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Lesson XLII

Lesson XLII. Forms of “possum” Translating participles. factum, facti (n,). deed. certus, certa, certum. fixed, sure. notus, nota, notum. known, familiar. paratus, parata, paratum. prepared, ready. tertius, tertia, tertium. third. cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus. discern, see.

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Lesson XLII

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  1. Lesson XLII Forms of “possum” Translating participles

  2. factum, facti (n,) deed

  3. certus, certa, certum fixed, sure

  4. notus, nota, notum known, familiar

  5. paratus, parata, paratum prepared, ready

  6. tertius, tertia, tertium third

  7. cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus discern, see

  8. commoveo, commovere, commovi, commotus disturb, alarm

  9. possum, posse, potui, ---- can, be able (+ infinitive)

  10. rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus ask

  11. Participles Used as Adjectives and Nouns • You’ve already met participles! • The 4th principal part of a verb is the PERFECT PASSIVE PARTICIPLE. • The participle is an ADJECTIVE form of the verb! • paro, parare, paravi, paratus: to prepare • PARATUS: “prepared” or “having been prepared”

  12. Participles Used as Adjectives and Nouns • nosco, noscere, novi, notus: to learn • NOTUS: known (having been learned) • porto, portare, portavi, portatus: to carry • PORTATUS: carried, having been carried • facio, facere, feci, factus: to do • FACTUS: having been done

  13. Participles Used as Adjectives and Nouns • Remember that adjectives can be used as nouns: bonus---the good man, bona---the good woman, bonum---the good thing • Participles are adjectives, and adjectives can be used as nouns, therefore, participles can be used as nouns!  (A=B and B=C, ergo A=C) • notus: the known man (aka, an acquaintance) • factum: the done thing (aka, “deed”---one of your vocab words this lesson!)

  14. factum, facti (n,) deed

  15. certus, certa, certum fixed, sure

  16. notus, nota, notum known, familiar

  17. paratus, parata, paratum prepared, ready

  18. tertius, tertia, tertium third

  19. cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus discern, see

  20. commoveo, commovere, commovi, commotus disturb, alarm

  21. possum, posse, potui, ---- can, be able (+ infinitive)

  22. rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus ask

  23. Your Turn! • We’ll take 5-10 minutes to do Workbook page 153, Ex. A and B (1-10) • The answer to exercise A is “substantive.” • Now…try Ex. B! 

  24. possum, posse, potui, ---- : can, be able • Possum is a form of “sum.” • Possum’s BFF is an infinitive. • I can swim = I am able to swim. • She can dance = she is able to dance.

  25. Present Tense Chart for “possum”

  26. Present Tense Chart for “possum”

  27. Imperfect Tense Chart for “possum”

  28. Future Tense Chart for “possum”

  29. Perfect Tense Chart for “possum, posse, POTUI, ---” The pluperfect and future perfect tenses use the same stem, POTU-. They use the regular pluperfect endings (-eram, -eras, etc., HAD BEEN ABLE…) and regular future perfect tendings (-ero, -eris, etc., WILL HAVE BEEN ABLE)

  30. factum, facti (n,) deed

  31. certus, certa, certum fixed, sure

  32. notus, nota, notum known, familiar

  33. paratus, parata, paratum prepared, ready

  34. tertius, tertia, tertium third

  35. cerno, cernere, crevi, cretus discern, see

  36. commoveo, commovere, commovi, commotus disturb, alarm

  37. possum, posse, potui, ---- can, be able (+ infinitive)

  38. rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatus ask

  39. Your Turn! Time to practice possum! Workbook page 154, Exercise D. A full list of the forms of “possum” are found on page 510 of your textbook. We’ll take 5-10 minutes for this practice.

  40. Time To Practice! • Ambulare possum. • I am able to walk./I can walk. • Potesne legere? • Are you able to read?/Can you read? • Puella dicere potest. • The girl is able to speak./The girl can speak. • Pugnare possumus. • We are able to fight./We can fight.

  41. More Practice---Different Tenses! • Agricola carrum trahere non poterit. • The farmer will not be able to drag the cart. • Populus ducem videre non potuerat. • The populace had not been able to see the general. • Cibum portare potuerimus. • We shall have been able to carry the food.

  42. A Little More Practice! • Magister discipulos docere poterat. • The teacher was able to teach the students. • The teacher could teach the students. • Femina liberos monere non poterit! • The woman will not be able to warn the children! 

  43. Bibliotheca (The Library) • Magister: Potesne legere, discipule? • Gaius: Sic, legere possum. Meus amicus etiam legere potest. • Magister: Potesne legere, Luci? • Lucius: Olim legere non poteram, sed nunc possum. Legere est mihi gratum! • Magister: Optime! Quos libros amas? • Lucius: Omnes libros amo. Sed multos libros non habeo, quod magnam pecuniam non habeo. • Magister: Bibliothecae multos libros habent. Libros sine pecunia e bibliotheca capere poteris. • Gaius: Multos libros e bibliotheca saepe capere potui. Ad bibliothecam ambulare possumus, Luci!

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