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Our Story. St Xxxxx’s was planted in 1893 so that the people in the growing town of Someplace could have a place to worship together. Today we are in the heart of a thriving but challenging commercial centre. Our Location. Extraordinary position
Our Story • St Xxxxx’s was planted in 1893 so that the people in the growing town of Someplace could have a place to worship together. • Today we are in the heart of a thriving but challenging commercial centre.
Our Location • Extraordinary position • Unparalleled opportunities Reconfigured building • Superb facilities to fulfil our calling
Today’s Reality • Pockets of poverty • Loneliness • Family breakdown • Unwanted pregnancies • Drug abuse • Debt • Spiritual hunger
Our Vision • A transformed community of Someplace resulting from God’s love working amongst us and through us
Transformation • We can make a real difference to people’s lives in Someplace with the transforming power of the Gospel, working in and through us by the power of the Spirit.
Recent Highlights • 6 Alpha courses • 2 Marriage courses • New Youth Congregation • Re-launched the 7pm service • Sent 3 youth mission teams to Africa • Children’s work has doubled in size • Small groups established • Refurbished buildings (including Bookshop)
The Future • A new phase of mission and ministry. • We believe this is God’s vision for us to make a difference for the next 3 years.
WorshipIn 2010 we want to say: • We are a lively church in Someplace made up of a number of growing congregations. • We are passionate about our faith. • We see God working in our lives, and the lives of those around us. • Our contemporary services have inspirational biblical preaching and vibrant musical worship. • We expect to encounter God through Word, Sacrament and Spirit, to transform us into the people he wants us to be.
WorshipWe Plan to: • Plant a new congregation from Alpha • Plant a new congregation from the 10.30 congregation • Train up new worship leaders • Develop leadership teams for each congregation • Encourage each congregation to have a particular vision for mission
MissionIn 2010 we want to say: • We are called by Jesus to share our faith. We share our faith as a natural part of our lives. • We see God working in our lives and in those around us. • We regularly connect with people, build relationships and offer opportunities for them to commit their lives to God.
MissionWe plan to: • Increase our publicity and visibility • Encourage members and small groups to organise events that we can invite friends to • Increase the number of pre-Alpha events and continue to run at least 2 Alphas and one Youth Quest each year • Equip and encourage members to share their faith naturally • Support overseas mission including sending and receiving mission action teams
DiscipleshipIn 2010 we want to say: • We have a strong sense of community amongst us. • We encourage each other through small groups. • We apply our faith to our lives and pray for one another. • We provide opportunities to encourage discipleship.
DiscipleshipWe plan to: • Develop and institute a discipleship process. • Ensure that everyone is cared for through the Care Network. • Encourage prayer triplets/partnerships and mentoring relationships. • Appoint a minister to work with the older generations. • Encourage everyone to be a member of a small group.
ServiceIn 2010 we want to say: • We believe that God wants to transform our society through word and action. • We show God’s concern for creation, poverty, injustice, oppression and peace. • Our calling is to encourage a Godly perspective and balance in people’s lives.
ServiceWe plan to: • Envision, teach and equip on issues of environmental care, poverty and injustice. • Serve our community by providing courses such as Family Time, Practical Parenting, Marriage course and on topics such as money management, addiction. • Support local projects that care for the poor and the environment.
StewardshipIn 2010 we want to say: • We have a well resourced and gifted ministry team • Every member is encouraged to play their part. • Our building is used as a resource by the local community. • The Beacon Café draws people from the town. • Our Bookshop acts as a resource for local Christians and churches.
StewardshipWe plan to : • Encourage everyone to use their gifts in service. • Develop administration eg IT network, Website. • Build a staff team to develop specialist ministries. • Continue to develop the building to serve the mission and vision. • Appoint an experienced person to support our paid staff and volunteers in integrating the life and mission of the church and town centre ministry.
Prayer • “Almighty God, mindful of your extraordinary goodness to us, we dare to ask for more. Help us to grow in discipleship, share our faith with those around us and help those in need – to see your kingdom come on earth as in heaven. May your Holy Spirit equip us to make a difference in Someplace. We ask this not for our sake but for the glory of Jesus, our Saviour and Lord. Amen.”
Ephesians 3:20 – 21: • Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more that we would ever dare to ask or hope. May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages. Amen.
The Financial Facts
To enable St Xxxx’s Church to carry out its ministry we need £138,000 a year. That is £2,654 per week!
Outward Giving £15,100 Parish Share £77,600 Support Costs £13,600 Worship & Pastoral Care £5,300 Maintenance £8,500 Where does it go? £138,000 Running Costs £17,900
Parish Share Parochial Ministry - £62,000 - Clergy wages/pensions/housing - Clergy training - Parish Support Church Work in the Diocese - £11,600 - Parish Support and Training - Education/Communication - Administration General Synod, Anglican & - £ 4,000 Ecumenical Activities Total: £77,600
Regular Giving (Gift Aid) £52,000 Investments £9,000 £107,000 Income Tax Recovered £15,000 Fees and Events £9,000 Collections & Donations £16,000 Regular Giving (non Gift Aid) £6,000 Our Expected Income for this year
We have a shortfall of £31,000 to pay our way for this year Our Shortfall We need another per week £600
Our Current Regular Giving is NoAmount/week Total/week 21 up to £2.00 £28 20 £2.01 - £3.00 £49 22 £3.01 - £4.00 £78 15 £4.01 - £5.00 £70 34 £5.01 - £10.00 £248 12 £10.01 - £15.00 £148 8 £15.01 - £20.00 £144 10 more than £20.01 £271 142£1036
Reordering Costs • Estimated reordering costs - £120K • Funding 50:50 split • £60k from current reserves • £60k from planned giving/donations • Planned work over next 3 years • Need to raise £20k/year (£380/wk)
In Summary • Currently we receive £1036/week • To meet • Our shortfall we need another £600/wk • Our reordering costs we need another £380/wk • We need to increase our Giving by £980/wk • That’s an extra • £6.90/week each
Where next? • Bury our heads in the sand! • Sack the clergy! • Ask all worshippers to increase their giving?
What Next? • Review your current giving • Register for Regular Giving & Gift Aid • Via Envelope Scheme • Via Bank Account • Via both! • Complete and return of the Confidential Response Forms by • 15th October
What our Current Regular Giving could be 29 up to £4.00 £102 28 £4.01 - £5.00 £126 33 £5.01 - £6.00 £182 24 £6.01 - £7.00 £156 41 £7.01 - £10.00 £359 23 £10.01 - £20.00 £345 15 £20.01 - £25.00 £338 13 more than £25.01 £420 206 £2016 NoAmount/week Total/week
God Loves a Cheerful Giver “The one who gives sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work” 2 Corinthians 9: 6-8