s the difference? … don‘t touch the line to figure it out!! SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  23. Example of Common Model for electrical system Station bus Get/Set instVal dead banded value angle range LN „MMXU“ TotW TotVAr TotVA TotPF Hz PPV PhV A W VAr VA PF Z Total Active Power (Total P) Total Reactive Power (Total Q) Total Apparent Power (Total S) Average Power factor (Total PF) Frequency Phase to phase voltages Phase to ground voltages Phase currents (IL1, IL2, IL3) Phase active power (P) Phase reactive power (Q) Phase apparent power (S) Phase power factor Phase Impedance Report RCB phsA.cVal phsB.cVal phsC.cVal GOOSE GCB QueryLog Log Configure Retrieve Model SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  24. Common and specific models for Generators etc. Grid Planning, Operation, … Consistent Common Information Model& Information Exchange Wind specific model Hydro specific model PV specific model Strorage specific model … SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  25. Many Common Models defined in IEC 61850-7-x • Measurements (many Common Data Classes and Logical Nodes) • Status (CDCs and LNs) • Control (CDCs and LNs) • Setpoints (CDCs and LNs) • Protection (CDCs and LNs) • Nameplate (CDCs) • … • Rules to extend (or define new) Models • Re-Use what is already here! SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  26. Standards for models • IEC 61850 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation • IEC 61850-7-2 Abstract communication interface (ACSI) • IEC 61850-7-3Common Data Classes • IEC 61850-7-4Logical Nodes and Data Objects (core) • IEC 61850-7-410Logical Nodes and Data Objects (Hydro Power Plants) • IEC 61850-7-420Logical Nodes and Data Objects (Decentralized Energy Resources) • IEC 61400-25Communications for monitoring and control of wind power plants • IEC 61400-25-2Information models • IEC 61400-25-6Information models for condition monitoring SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  27. IEC 61850-7-2: Abstract communication interface (ACSI) • Basic modeling concept • Logical Device, Logical Node, Data Object, Data Set • Get, Set, Selfdescription (Client/Server) • Reporting, Logging, Control (Client/Server) • GOOSE and Sampled Values (Publisher/Subscriber) • Modeling method: table and text • New modeling method: UML • Mapped to ISO 9506 (MMS; in IEC 61850-8-1) • Mapped to Webservices, DNP3, 101/104 in IEC 61400-25-4 SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  28. IEC 61850-7-3: Common Data Classes • Basic Data structures (39 CDCs in Edition 2) • Status (SPS – Single point Status, …) • Control (SPC – Single Point Control, …) • Measurements (MV – Measured Value, WYE – 3-Phase Electrical System, …) • Settings (ASG – Analogue setting, …) • Description (DPL – Device Nameplate, …) • Modeling method: table and text • New modeling method: UML SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  29. IEC 61850-7-4: Logical Nodes and Data Objects (core) LNs related toour subject (from Edition 2): • Automatic Control • Neutral current regulator, ANCR • Reactive power control, ARCO • Resistor control, ARIS • Automatic tap changer controller, ATCC • Voltage control, AVCO • Further power system equipment • Generator, ZGEN • Coordination with IEC TC 57 WG 10 SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  30. IEC 61850-7-410: LNs and Data Objects (Hydro Power Plants) LNs related to our subject (Edition 2): • The Edition 2 has many detailed LNs for power control – for plant internal use • Coordination with IEC TC 57 WG 18 SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  31. IEC 61850-7-420: LNs and Data Objects (DER) LNs related to our subject (Edition 1): • The Edition 1 has several detailed LNs for power control – for plant internal/external use: • DER plant corporate characteristics at the ECP, DCRP • Operational characteristics at ECP, DOPR • Operating mode at ECP, DOPM • DER economic dispatch parameters, DCCT • DER energy and/or ancillary services schedule control, DSCC • DER energy and/or ancillary services schedule , DSCH • … • Coordination with IEC TC 57 WG 17 SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  32. IEC 61400-25-2: Information models LNs related to our subject (Edition 1): • The Edition 1 has two detailed LNs for power control – for plant internal nad external use • Wind power plant active power control information, WAPC (see slides from Anders Johnsson, Vattenfall) • Wind power plant reactive power control information, WRPC (see slides from Anders Johnsson, Vattenfall) • Coordination of PAP16 with 61400-25 Usersgroup ongoing • Coordination with IEC TC 88 MT 25 SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  33. Next Steps • Various PAPs need to co-ordinate closely • Set-up a kind of a horizontal PAP for “Coordinated Object Models for Generators and Storage” • Domain experts needed • Coordinate also with IEC TC 57 WG 10, 17, 18 and IEC TC 88 MT 25 SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  34. Questions? Karlheinz Schwarz Schwarz Consulting Company (SCC) schwarz@scc-online.de blog.iec61850.com Karlsruhe (Germany) SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  35. IEC TC57: Key Standards and Information Modeling Concepts of CIM and IEC 61850 Frances Cleveland fcleve@xanthus-consulting.com SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  36. Topics • IEC 61850 Abstract Modeling and Services for Information Exchanges with Devices: Substations, DER, and DA • IEC 61968/61970 Abstract Modeling for Application-to-Application Information Exchanges: Common Information Model (CIM) • Mapping to Protocols SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  37. Domains of CIM and IEC 61850 SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  38. What Components are Involved in Communications? Similar to Any Language … NOUNS Data Management Abstract information Models, Measurements, Data, Calculations, Files, Databases VERBS & GRAMMAR Messaging & Security Transport, Monitoring, Control, Protocols, Networking USERS Computer Applications Alarms, Analyzes , Displays, Stores data MEDIA Communications Media Fiber optics, Wireless, BPL, Cellphone, Internet, LANs SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  39. The “GWAC Stack” SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  40. Current TC57 Reference Architecture – Scope and Layers Energy Market Participants Utility Customers Utility Service Providers Other Businesses Application To Application (A2A) and Business To Business (B2B) Communications CIM Modeling Domain Inter-Application Messaging Middleware, ebXML, and Web Services (specified in XML; mapped to appropriate protocols) 61970 / 61968 Common Information Model (CIM) Application Interfaces 61970 Component Interface Specification (CIS) 61968 SIDMS for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) EMS Apps DMS Apps Market Operation Apps Engineering & Maintenance Apps SCADA Apps External IT Apps Equipment And System Interfaces Data Acquisition and Control Front-End / Gateway / Proxy Server / Mapping Services / Role-based Access Control Specific Object Mappings IEC 61850 Modeling Domain 61850-7-3, 7-4 Object Models XML Messaging (work in progress) 60870-6-802 Object Models Field Object Models End-to-End Security Standards and Recommendations (work in progress) TC13 WG14 Meter Standards Network, System, and Data Management (future) 60870-5 101 & 104 61850-7-2 ACSI 60870-6-503 App Services Specific Communication Services Mappings 61850-8-1 Mapping to MMS 60870-6-703 Protocols Communication Industry Standard Protocol Stacks (ISO/TCP/IP/Ethernet) Protocol Profiles 61334 Telecontrol Communications Media and Services WAN Communications Media and Services TC13 WG14 60870-5 RTUs or Substation Systems 61850 Substation Devices 61850 DA DER at Customer Sites Web Services SEP 2.0 60870-6 TASE.2 Other Control Centers Field Devices External Systems (Symmetric client/server protocols) Customer Meters IEDs, Relays, Meters, Switchgear, CTs, VTs HAN / Customer Site Peer-to-Peer 61850 over Substation bus and Process bus *Notes: 1) Solid colors correlate different parts of protocols within the architecture. 2) Non-solid patterns represent areas that are future work, or work in progress, or related work provided by another IEC TC. SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  41. IEC 61850 Model and the Common Information Model (CIM) Support Services Communication Level Application Domains Applications and Databases Control Center CIM – AbstractCommon Information Model (IEC61968/70) XML-based Services Web Services, SEP 2.0 IEC 61850 Abstract Object Models (IEC61850-7-3, 7-4, 7-410, 7-420, etc) NSM Network and System Management SCL System Configuration Language (IEC61850-6+) SEC Security (IEC62351 & Other Stds) GEN (Generation) SA (Substation) DER (Distributed Resources) DA (Distribution Automation) HAN (Customer Site) IEC 61850 Service Models (IEC61850-7-2 ACSI & GOOSE) Field/HAN IEC 61850Profiles & Mapping(IEC61850-8 & 9 MMS, Web Services, SEP, OPC/UA) Transport (TCP/IP over different media) Field Devices SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  42. Distribution Operations Aggregator’s Remote DER Master Station Scope of IEC 61850-7-420 DER Information Exchanges Market Operations Local DER DER Management Controller/HMI System kV = 11.8 Local Loads Vendor’s proprietary DER communications Standardized Communications Utility power system HAN and/or DER Plant DER Object Models DER Units Out of Scope SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  43. IEC 61850 – Information Model for Field Devices Abstract Information Model for Substations, DER, and DA Devices Abstract Services for Reporting, Control, & Logging Mapping to “Bits & Bytes” protocols: MMS, SEPv2, Web Services, etc. SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  44. ES-DER Interactions: Direct Control, Interactive Requests, Broadcast for Demand Response and DER Management SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  45. Logical Devices (LD) Logical Nodes (LN) Logical Nodes Data Objects (DO) Common Data Classes (CDC) Common Data Class Common Attributes Common Components Standard Data Types IEC 61850-7-420 for DER • IEC 61850 – Interface Standard of Object Models for Utility Industry • Very modular • Establishes “well-known” standardized names, data formats, and services • Initially focused on substation automation, but now being expanded • IEC 61850-7-420 for DER • Addresses only the “Nouns” • IEC 61850 object modeling constructs: • Covers: • General DER management • Photovoltaic systems • Fuel cells • Diesel generation • Combined heat and power • Battery storage • Wind power is handled separately (IEC 61400-25) • Working on Edition 2 to reflect PAP 7 and PEV requirements SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  46. Standard and Special Data Types (e.g. Quality) SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  47. Common Data Classes – SPS – Key elements SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  48. Example of (part of) DGEN Logical Node SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  49. Logical Devices “Contain” Logical Nodes, “Constructed” of Data Objects, “Structured” by CDCs, and “Mapped” to Protocols Messaging Services Data Set Management Device Applications LN XCBR – DOs showing CDCs Status Data Objects – CBOpCap CB operating : INS Controller containing Logical Device – Measured Value Objects capability Communication SumSwARs switched amps Logical Device Protocols : BCR Logical Nodes Control Data Objects LN XCBR Pos switch position : DPC BlkOpn block opening : SPC LN CSWI Setpoint Control Objects LN CPOW LN SIMG Proprietary LN MMXU1 Database Connections to LN MMXU2 Physical Device SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010

  50. Overview: Logical Devices and Logical Nodes for Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Systems DER Plant Electrical DER Unit Controller Connection Point (ECP) ECP DRCT, FSEQ, MMXU DCRP, DOPA, DOPR, DOPM, DPST, DCCT, DSCC, CSWI, Recip Engine ECP DCIP XCBR , MMXU Fuel Cell DFCL, DSTK, DFPM Photovoltaics DPVM, DPVA, DPVC, DTRC Combined Heat Power DCHC, DCHI, DCHX, DCHS YRCT, DGEN, MITV YINV, DRAT, CS W I MMDC DRAZ, DREX, Energy XCBR M M M MITV DCST DEXC DC Converter CS W I Converter Converter RSYN DER XCBR Generator M M M Exciter Circuit Sync DFUL, DFLV Unit Breaker Utility Utility Electric Power Utility Grid Storage Circuit Circuit Fuel System Device Breaker Breaker System DBAT, DBTC PCDL PBRO Battery PBTC MMXU DER Protective Generation Generation System PTUF Relaying Power System Protection Protection PTOF … Measurements Physical Measurements Load Circuit Local Loads MTMP MPRS MHET Breaker(s ) Temperature Pressure Heat CSWI XCBR M M M MFLW MVBR MENV MITV Flow Vibration Emission Station Station Service Service MMET Meteorological New Logical Nodes Existing Logical Nodes Logical Device Logical Device Energy Converter = Microturbines, Converter = DC to AC, Storage Device = Battery, Pumped Fuel Cell, Photovoltaic System, Wind frequency conversion, voltage Hydro, Superconducting Magnetic SGIP Fall Face-to-Face Meeting, September 14-16, 2010 turbines, Diesel Generators, level conversion Energy Storage, Flywheels, Micro - Combustion Turbines flywheels Auxiliaries = Battery, Fuel Cell

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