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Genomes and Genetic Architecture

Genomes and Genetic Architecture. Life on Earth. Operons are a prokaryotic variant of gene organization. Lower (yeast) and more advanced (anything but the damned yeast) eukaryotes typical genome structures:. Gene size and mRNA size. Gene Topography. Intergenic region. gene. Bacterium.

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Genomes and Genetic Architecture

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  1. Genomes and Genetic Architecture

  2. Life on Earth

  3. Operons are a prokaryotic variant of gene organization

  4. Lower (yeast) and more advanced (anything but the damned yeast) eukaryotestypical genome structures:

  5. Gene size and mRNA size

  6. Gene Topography Intergenic region gene Bacterium Saccharomyces Drosophila Homo sapiens Intergenic region exon intron

  7. Numbers of Exons per Gene

  8. Histone genes - tandem repeats

  9. Chromosome Duplication and Disjunction

  10. Mouse Simple Sequence Centromere DNA Probes Autoradiographed

  11. Dispersed Reptitive DNA • VNTRVariable number tandem repeatsminisatellite DNADNA fingerprints • Dinucleotide repeats microsatellite DNA

  12. VNTR

  13. Retroelements use reverse transcription RNA to DNA

  14. Retro Elements • Transposons and Retrotransposons • LINES - Long interspersed elements (1-5 kb, 20,00-40,000 copies per genome in humans) • Alu (sequence similar to 7SL RNA, involved in transport through ER) • SINES - Short interspersed elements

  15. Repetitive Elements - HGO gene (alkaptonuria)

  16. Spacer DNAfunction unknownmay have functions …may reflect our ignorance

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