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on the LEAP conference. Polarized Fusion. Nuclear Fusion with P olarized Particles. by Ralf Engels JCHP / Institut für Kernphysik, FZ Jülich. 08 .07.2014. Polarized Fusion. Can the total cross section of the fusion reactions be increased by using polarized particles ?.
on the LEAP conference Polarized Fusion Nuclear Fusion withPolarizedParticles by Ralf Engels JCHP / Institut für Kernphysik, FZ Jülich 08.07.2014
Polarized Fusion Can the total crosssectionofthefusionreactions beincreasedbyusingpolarizedparticles ? Total crosssection
Polarized Fusion Can thetrajectoriesoftheejectilesbecontrolled byuseofpolarizedparticles? Total crosssection Differential crosssection
Polarized Fusion Can the total crosssectionofthefusionreactions beincreasedbyusingpolarizedparticles ? t + d 4He + n Factor: ~1.5 at 107 keV J = 3/2 + / s-wavedominated (~96%) 3He + d 4He + p Factor: ~1.5 at 430 keV [Ch. Leemann et al., Helv. Phys. Acta 44, 141 (1971)] H. Paetz gen. Schieck, Eur. Phys. J. A 44, 321-354 (2010)
Polarized Fusion Whatistheadvantageforfusionreactors ? 1.) Inertial Fusion (Laser inducedfusion) (Berkeley, Orsay, Darmstadt, …) Laser Pellet target (DT pellets)
Polarized Fusion Whatistheadvantageforfusionreactors ? Calculationby M. Temporal et al. forthe „Megajoule“ Project M. Temporal et al.; Ignition conditions for inertial confinement fusion targets with polarized DT fuel; Nucl. Fusion 52 (2012) 103011
Polarized Fusion Whatistheadvantageforfusionreactors ? Calculationby M. Temporal et al. forthe „Megajoule“ Project Nooptimizationofthelaser power: Gainincreasedbyfactor4 withuseofpolarizedfuel
Polarized Fusion Whatistheadvantageforfusionreactors ? 2.) MagneticConfinement (Tokomak): CollaborationbetweenJlab (A. Sandorfi et al.), University of Virgina, OakRidge Lab. andthe DIII-Tokomak in San Diego Idea: Feed DIII tokomakwithpolarized 3He and D producedwiththemethodsoffrozenspintargets like at Jlab.
Polarized Fusion Whichquestions must besolved ? 1.) Dependenceofthe total crosssectionfromthe polarizationfor all fusionreactions. Can cross sections be increased ? t + p Can neutrons be suppressed ? Can the trajectories of the neutrons be controlled? d + d 3He + n Reactionisnot s-wavedominated !
Polarized Fusion Spins of both deuterons are aligned: Only pz(qz) and pzz(qzz) ≠ 0 Only beam is polarized: (pi,j ≠ 0, qi,j = 0) σ(ϴ,Φ) = σ0(ϴ) · {1 + 3/2 Ay(ϴ) py + 1/2 Axz(ϴ) pxz + 1/6 Axx-yy(ϴ) pxx-zz + 2/3 Azz(ϴ) pzz }
Polarized Fusion Deltuva and Fonseca, Phys. Rev. C 81 (2010)
The Experimental Setup at PNPI • Detector Setup: • 4πcoveredby • large pos. sens. Detectors • (~ 500 single PIN diodes ?) ABS fromthe SAPIS project: (after upgrade) ~ 4 ∙ 1016a/s → ~ 2 ∙ 1011 a/cm2 ABS fromFerrara: ~ 6 ∙ 1016a/s → ~ 3 ∙ 1011 a/cm2 dd-fusion polarimeter POLIS (KVI, Groningen) Ion beam: I ≤ 20 μA → 1.5 ∙ 1014d/s ( Ebeam≤ 32 keV ) LSP from POLIS Luminosity: 4.5 ∙ 1025 /cm2 s → count rate: ~ 60 /h → 1monthof beam time Luminosity: 3 ∙ 1025 /cm2 s → count rate: ~ 40 /h → 2 monthof beam time LSP fromthe SAPIS project
Polarized Fusion Whichquestions must besolved ? 1.) Dependenceofthe total crosssectionfromthe polarizationfor all fusionreactions. 2.) Polarizationconservation in the different plasmas ? a.) Magneticconfinement: - R.M. Kulsrud et al.; Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1248 (1982) - Experiment bySandorfi et al. b.) Inertial Fusion: - J.P. Didelezand C. Deutsch; 2011 Laser andParticle Beams29169. - M. Büscher (FZJ/ Uni. Düsseldorf) „Laser Acceleration“
Laser Acceleration Proton rich dot 20x20x0.5 μm ~ 100 GV/m ~ 100 GV/m 108protons at 1.5 MeV 1011protonsupto 10 MeV Laser Accelerationof pol. 3He2+ionsfrom pol. 3He gas targets JUSPARC Project in FZJ
Polarized Fusion Whichquestions must besolved ? 1.) Dependenceofthe total crosssectionfromthe polarizationfor all fusionreactions. 2.) Polarizationconservation in the different plasmas ? 3.) Howtoproducepolarizedfuel ? - inertialfusion: - HD targetsareavailable (10 mK, ~15 T) (relativelysmallpolarization ~ 40%) - frozenspin DT targetspossible - magneticconfinement: a.) pol. 3He isavailable („Laser-pumping“) b.) pol. T will bepossiblewith a similarmethod c.) pol. D ???
PIT @ ANKE/COSY Main parts of a PIT: • Atomic Beam Source • Target gas hydrogenordeuterium • H/D beam intensity (2 hyperfine states) 8.2 . 1016/6. 1016atoms/s • Beam size at the interaction point σ = 2.85 ± 0.42 mm • Polarization forhydrogen/deuterium PZ = 0.89 ± 0.01 PZ = -0.96 ± 0.01 Pz= + 0.88 ± 0.01 / - 0.91 ± 0.01 Pzz = - 1.71 ± 0.03 / + 0.90 ± 0.01 • Lamb-Shift Polarimeter • Storage Cell
Naïve model polarized Pm= 0.5 unpolarized Is there a way to increase Pm (surface material, T, B etc)? PolarizedH2/D2Molecules Measurements from NIKHEF, IUCF, HERMES show that recombined molecules retain fraction of initial nuclear polarization of atoms! Nuclear Polarization of Hydrogen Molecules from Recombination of Polarized Atoms T.Wise et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 042701 (2001).
The Setup ISTC Project # 1861 PNPI, FZJ, Uni. Cologne DFG Project: 436 RUS 113/977/0-1
Polarized H2Molecules Measurements on Fomblin Oil (Perfluorpolyether PFPE) HFS 3 TCell = 100 K Protons: Pm= - 0.81 ± 0.02 n = 174 ± 19 c = 0.993 ± 0.005 + H2 - Ions: Pm = - 0.84 ± 0.02 n = 277 ± 31
Polarized Fusion Whichquestions must besolved ? 1.) Dependenceofthe total crosssectionfromthe polarizationfor all fusionreactions. 2.) Polarizationconservation in the different plasmas ? 3.) Howtoproducepolarizedfuel? - inertialfusion: - frozenspin DT targetspossible (relativelysmallpolarization ~ 40%) - HD targetsareavailable - magneticconfinement: a.) pol. 3He isavailable („Laser-pumping“) b.) pol. T will bepossiblewith a similarmethod c.) pol. D ??? => newideasarewellcome !!!!