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WARMER WEATHER IS HERE!. Thomas Edison Dress Code Policy. Thomas Edison High School Dress Code Policy 2011-2012.
WARMER WEATHER IS HERE! Thomas Edison Dress Code Policy
Thomas Edison High School Dress Code Policy 2011-2012 The Thomas Edison High School community expects to present themselves in a manner that is respectful and appropriate for school. Clothing worn in school should not offend, cause embarrassment, or present a health hazard. Students who do not comply with this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
Pants, skirts and dresses • All shorts & pants must be worn at WAIST LEVEL! Sagging pants and shorts are NOT allowed. • Shorts, skirts and dress length must reach your mid-thigh (as long or longer, than the large knuckles of the hands when the arms are extended downward and at the sides of the body)
Head Apparel • Head apparel such as hats, caps, hoods, visors, bandanas, hair wraps, wave caps are NOT to be worn in the building. All of these items must be in your locker after the 1st period bell rings. • Head apparel for RELIGIOUS PURPOSES is approved upon request by parents/guardians
Head Apparel continued • Students are NOT to wear, place on belts, wear on necks, hold in their hands any item categorized as head apparel. • If the item constituting head apparel is visible, it will be immediately confiscated and not returned until the end of the current grading period.
Coats, Jackets and Shirts • Coats and jackets are NOT to be worn in the building. They MUST be kept in your locker • Shirts and tops (muscle shirts, tube tops, halter tops, midriff tops (revealing the stomach/belly button) low cut tops and tops with spaghetti straps are NOT to be worn in the building
NO KEEP YOUR CHEST COVERED! • All shorts or skirts worn over the top of any kind of leggings must meet the aforementioned minimum length requirement for skirts and shorts. • All straps must be equal in width to two fingers placed together. YES
SHOES & “OTHER STUFF” • Shoes MUST be worn at all times for health and safety concerns (no house slippers!) • Clothing that includes the following is not allowed: • Words or pictures which are sexually, physically obscene, vulgar, abusive, discriminatory, promotes violence – that advertises alcohol, drugs, chemicals, or tobacco products – that promotes threat and hate groups, is gang-related, etc. are NOT to be worn in our building.
Any student failing to comply with the other portion of the dress code policy is subject to disciplinary action by members of the administrative and/or dean teams. Disclaimer: The aforementioned Edison High School Dress Code Policy for 2011-2012 may be subject to change based on staff and student input. The goal, however, is to consistently and fairly enforce the dress code policy to ensure our students’ success at Edison and beyond in career and/or college. Our Staff will use professional judgment when enforcing this policy and, when in doubt, will refer back to this document and/or an administrator or dean for support or clarification of the policy. Thank you to all of the staff and students who are working together to consistently and fairly enforce the Thomas Edison High School Dress Code Policy.