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If you want to get into coding, there are chances that you’ll come across several problems that could be discouraging, mainly in tutorials owing to your lack of previous experiences in programming. Even the programming classes for beginners might appear difficult if you are not aware of the below-mentioned basic programming concepts.
8 Programming Concepts You Should Know in 2017 If you want to get into coding, there are chances that you’ll come across several problems that could be discouraging, mainly in tutorials owing to your lack of previous experiences in programming. Even the programming classes for beginners might appear difficult if you are not aware of the belowmentioned basic programming concepts. Initially, several questions come to mind. Like how to do programming or which programming courses for Beginners could be helpful. There are several online sources that would help you with the later question; here we shall discuss the former query. What is computer programming? Computer programming or in short programming is a process that leads to a formulation of a computing problem to be run by computer programs. A source code is written in one or many programming languages. Top 8 Programming Concepts You Should Know in 2017 for beginners: 1. Variables I want to start with first programming concepts as a variable. They are like boxes can hold various things at various times. This is one of the most basic elements of programming. In short, a way to refer something such that you could use it in a line of code: •You might develop a variable to store age of a person and call it ‘age’ •May develop a variable to store user’s name and call it ‘username’ •You can develop a variable to count how many times a thing happened and call it ‘counter’ •You would develop a variable to store position and call it an ‘index’ Variables are changeable. A user’s name could be different every time when one code runs. A list of items could have other items added to it, or removed. They can be combined as well: an age might be calculated based on a birth date, here both age and birth date are two different variables. This is the first basic programming concepts you will come across if starts to learn to program. 2. Strings, integers and other types of data A string is a series of characters. You have different types of variables, which keep on changing. The basic types include: •Numbers — integers and floats (they have decimal places) •Text — basically called strings and indicated by quotation marks, e.g.“17 August”
•Lists or arrays indicated by square brackets and commas, e.g. [“Manchester”, “Glasgow”,•Lists or arrays indicated by square brackets and commas, e.g. [“Manchester”, “Glasgow”, “Paris”] •Dictionaries or dicts normally mentioned by curly brackets, colons and commas, e.g. {“Age” : 23, “Name”: “Jane”} This is important as problems could occur when code gets information in a wrong format. For instance, you can’t do a calculation with strings, or in several cases, mix text with numbers. In such cases programming involves instructing the code to treat ‘7’ as a number and not as a string, or to convert the string ‘seven’ to its numerical version. Computers need exact instruction to perform. 3.classes and #ids and selectors Selectors like .nav permits you to find or control items in a web page. HTML code applies the class= and id= to identify particular types of content and make it possible to edit with other code. For instance, you might have such a code in a web page: •<div class=”article”> •<ul class=”nav”> •<h2 class=”subhead”> •<div id=”footer”> There are about 3 ways in which, these classes and ids become useful: 1.They can be styled by making use of CSS 2.It could be identified and written using languages like Ruby, Python, and PHP In many cases, this is done using selectors. These selectors mention a class with a period, and an id with a hash, as shown below: •.article (for class=”article”) •#footer (for id=”footer”) 4. Functions, methods Functions and methods are like titles. You only need to provide the ingredients. Functions and methods are basically oneword formulae to perform things that would otherwise take several lines of code. For instance: •len in certain languages means ‘give me a length of the thing I specify’ •split in certain languages means ‘split this thing into one or many based on a criteria I specify’
To do that, the function requires an ingredient called an argument or parameter, and theTo do that, the function requires an ingredient called an argument or parameter, and the method is fixed to an ingredient called an object. The difference between methods and functions is minute and can’t be explored here. One basic useful thing about functions is that you could define your own in your code. Other functions can be used in the programming concepts or languages from the beginning. 5. Arguments or parameters Arguments are necessary to make your formula. Functions and methods need ingredients to work, each called an argument or parameter. These appear in parentheses that follow the name of the function.E.g. len(“Paul”) len(myname) The len function will give you the length of whatever argument is mentioned in the parentheses. In the first instance, there is a string “Paul”. The result here is 4 (4 characters). In the second instance the argument is a variable — myname — so the result will vary based on what that variable has at that moment. If myname is “Bradshaw”, the result will be 8 (8 characters). Some functions and methods use above one parameter, each one separated by a comma. And some parameters are optional. At several times, the parentheses are left empty like so: ready (). Again, this should be mentioned in the documentation. 6. Libraries Libraries are for collections of many functions and methods which help you to do more than you can with only the basics of the coding language. If you consider a problem, it appears as if someone has created a library to deal with it: sketching a map; getting information from a number of web pages; transforming a document; creating animations or effects. Hence, there is a useful tip to search for your problem, the language you’re learning or using, and the word ‘library’, e.g. ‘javascript mapping library’. 7. Lists/arrays and dictionaries/dicts Lists are like a row of people, you can find items by their position. Lists and dictionaries are special types of information which could be very useful in programming but at the same time quite confusing for laymen. The terms vary; in some languages, lists are called arrays, and dictionaries are called dicts.
A list or array is but a list of items, which appear like this:A list or array is but a list of items, which appear like this: [“Asia”, “Africa”, “Europe”] The contents list could be one or more of any of the data types mentioned above. Lists are quite useful to: •Store information and to •Repeat actions. A dictionary has both labels and values. Dictionaries are also a form of list, but with a main difference that they are a list of pairs. Each pair has a label (known as a key) and a value, connected by a colon, for instance: “Age”: 24 Consider dictionary as a collection of words with a definition. But you could also consider it as column headings (age, name, location) and values (18, Sarah, Chicago). Each pair is next separated by commas and the whole is placed in a list in curly brackets, as shown below: {“Age” : 23, “Name”: “Jane”} This is very useful for storing data that has more than one label. For instance, you might save a list of ages as a very simple list. But if you want to connect each age to a name or location, then you will need a dictionary. This could be behind the logic of data format JSON, a number of APIs use this format. Very much like lists, dictionaries also contain various types of data under each key, which includes lists and dictionaries as well. 8. Objects With our final concept from top programming concepts Objects, I think after it you are reddy to learn new language. Lego objects could only be used with another lego objects, and not with Duplo objects. The trem ‘object’ in programming is something which could be edited or used in some way by the program, like a variable that has an age, name, list, etc. When the term ‘object’ is preceded by another it could be annoying. For instance, you must have read about a ‘jQuery object’ or an ‘lxml object’. When objects are described such a way it means that the object in question can be modified or used by code from a library: jQuery methods, could be used on a ‘jQuery object’; lxml methods could be used on a ‘lxml object’.
How do they become such an object? There is basically a point in the program where aHow do they become such an object? There is basically a point in the program where a variable is made into a ‘jQuery object’, ‘lxml object’ etc.