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PRESENTATION OF THE CONSUMER COMPLAINTS REGISTER Belgrade, 26 th June 2013. Why a Consumer Complaints Register (CCR)? Prof. Thierry Bourgoignie IPA Project team leader and Key legal expert. PRESENTATION OF THE CONSUMER COMPLAINTS REGISTER Belgrade, 26 th June 2013. Overall objective

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  1. PRESENTATION OF THE CONSUMER COMPLAINTS REGISTERBelgrade, 26th June 2013 Why a Consumer Complaints Register (CCR)? Prof. Thierry Bourgoignie IPA Project team leader and Key legal expert

  2. PRESENTATION OF THE CONSUMER COMPLAINTS REGISTERBelgrade, 26th June 2013 Overall objective The objective of the CCR is to contribute to a better enforcement of the Law on Consumer Protection by establishing a nation-wide infrastructure for the management of consumer complaints and enquiries.

  3. PRESENTATION OF THE CONSUMER COMPLAINTS REGISTERBelgrade, 26th June 2013 Specific goals • To register consumer complaints and enquiries through common channels and uniform ways. • To handle consumer complaints and enquiries according to similar rules. • To enhance and facilitate the handling of consumer disputes out-of-court. • To collect data relating to consumer complaints, needs and expectations for further analysis and more targeted policy-making.

  4. PRESENTATION OF THE CONSUMER COMPLAINTS REGISTERBelgrade, 26th June 2013 Main features • Use of CCR remains voluntary. However: • Its use will be promoted by many, such as State Consumer Protection Center, State regulatory bodies, consumer organizations, mediation centers and other ADRs schemes, Market Inspectorate. • It can be expected that consumer legal advice centres receiving funds from the State budget will make use of the system.

  5. PRESENTATION OF THE CONSUMER COMPLAINTS REGISTERBelgrade, 26th June 2013 Main features • The CCR is easily accessible: • Web-based system accessible via the Internet; no special equipment needed other than a standard office PC and a broadband Internet access. • Use of Template form to be filled in either by the individual consumer or any person/body providing him with support in submitting the request to the system (<users>).

  6. PRESENTATION OF THE CONSUMER COMPLAINTS REGISTERBelgrade, 26th June 2013 Main features voicing of complaints by consumers will be facilitated. giving legal advice will be facilitated and simplified. • Multi-stage process including the following steps: • Submission of enquiries or complaints • Exclusion of frivolous requests

  7. PRESENTATION OF THE CONSUMER COMPLAINTS REGISTERBelgrade, 26th June 2013 Main features • Attempt to solve the complaint though direct negotiation with the trader. • In case of failure to reach an agreement, sending the complaint – which by now becomes a dispute – to one body in charge of out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes. • Traceability of requests

  8. PRESENTATION OF THE CONSUMER COMPLAINTS REGISTERBelgrade, 26th June 2013 Main features • Global reporting; the CCR is a centralised Information System which utilises a central database at national level to establish a nation-wide network for the collection and management of consumer complaints and enquiries. • The system is compatible with the European Consumer Complaint Registration System (ECCRS) to which it may report yearly in accordance to the ECCRS requirements.

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