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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: “Hush”

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: “Hush”. Background. Aired from 1997-2003 Written by Joss Whedon The town of Sunnydale is on top of a “Hellmouth”, a place where the division between the human and demon world is weak. Buffy Summers is a student, but also a “Slayer”, whose job

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: “Hush”

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  1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer:“Hush”

  2. Background • Aired from 1997-2003 • Written by Joss Whedon • The town of Sunnydale is on top of a “Hellmouth”, a place where the division between the human and demon world is weak. Buffy Summers is a student, but also a “Slayer”, whose job is to fight demons to protect the town. She works with her “Watcher” and her friends to keep her town safe.

  3. Buffy • University student • Demon slayer since age of 15 • Special powers: super strength & speed • Interested in Riley, but hasn’t told him • He doesn’t know she fights demons

  4. Riley • University student • Works for government group that fights demons • Interested in Buffy, but hasn’t told her • She doesn’t know that he fights demons

  5. Giles • Librarian • Buffy’s “Watcher” • Trains Buffy and often fights beside her • Leader of Buffy’s group of friends that fights demons

  6. Anya & Xander • Anya was a former demon who was transformed into a human • Both are friends with Buffy and fight demons with her (though Xander has no special powers) • Dating, but often argue

  7. Willow & Tara • Willow: a witch who wants more opportunities to meet other witches and learn more magic • Tara: a very shy witch who is beginning to discover her powers • Both are members of the school’s Wicca group, which is a modern religion of witchcraft, but most don’t believe in real magic

  8. Spike • A vampire • Used to be Buffy’s enemy • The government put a chip in his brain to stop him from harming humans: he feels immense pain if he attacks a person

  9. Comparison Essay Due Tuesday, May 7

  10. Structure • How many paragraphs are usually in an essay? • What are they?

  11. Structure • Introduction • “Hook” to get reader’s attention • Introduction to topic • Thesis statement • Body Paragraph 1: First Essential Question • Body Paragraph 2: Second Essential Question • Body Paragraph 3: Third Essential Question • Conclusion • Restate thesis • Summarize argument

  12. Thesis • Your essay has to have a point, not just summarize the 3 essential questions • BAD thesis: Harry Potter and Twilight both answer the questions why is magic important, how can we be responsible with magic, and what can we learn from magic? • GOOD thesis: Harry Potter and Twilight both show the importance of magic and the consequences of using it incorrectly. • BETTER thesis: Harry Potter and Twilight use the theme of magic to show the relationship between our dreams and our actions.

  13. Step 1 • Choose 2 of the texts we have studied • “The Word” • “Write Me Sometime” • “Don’t Insist on English” • “Mazes” • “Not Waving But Drowning” • “Hush” (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

  14. Step 2 • Write your thesis • Why is communication important in these two texts? What point are they trying to make?

  15. Step 3: Works Cited Format for a story in a collection or anthology Family name, First name. “Title of Story.” Title of Book. Ed. Editors name. City: Publishing Company, Year. Page #’s. Print. Note: Format page numbers as (for example) 14-18, not page 14-18 Format for a poem from a website Family name, First name. “Title of Poem.” Title of Website. Web. Date of website update. Website name: Poetry Archive Date updated: 2010. Format for an episode of TV “Title of Episode.” Title of TV Show. Writ. Writer’s name. Dir. Director’s name. Company, Year. DVD. Writer: Joss Whedon Director: Joss Whedon Company: 20th Century Fox Year: 1999 Format for a speech Family name, First name. “Title of Speech.” Conference name. Country. Date. Note: Patricia Ryan’s speech is from December 4, 2010.

  16. Step 4: Make an outline Thesis: ________________________________________ Body Paragraph 1: What is the origin of communication? -notes about both texts Body Paragraph 2: What constitutes communication? • notes about both texts Body Paragraph 3: Who are we without communication? - notes about both texts

  17. Step 5: Find evidence • Look for quotations to support your ideas • Remember to cite them properly • “Quotation” (Author’s Family Name Page #) • “Piggy grabbed and put on the glasses” (Golding 76) • If you are using “Don’t Insist on English”, there will not be a page number, just the author’s family name

  18. Step 6: Writing the Essay • We will discuss this on Monday, and you will have time in class to work • For homework, think about ICE • Ideas: How does each text answer the essential questions? • Connections: What is similar and different about each text’s answer to each question? • Extensions: What are the effects of the different answers to the questions? “So what”?

  19. Homework • Buffy questions on handout • Essay outline: • Thesis statement • Answer the essential questions for each text • Find quotations from the texts to go in your essay • Bring your short story book every day • You do not need your textbook on Monday, unless you want it for working on your essay

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