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Belle II is an international research project focusing on the study of exotic bound states of matter and antimatter, specifically B mesons. The project aims to understand the asymmetry between matter and antimatter and explore new physics beyond the Standard Model. With the upgraded SuperKEKB accelerator facility and the Belle II detector, researchers will investigate weak interactions, new states of matter, and search for new particles. The project has a rich history of scientific achievements, including Nobel Prize discoveries in weak interactions. This diverse and productive program awaits further exploration at this unique international facility.
Belle II Scienceand Overall Project Tom Browder University of Hawaii
B Mesons: “Laboratory Rats of the Weak Interaction” Exotic bound state of matter and antimatter (hydrogen-like) b quark mass ~ 5x proton mass Lifetime ~ 1.5ps 1987: A neutral B meson can transform into its anti-particle, “B-Bbar mixing” 2001: Asymmetry between matter and anti-matter found in B meson weak decays. (B Factories)
Belle detector Ares RF cavity e+ source Starting point: Belle and The KEKB Collider(A facility located in Tsukuba, Japan) 8 x 3.5 GeV 22 mradcrossing angle SCC RF(HER) ~2 Billion B Mesons produced World record: L = 2.1 x 1034/cm2/sec ARES(LER) US Belle II Independent Project Review
A history of rich, diverse and productive science outcomes • B Factories: BaBar and Belle each produced >400 journal publications across a broad range of physics topics (b, c, tau, 2-photon, ….) • Many important discoveries: • New matter-antimatter asymmetries, new weak interaction couplings (bs, d, u); new states of matter etc. Recognition: the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics
Discoveries about weak interactions of quarksNobel Prizes T.D. Lee C.N. Yang 1957 1980 J. Cronin V. Fitch M. Kobayashi T. Maskawa 2008
To explore new physics: • SuperKEKB/Belle II is the new internationalintensity frontier facility for B mesons, charm mesons and tau leptons. From the movie “Particle Fever” Different and complementary capabilities compared to existing facilities: e+e-vs proton-proton (LHC)
Accelerator Facilities 8 new superconducting final focus magnets e+ 3.6A e- 2.6A KEKB to SuperKEKB Redesigned lattice to reduce the emittance (replaced short dipoles with longer ones, increase wiggler cycles) $400M facility upgrade Belle II Detector is $50M Beam size is reduced to 50 nm in vertical, 1 micron in horizontal. Reinforced RF systems for higher beam currents 40 X higher luminosity Replace 3.1 km of LER with TiN-coated beam pipes with antechambers Injector Linac upgrade Upgrade positron capture section Low emittance RF electron gun DR tunnel US Belle II Independent Project Review
Overview of Belle II Detector KLongand muon detector: Resistive Plate Counter (barrel outer layers) Scintillator + WLSF + MPPC (end-caps , inner 2 barrel layers) EM Calorimeter: CsI(Tl), waveform sampling (barrel) Pure CsI + waveform sampling (end-caps) Particle Identification Time-of-Propagation counter (barrel) Prox. focusing Aerogel RICH (fwd) electrons (7GeV) Beryllium beam pipe 2cm diameter Vertex Detector 2 layers DEPFET + 4 layers DSSD positrons(4GeV) Central Drift Chamber He(50%):C2H6(50%), small cells, long lever arm, fast electronics ++Background commissioning detector
High Level Schedule including US Milestones Key dates at KEK: Phase I (No Final Focus Quads, No Belle Detector): Jan 2015 Phase II (Final Focus, Belle, no vertex detectors): Feb 2016 Phase III (Final Focus, Belle, vertex detectors): October 2016
Belle II: A Truly International Team • 599 Collaborators, 97 institutes, 23 countries
U.S. Leadership in Belle II D. Asner, EB and FB rep from US A. Schwartz, speakers committee M. Schram, network coordinator, US rep CSG J. Fast, TOP leader
Summary • SuperKEKBupgrade construction nearing completion • First beams in 2015 • First physics run starts in late 2016 • ~$400M Japanese investment to upgrade accelerator • Belle II • $50M upgrade so detection systems can operate with the much more intense particle beams and backgrounds • U.S. contributions target areas in which we have historically had leadership and which are vital to the physics program • A diverse and productive science program awaits us • Unique international facility that will operate for over a decade
SuperKEKB luminosity profile Belle/KEKB recorded ~1000 fb-1 . Now change units to ab-1 Goal of Belle II/SuperKEKB Integrated luminosity (ab-1) 9 months/year 20 days/month Commissioning starts in early 2015. Shutdown for upgrade Peak luminosity (cm-2s-1) Calendar Year
SuperKEKB is the e+e- intensity frontier 1036 40 times higher luminosity KEKB PEP-II
Parameters for KEKB and SuperKEKB Nano-beams are the key (vertical spot size is ~50nm !!) US Belle II Independent Project Review