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Inequalities in Access to Health Care in Brazil and India Closing the Gap for the Poorest-poor

Inequalities in Access to Health Care in Brazil and India Closing the Gap for the Poorest-poor. ESRC Collaborative Analysis of Micro Data Resources: BRAZIL-INDIA PATHFINDER Research Project. Tiziana Leone, PhD LSE Health T.Leone@lse.ac.uk. Real Data - Real World

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Inequalities in Access to Health Care in Brazil and India Closing the Gap for the Poorest-poor

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  1. Inequalities in Access to Health Care in Brazil and IndiaClosing the Gap for the Poorest-poor ESRC Collaborative Analysis of Micro Data Resources: BRAZIL-INDIA PATHFINDER Research Project Tiziana Leone, PhD LSE Health T.Leone@lse.ac.uk Real Data - Real World Presentation at the ESDS International Annual Conference 30 November 2009, London

  2. Objectives Facilitate international research partnerships and networking of social scientists from Brazil, India and the UK Analyse large-scale national survey data to address policy-oriented research problems in the area related to social inequalities and population health Share research experiences and build capacity in quantitative analysis of health and demographic data from household surveys Produce joint academic research outputs and disseminate findings at international conferences Identify priority research areas and strengthen the research consortium by developing joint research proposals.

  3. Research Team: UK partners Sabu Padmadas (PI), Zoe Matthews, Maria Evandrou, Andrew Channon, Fiifi Amoako Johnson, Jane Falkingham Saseendran Pallikadavath Tiziana Leone Expertise: Reproductive and child health, Family planning, Health care systems, Health inequalities, Poverty, Ageing, Spatial analysis, Demographic & Health Surveys

  4. Research Team: Brazil André Junqueira Caetano, Eduardo L.G. Rios-Neto, Carla Jorge Machado, Ernesto F. L. Amaral Expertise: Reproductive and child Health, Family planning, Economic demography, Policy evaluation, Health care systems, Health inequalities Infectious diseases, Poverty, Ageing, Demographic & Health Surveys

  5. Research Team: India KS James, Lekha Subaiya Dilip TR, US Mishra Abhishek Singh Expertise: Reproductive and child Health, Health inequalities, Economic demography, Health care systems, Health inequalities, Morbidity, Poverty, Ageing, Demographic & Health Surveys, National Sample Surveys

  6. Research questions (1) What are the assessment criteria to measure and quantify inequalities in health care access in Brazil and India? What is the extent of inequalities in access to health care and how do these vary over time and within (intra) and across (inter) wealth and expenditure classes and by geographical location of residence? What are the individual, household and community barriers to health care access and how these differ between Brazil and India?

  7. Research questions (2) How do individual, household and community attributes interact and mediate the relationship between household wealth and health care access? What is the extent of heterogeneity in health care access at the community level? To what extent do differences in inequalities in access to health care between Brazil and India reflect differences in health care system functioning and policies and whether they have narrowed or widened the gap between the rich and the poor?

  8. Conceptual framework

  9. Datasets Brasil: 1986, 2003, 2006 Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde, PNDS 1991, 1996 DHS 2005 Avaliação de Impacto do Programa Bolsa Família; 2002/03 Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares; Administrative data on deaths, births and hospital records India: 1992/93, 1998, 2005/06National Family Health Survey, NFHS (Demographic & Health Surveys): 1998/99, 2002/04 Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) 1995/06, 2004/05 National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) data Other ad hoc surveys

  10. Timeline, activities & outputs 12 months (April 2010 – March 2011) Three sets of research workshops with specific research agenda and capacity building activities (May 2010, Aug 2010 & Jan 2011) and routine e-conferences. Dissemination: national and international conferences, project website, fact sheets, peer-reviewed joint publications

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