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PSKOV REGION TODAY. WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU. PSKOV REGION TODAY. GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION. Pskov region – is the only subject of Russian Federation , bordering simultaneously with three foreign states :. BORDER LENGTH :. with Byelorussia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..305 km
PSKOV REGION TODAY GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION Pskov region – is the only subject of Russian Federation, bordering simultaneously with three foreign states: BORDERLENGTH: withByelorussia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..305 km withEstonia……. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254,4 km withLatvia …… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274,6 km DISTANCE FROM PSKOV: toRiga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 km toTallinn . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . …….350 km toVilnius …… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 km toMinsk . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .450 km toHelsinki . . . . . . . . . . . . . ….. . . 700 km toWarsaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …. .850 km toStockholm . . . . .. . . . . . . . .... . 860 km To Berlin . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ….. .1200 km toMoscow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689 km WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Length of surfaced motor roads – 11 000 km Railways route length – 1 100 km Motorways and railroad systemlink the regionwith capitals of the Republic of Byelorussia, Baltic States, ports of St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Kaliningrad, Tallinn, Riga. River portlinksthe regionwithTartu (Estonia) International airport for medium-haul cargo and passenger aircraft is opened in Pskov. Dailycustoms borders in the territory of region are crossed by over 4 thousandmotor vehicles (about 800 trucks) and dozens of trains. In 2005 freight turnover made up 17,3 billionton-km. WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY STRUCTURE OFGROSSREGIONAL PRODUCT Gross regional product in 2004 made up 36,1 billionrubles, that makes 108,3 % topreceding year in comparable prices. WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOVREGION TODAY INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION OF REGION VOLUME OF SHIPPED DOMESTICGOODS, WORK AND SERVICESIN 2005 — 27 942,5 MILLIONRUBLES Foodstuffs production 27,4% Manufacturing activities 77,2% Production of electrical equipment, electronics and optical equipment 17 % Productionand distribution of electric power, gas and water 22,4 % Machinery & equipment production 6,2 % Textile and clothing manufacture 4,1 % Other 22,5 % Miningoperations 0,4 % WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOVREGION TODAY FOREIGN TRADE In 2005 foreign trade turnoverof Pskov regionmade up 733,0 million USA dollars, and increased by 31% in comparison to 2004. Export increased by 51,9 %, import – by 12%. 469 enterprises with foreign capital are registered in the territory of Pskov region (data of 01.03.2006) WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY FOREIGN TRADE Turnover distributionas per partner-states of Pskov regionin 2005 Pskov regioncooperateswithmany foreign countries. As before, the most foreign trade turnover falls on remote foreign states. In 2005 they covered about 96,6% of Pskov region exportand over 98,9% of import. The main trade partners of region during 2005 traditionally were the following states: – Estonia, Latvia, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and CIS state – Ukraine WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY NATURAL RESOURCES Natural deposit: Nonmetallic building materials – chippings, gravel. Clay for production of ceramics,brick, tile; medicinal clay. Mineral water. Sapropel. Gypsum, limestone (cement). Peat. Sand, includingbottle glass making sand. Mineral dyestuff. Inexpensiveraw materials of Pskov regioncan supply your business for many years ahead! WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY INVESTMENTS Attraction of investments to region economics isone of the priorities of regional policy In 2005 new Law “On tax remissions and state support of investment activity in Pskov region” became operative and according to it the investorsare granted the right for independent option of variant to use the tax remissions - notification or authorization order. 1. Notification order:Investoris granted the right to usepreferential rates 0,01% on tax on property on executed investmentsin volume not less than 10 millionrublesfor 5 years – directly by Law. 2.Authorization order: On projects approved by Administration of region preferential rates are applied on tax on profit (13.5%) andtax on property (0,01%) for 5 yearsin wholefor all propertyand all profitof organization.At that the sum of preferences for 5 yearscan not exceed 50% of investments volume. 3. Cancellation of remissions: By court decision. WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY PROJECTS ESTABLISHMENT OF MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD PRODUCTION IN NOVOSOKOLNIKI CITY Project goal – establishment of new productionfor ecologically clean and modern construction material – medium density fiberboard (MDF) Project main features: - raw material - 300 thousandm3of low quality wood; - Production volume - 150 thousand м3of MDF per annum; - Investment volume - 40,5 millioneuro. - Number of jobs - 300. Administration of region invites investors for realization of project WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY PROJECTS Factory for production of bleached chemical-thermo mechanical pulpin Dedovichi village. Project goal – establishment of new enterprise for bleached chemical thermo mechanical pulp production, using modern, ecology saving technology. Project main features: - raw material - 1500 thousand м3of asp; - production volume - 600 thousand tons of pulp per annum; - investment volume – 460 million euro; - number of new jobs created – 2000; Project investors: Fjell Bruk Handel AS(Norway); OU Estonian Pulp (Estonia). Design company: JSC «LarrusPulp» (RF) General contractor: Andritz (Austria). WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY PROJECTS • The largest investment project in Pskov region is constructionof export-orientedrefinery. The realization of the project was supported by Putin V.V. • Investment volume – 45 billionrubles. • Refining volume – 7 milliontonsof oil per annum • Proceeds will make up - 90 billion rubles (that over 3 times exceeds regional industrial production volume of 2005). • Tax proceeds to budget of Pskov region will exceed 3 billionrubles. • Investment outlay paybackperiod – 3 years. WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
ПСКОВСКАЯ ОБЛАСТЬ СЕГОДНЯ Layout of existing and prospective oil and oil-products pipelines in North-West Federal District According to oil research institute estimation(OAO VNIPIneft) the given projectcan become the accelerant to greater scale project – construction of alternate to Baltic pipeline systemfrom oil-trunk pipeline «Surgut-Polotsk» in direction from Velikie LukitoLuzhskaya bay, and new refinerywill be able successfully compete withrefineries in Baltic region: inMajeyky (Lithuania) and in Gdansk (Poland). WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY INVESTMENTS Foreign investments in I quarterof 2006 made up 3090,7 thousandUSA dollars, thatby 1813 thousandUSA dollarsmore (2,4 times), thanin I quarter of 2005. 823,6 million rubles of investments in fixed capital (total range of organizations) were used for development of economics and social field of region, that makes 134,1 percentto level ofcorresponding period of 2005. WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY PSKOV Pskov region – is land of lakes, pure air, unique wildlife areas and historical-and-architectural reserves, that creates great opportunity for tourism development. Pskov land includes 372 monuments of federal value, over 3,5 thousand ones of local valueand about 500 new discovered objects of heritage. The region takes one of the leading places in Europe on number of monuments, especially architectural and archeological ones. Pskov is one of the most ancient cities in Russia. Gilt cupola of Trinity cathedral rise over Pskov Kremlin surrounded by fortress walls. The cathedral, built in X century by order of princess Olga, contains majestic seven-stageicon wallof XVII century. WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY Alexander Pushkin Museum Park «Mikhailovskoye» Pskov region inseparably linked with the name of Alexander Pushkin. He spent two years of exile in Mikhailovskoye village, in mother’s ancestral estate. Here is the museum devoted to poet, lodge of his nurse Arina Rodionovna andoldpark. During years of exile Pushin practically daily visited his friends Osipov-Wolf in Trigorskoye village. Some corners of Trigorsky park are named after characters of novel «Eugene Onegin». Across the foundation of the old house there is «Onegin bench». Petrovskoye village is estate of Pushkin ancestry Gannibal. Description of Petrovskoye village can be found in «Dubrovsky» and «Negro of Peter the Great». In 3 kmfrom Mikhailovskoyein Pushkin Hills village there is Svyatogorsky Monastery, where Pushkin is buried. WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY PECHORY One of the most prominent monasteries in the country with centuries-old history and unique historical-and-architectural complex of XVI-XIX centuries is located in Pechory city. Relics of monks and representatives of glorious Slavonic families of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Nashchokin and poet Pushkin ancestors lie in subterranean necropolis. Monastery walls surround architectural complex, formed by number of temples of XV-XX centuriesand great monastery belfrywith ancient bells. The heart of cloister – is Assumption cathedral, with main monastery relic in the center – ancient icon of the Blessed Virgin Assumption (1521). WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION Izborsk – is the most ancient cityin Pskov landand one of the first Russian cities, founded by Slavonians-krivichiand for the first time mentioned in the Chronicle in 862. The unique complex of Izborsk fortress keeps fragments of walls,towers, special defensive installations, as well as Nicholas temple of XIV century. Truvor site of ancient settlement, Malsky monastery complex, temples, chapels and worship crosses also represents architectural-and-archeological monuments of Izborsk-Malskaya valley. Here are preserved traditional peasant settlements and merchants’ country estates,religious buildings and defensive installations. The valley ensemble keeps millennial town-planning structure. Wonderful natural and historical monument of the locality are Slovenian springs, according to legend having miraculous power. WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY Ski-and-biathlonCenter «Youth» The modern training baseis locatedin Ostrov districton the picturesque lakeside. The Center is distinguished by convenient geographical location and developed infrastructure. Sportsmen live, eat and train in the Center. During recent 11 yearsthe best Russian ski-runners and biathlon sportsmen train for Olympic games and world championships on tracks of Center “Youth”. Annually here takes place summer championship of Russia on ski rollers. The Center «Youth» - is one of the pretenders for world summer biathlon championship in 2008. Center graduate Mikhail Ivanov – is the winner of Olympiad in Salt-Lake-Cityin 2002. WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY PSKOVCYCLONE Four years in region, on the shore of Pskov lake, ther take place the festival of extreme kinds of sport «Pskov cyclone». Every year the festival gathers over 10 thousand people – the fancy for active rest and sport. During several days within the frames of «Pskov cyclone» there is conducted traditional sailing regatta, competition of air gliders, balloonists, windsurfers, paintball and mountain bike competitionsand performance of popular music groups. In 2006 «Pskov cyclone» will take place on the shore of Chudskoye lake. It opens new opportunitiesfor organization of greater competitions, like, cup of Russia on windsurfing. WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU
PSKOV REGION TODAY AERONAUTICS International meetings of balloonists take place in Velikie Luki from 1996. Aeronauts cup became the firstaction in Russia, received the sport approval of Aeronautic Commission of International Aviation Federation (FAI/CIA). Annually about 30 pilots participate in international meetings. For the recent 10 yearshere competed aeronauts from Russia, CIS and Baltic states, from Europe and USA. The competitions take place with participation of sport observersaccording to rules of FAI/CIA. In 2006 the 11th International meetingof aeronauts takes place in Velikie Lukifrom 3 to 11 Juneand concurs with celebration of 840-year anniversary of the city. WWW.INVEST.PSKOV.RU