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“The Ummah is like one body, if one part is in pain then the entire body is in pain”. ~ Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam (PBUH). Important Facts about Muslims in India Sachar Committee Report. 3.4% Muslims graduate
“The Ummah is like one body, if one part is in pain then the entire body is in pain” ~ Prophet MuhammedSallallahuAlaihiWassalam (PBUH)
Important Facts about Muslims in India Sachar Committee Report • 3.4% Muslims graduate • 70% children can only afford to study in government schools • Presence of Muslims in Government service: I.A.S. 3%, IFS 1.8%, IPS 4% • 33% of small villages with high concentration of Muslims do not have any educational institution. • 40% of large villages with Muslim concentration do not have any medical facility. • A substantially larger proportion of the Muslim households in Urban areas are in the less than Rs 500 bracket. • Incidence of poverty is found to be highest amongst Muslims. SC/ ST occupy next position.
Build capacities of marginalized Muslims to participate actively in developing their own communities Invest significantly in Institutions of Learning Centers of Islam to learn deen for daily application Schools with a blend of DeeniTaleem, Vocational Training and the best of modern education system Universities and Institutions of Higher Education with emphasis on research on Quran and Hadith for contribution to modern science Create opportunities for livelihoods for People in poverty
Tamkeen SolutionsA Social Enterprise to Transform Peoplein Poverty
Vision Ecologies of self-sustaining and empowered communities, co-creating wealth while striving collectively to enable wellbeing for humanity Mission • Establish an ecology of Institutions comprising the following:
BakridAn Opportunity from Allah Subhana-wa-taala to Transform Muslim Fortunes Do we have the ears to listen, the eyes to see and the heart to believe in the possibilities?
Important Facts About Lambs Purchase for Bakrid in India • Muslims purchase 5,00,000+ sheep for Bakrid in Hyderabad alone • Avg Minimum price for the sheep is Rs. 4,200/- and the average maximum is Rs. 10,000/- • Total volume of transactions during Bakrid across India is guesstimated at Rs. 5000 Crores • Profits generated from the transactions is guesstimated at Rs. 2000 Crores • All the above are conservative figures
Transformational Approach to Purchasing Lambs for Bakrid 20% of the Enterprise Profits are Invested in Establishing Educational Institutions and Islamic Cause Multiple Rewards in Hereafter Relationship With a Lambs is Established Over Long Duration Contributes to Rural Poverty Alleviation Facilitates Establishment of Educational Institutions Earnings of Poor Families Goes up by 300% per Annum Leadership & Capacity Building for Poverty Ridden Families
Idea in a nutshell • Tamkeen Solutions will inspire Muslim Ummah to change Lambs purchase behavior • Lambs to be purchased at the beginning of the year with Tamkeen Solutions • Sheep/Goat would be delivered for Bakrid Sacrifice • Tamkeen Solutions will partner grassroots entrepreneurs and families below poverty line in the lamb rearing enterprise. • Farmers will be eligible for 40% share of profits. The company will provide the following to the farmers • Lambs • Insurance • Veterinary Support • Feed Concentrate Supply • Farmers will be responsible for grazing, housing and rearing lambs
Idea in a nutshell • Tamkeen Solutions will supply grown Sheep/Goats to Muslim Ummah for Bakrid Sacrifice and for daily meat consumption through a retail chain • The company will provide the following support to the entrepreneurs • Leadership Development • Skills needed in lamb farming • The entrepreneurs will be responsible for the following • Handholding the farmers through the entire cycle • Monitoring business operations at farm level • 20% of the profit is invested in educational institutions and policy institute to work on issues of Muslim emancipation.
Idea in a nutshell • 20% of the entire enterprise profit each year will be invested in Tamkeen Fund with Tamkeen Trust to establish Tamkeen Centers of Excellence in Education and Research for Muslim Ummah • Tamkeen Trust will do the following to facilitate capacity building of marginalized families to be partners in Lamb rearing enterprise • Organize identified families into Self Help Groups • Educate the families on best practices of Lamb rearing • Impart values education and behavioral trainings on a wide variety of individual and group empowerment topics
Tamkeen Centers of Excellence in Education & Research – Empowerment Engine
Idea in a nutshellTamkeenFund created will be invested in establishing modern Islamic Schools and Universities In-sha-allaahtamkeen Educational Institutions Will offer a blend of Islamic Education with Contemporary education and Vocational Training Will not charge its students for offering best of education Children of Muslim Ummah will receive education as a gift Research Centre Contribute to society by crafting Islamic Solutions to pressing problems and make significant contributions to Modern Science
Plans for Baqrid 2013 • We plan to enrol 2000 muslims in Hyderabad to believe in this plan in 2013. • We would have helped 2000 families enrolled with us to save Rs. 10 - 20 Lakhs at the very least at todays market prices. • We would have generated Rs. 20 Lakhs for families of poor Muslims in villages. • We would have generated Rs. 20 Lakhs for educational institutions. • Tamkeen Solutions will make a profit of Rs. 10 Lakhs, which will be shared with all the partners in learning and production.
We would Like Your Support • Place your orders for next years lambs with us. • Refer our enterprise to your network of relatives and friends • Take responsibility for gathering orders of 50 Lambs (Each poor family will receive 50 lambs) and become a partner in our Enterprise • Every investor of 50 Lambs will be eligible for a share of profit
Impact quantification • It is estimated that the farmers income will grow by 3 times to 1,00,000 INR from an assumed 36,000 INR per year • In-Sha-Allaah, the Educational Trust will create educational facilities for about 150 children in 1st year and scale upto 3500 in 5 years. At an estimated 2.5 Crore lifetime earnings of an average graduate, the impact for the trust in 5 years is mind blowing. This has a potential to easily absorb a 2G scam. Estimated social benefits at 50,000 Crores. • The nodal agency will gain a 10-20% return on year on year expenses which will be ploughed back into other social enterprises of similar nature
Operations plan for next three years • Year 1 • Enrol 5000 Muslims as clients of Tamkeen Solutions • Establish a portal for learning Deen and a platform for application in daily life • Establish a Modern Deeni Madarsa with best of education • Year 2 • Enrol rural poor in SHGs from Nizamabad, Mahboob Nagar, Nellore and Medak districts • Establish model farms at Nizamabad, Nellore and Zaheerabad (Medak) • Year 3 • Expand the model to other states