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Bell Ringer 2/6

Explore key events and policies, such as the Supreme Court's decision in Korematsu v. United States, the Manhattan Project, containment as foreign policy, the Berlin Airlift, and more.

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Bell Ringer 2/6

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  1. Bell Ringer 2/6 The Supreme Court in Korematsu v. United States (1944) upheld Executive Order 9066, which had authorized the 1)placement of women in combat roles 2)exclusion of Japanese Americans from the West Coast 3)limiting of freedom of speech during wartime 4)adoption of the military draft

  2. Bell Ringer 2/7 The Manhattan Project led by Robert Oppenheimer was part of the World War II effort to 1)develop the atomic bomb 2)supply the Allies with more fighter planes 3)ban the use of chemical and biological warfare 4)coordinate troop movements between New York and Europe

  3. Containment as Foreign Policy The Cold War Begins

  4. The Iron Curtain • This refers to Communist influence and domination in European nations.

  5. The Truman Doctrine • Economic and military aid aimed at helping poor countries like Turkey and Greece from communist influences. A strong economy is a natural barrier to Communism. The Marshall Plan- This large amounts of capital and military aid to the Western European nations devastated by WWII… Examples include France, England and the Netherlands.

  6. The Berlin Airlift

  7. The Berlin Airlift- Germany was split between a free West Germany and a Soviet controlled East Germany. When the US, Britain, and France unified their portions of Germany creating the Federal Republic of Germany, Stalin was angered and implemented a blockade of West Berlin….the allies flew 272,000 aid flights in 321 days to West Berlin….eventually Stalin gave up.

  8. NATO • The North Atlantic Treaty Organization- • The US and Western European nations formed an alliance of 11 nations in April of 1949. The nations are bound to act together in common defense. An attack on any one is considered an attack on all.

  9. The Warsaw Pact 7 Eastern European nations and the Soviet Union formed this alliance in response to NATO

  10. Bell Ringer 2/8 Which development was a result of the Progressive movement? 1)Government increased its regulation of business practices. 2)Women become less active in public life. 3)The influence of the national government was reduced. 4)Congress failed to balance the federal budget.

  11. 1949 • China becomes Communist • The Soviet Union explodes their first atomic bomb.

  12. Eisenhower Foreign Policy - Asia The Domino Theory Eisenhower thought that the nations of Asia were like dominoes. He feared that if one fell, the rest were sure to follow. In response to this, John Dulles (Sec of State) pushed for the formation of SEATO. The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

  13. -The US and the USSR began an arms race, stockpiling nuclear and non-nuclear weapons. -In 1952, the US tested a hydrogen bomb. The USSR tested one in 1953. -In 1953, Eisenhower urged the UN to supervise the atomic weaponry and try to find a peaceful use for this technology. The USSR refused to participate. -In 1957, the USSR launched Sputnik, a satellite the Soviets claimed was for military use. The US began a push for their own. This starts the Space Race. Arms Race

  14. -May 1960, Soviet military shot down an American plane deep inside Soviet airspace, flying 15 miles high. • US officials thought at that altitude the planes were impossible to shoot down. • This is another example of Soviet technology advancing quicker than US. The U2 Incident

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